What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    Day 39 of EPIC I - full body workout - trisets
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,678 Member
    "Push" Day... DB bench, incline BB bench, decline machine bench, DB front/lateral/rear raises, DB skull-crushers
  • UberAya
    UberAya Posts: 94 Member
    My fav cardio kickboxing video of all time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ3QuchrUNA&t=11s
  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Yesterday ran my first Half-Marathon :) so rested today morning! Evening will go play badminton...
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    50 1/2 Jacks & Skier
    50 PU
    50 SU
    Down n Back BBall Court:
    Butt Kickers
    High Knees
    Build Up Sprints
    Jog a Lap x 2 (150m each lap)
    30 Kbell Around the Waist each side
    30  Kbell Around the Head each side
    30 Sec Work/ Rest
    Hulk Smash/ Box Jumps/ Renegade Row/ KBell Swing/ JR
    Jog a Lap x 2
    30 sec work/ rest
    Row Machine/ Assault Bike/ Frog Burps/ Dbell Sqt Press/ Belt Drive
    Jog a Lap x 2
    30 Sec Work / Rest
    Assault Bike / Rowing / Belt Drive
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,763 Member
    Rowed 6.8k in 3 seat of the quad, on our chilliest day yet, in the thirties F, so not much above freezing.

    There was frost on the dock when we launched. (For those not in cold places: There can be frost on the ground in the morning when the air temp is a bit above freezing. I think it was around 37F/2.7C at that point. Sunrise was 8:12AM, we got there about 8:45.) Between the frosty dock, and recent rains making the bank between boathouse and dock very muddy, it was very slippery for carrying the boat. Four of us carry about that's around 100 pounds, on our shoulders, mostly, two people on each side.

    We're running out of season . . . .
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    I spent about 2 and a half hours hand pulling the roots of a tree out of a flower bed that it had invaded (the tree died a couple of months ago and was cut down). In the process, I found a bunch of medium sized rocks that used to be on the surface as a sort-of mulch. I moved those to a pile. I have no idea how to record this as exercise. I chose Yoga, since I was moving slowly, but definitely using muscles. I'm going to be sore. haha...
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    dethstar77 wrote: »
    Yesterday ran my first Half-Marathon :) so rested today morning! Evening will go play badminton...

    Congrats on the half!!! That's my favorite distance to race.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    Here is an out of focus shot of me from the weekend.


    I didn't do much exercise last night, as I signed up for a ghost walk around my town. It was interesting - there is apparently a friendly ghost on my street. (It' Sergeant Green, who was killed in riots by Canadian soldiers against the police station just after the end of World War 1. The murderer was never charged, due to political considerations, and eventually committed suicide.)

    I did a walk this morning, so got 10,000 steps before breakfast. I should be able to get a climb in this evening.
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    5 mins elliptical
    40 Knee Tucks
    15 Pull-ups
    30 Dbell swing
    15 Dbell Snatch

    Plate Raises 3 x 15
    Mil Press
    Chest Press
    Front Raises
    Rear Delts Wide Grip In Seated
    Close Grip Bench
    Lateral Raises
    Incline Dbell Press
    Plate ROM 3 x 15
    Iso Dbell Chest Press

    40s to Freedom
    Situp/ Rev Crunches/ Jack Knifes/ Crunches/ Hip Lifts/ Cable Crunches/ Choppers/ Obliques
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Gym work with small group and trainer this am. Focus on stability while performing movements, such as curl & press while standing on BOSU ball. Band pulls while on BOSU, dumbbell pull throughs while holding a plank, etc.

  • dethstar77
    dethstar77 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Bootcamp in the morning...
  • princessdimplz
    princessdimplz Posts: 47 Member
    Today, I completed a shoulder workout. Debating if I should get some cardio done later...
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Was going to repeat last week's 4 X 2K on the rower, but middle right finger literally feels broken. Hurt so bad I aborted on 2nd interval. Finished 3 more intervals on LateralX and Assault Bike. Might have to take time off rower to heal it.

    Luckily, I have other options for cardio.
  • caseylizbeth
    caseylizbeth Posts: 112 Member
    This morning I was tired and just not feeling it, so I walked on the treadmill for an hour while watching a movie. I plan on hitting the gym a little harder tomorrow.
  • UberAya
    UberAya Posts: 94 Member
    45 mins on the elliptical - feeling sore from yesterday and totally uninspired.
  • Archcurl
    Archcurl Posts: 239 Member
    30 minutes of legs. Lot of lunges & squats. I'm hoping after a long weekend "off" I can get back into the grind again this week.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,295 Member
    First workout today: 15 minutes of rowing (2991m) before dinner.

    After dinner some strength training:
    3 sets of barbell bench press
    2 sets of landmine deadlifts
    1 set of BW Bulgarian split squats
    2 sets of BW box squats
    2 sets of cable lat pull-downs
    2 sets of cable rows
    2 sets of barbell shoulder press
    And some negative reps to work on someday doing pull-ups
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,763 Member
    Around half an hour of stationary bike, moderate pace, fit in around some other activities.

    Later, functional strength workout 😉: Helped a friend load up many boxes of books (from her sister who's moving due to health issues) in both our vehicles, driving them to a local library that accepts donations for their fund-raiser book sale, unloading into their storage room there.
  • CoffeeNstilettos
    CoffeeNstilettos Posts: 2,593 Member
    I walked 8km this morning