caseylizbeth Member


  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with granola, a banana, and flax seeds. Coffee with creamer. Lunch: 2 pieces of 12 grain bread, one with chicken, lettuce, and chipotle sauce. The other with avocado, a fried egg, and a piece of bacon. Dinner: Chicken breast with sweet potato casserole and asparagus. Snacks: Mini Larabar, ranch rice…
  • Whatever you feel most comfortable in! At my gym I see women lifting in sweat pants and hoodies, and others in leggings in sports bras. I prefer leggings and a tank top, though I wear a lot of my old t-shirts that I'm too nostalgic to throw away to the gym as well. I also usually have a long sleeved shirt or pullover as…
  • If you're put off by vegetables there's a lot of ways you can sort of sneak them into your daily intake. In smoothies, pureed into sauces, grated into things like meatloaf. There's a whole cookbook about sneaking vegetables into foods called Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld.
  • Oatmeal with flax seeds, blueberries, honey, and a diced medjool date.
  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with flax seeds, honey, blueberries, and a date. Coffee with creamer. Lunch: Veggie french bread pizza. Dinner: Burrito bowl with chicken, refried beans, yellow rice, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, salsa ranch, queso, cheese, and jalapenos. Snacks: Frozen fruit, ranch rice cakes, dark chocolate…
  • Breakfast: Bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich. Coffee with creamer. Lunch: Open-faced turkey sandwhich, rice cakes, and a banana. Dinner: Veggie french bread pizza with caeser salad. Snacks: Chocolate-peanut butter covered frozen banana bites, a medjool date, and a dairy free ice cream bar.
  • I don't go to the gym on the weekends, but I did enjoy a 3 mile hike with my mom.
  • I sent you both a friend request!
  • I live a mostly sedentary lifestyle (outside of my daily gym time) so I try to get up every hour or so during the day and move around a bit. Do some stretching, jumping jacks, walk around my house/yard, do a few body weight exercises, do a few household chores, etc. When the weather is nice I take the dog for a walk around…
  • Hi, Dave! If you're new to fitness and healthy eating my biggest piece of advice would be to take it slow, and remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint.
  • I do something active every single day, but I don't "work out" every day. M/W/F I do some cardio as a warm-up and then some strength training. Tu/Th I do just cardio, and I don't push it if I'm not feeling it. Sometimes it's just a nice, long walk. Generally on weekdays I spend around 60-90 minutes working out. On weekends…
  • 20 minutes on the elliptical, 20 minutes on the stairclimber (I climbed 50 floors!), and then about 30 minutes of strength training, focusing mostly on arms/back/abs.
  • How *not* worth it most junk food or food from restaurants is. The first time I logged my usual Taco Bell order I was flabbergasted, and it's pushed me to be a lot more conscious about what I'm ordering.
  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with granola, strawberries, and a banana. Coffee with creamer. Lunch: Roasted sweet potato cubes tossed in Nashville hot sauce, with ranch. Chicken andouille sausage. Dinner: Egg scramble with bacon, spinach, and cheese. Toast. Snacks: Larabar, cucumber and mini peppers with hummus, frozen fruit,…
  • I sent you a friend request!
  • Breakfast: Bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich. Coffee with creamer. Lunch: California roll and a kiwi. Dinner: Honey chipotle salmon, broccoli, and pumpkin sage ravioli in alfredo sauce. Snacks: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Larabar, apple with caramel-chocolate-pretzel peanut butter, and a bowl of frozen fruit.
  • So, I don't necessarily LOVE exercise. Or rather, all exercises. I love kayaking, skiing, and ice skating, but those are all seasonal activities that I can't do year round. That being said I do some form of exercise every day. I hit the gym 4-5 times a week, and on the days that I don't I go for a walk and do some gentle…
  • I have a Fitbit Versa, and I love it! They can be a little pricey but I would say they are well worth the money. If you're able to I would recommend looking for used ones on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. I got mine on Marketplace, brand new in the box, for half the price of a new one.
  • Hi, I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to say here, but I'm willing to help? What does MFP have your daily calories set at, and how much are you eating?
  • When I'm trying to lose weight I don't do "cheat" meals. Instead, I eat at maintenance for a day. So if I'm usually eating around 1,200 calories a day, but my TDEE is 2,000 calories, I'll try to stick with that. It's great because 1), eating at your maintenance won't mess up your weight loss. All you'll do is MAINTAIN. 2)…
  • All fluids help contribute to your daily water goals, including water found in foods. That being said, my goal is around a gallon of water per day, or around 130 ounces. I feel my best when I'm well hydrated, and it really doesn't seem like that much water when it's spread out over the day. I have a HUGE cup that holds 30…
  • I count all my veggies. First off, all those little calories add up to be a pretty big chunk of my day. Second, I like being able to look over my food logs to see if I'm missing out on any major food groups. If I notice I've been skimping on the vegetables I can add some more into my diet. That being said I don't measure…
  • I love salad for dinner! Actually, I just love salads in general. I like to add fun toppings to mine to keep it interesting.
  • I leave room in my daily calories for sweets. I enjoy having dessert in the evenings, and when I restrict myself from having it I'm more likely to mess up and eat too much of it in the future. Tonight after dinner I had a cookie and it was awesome. Last night I wasn't feeling up for junk, so I enjoyed a fruit smoothie.…
  • Pineapple! I like it fresh, canned, dried, juiced, grilled, however!
  • I used to be a very emotional eater, but I've mostly gotten it under control. When I'm feeling that way, usually when I'm sad or going through a depressive episode, I ask myself a few questions before I eat something. 1) Am I actually hungry? 2) How will whatever I'm about to eat make me feel? 3) Am I going to be upset…
  • I weigh myself once a week, generally on Friday mornings. I feel like when I weigh myself every day I get obsessive about the number.
  • This morning I was tired and just not feeling it, so I walked on the treadmill for an hour while watching a movie. I plan on hitting the gym a little harder tomorrow.
  • The heat stays between 70 and 74 degrees F during the day (depending on how cold I am) and then at night gets bumped down to around 60 degrees F. We all like to sleep with a lot of blankets so we're all cozy at night. The only downside of turning the heat down that far is that when I wake up it's a cold dash to the…
  • No, and I wish my doctor would have. A few years ago I suddenly started getting very sick and wasn't sure why. Visited my GP a few times who ran some tests and told me I was vitamin D deficient, but otherwise I seemed fine. It got so bad that I actually had to quit my job because I was so incredibly weak and was constantly…