

  • And you can even add the cottage cheese to your tuna salad. It's actually pretty tasty. A nice mayo replacement. And you can always opt for fat free cottage cheese.
  • Burn more calories than you consume. It's the only guaranteed way to lose weight in existence! :smiley: Seriously though...reducing processed foods and trying to consume more plant based whole foods has made it easier for me. Generally there are less calories in those kinds of foods and they help you feel full. Best of…
  • It helps in that it curbs my appetite if I'm feeling hungry. A cup of unsweetened tea instead takes care of the craving and I didn't get any extra calories in the process. It doesn't make me lose weight directly though, so far as I can tell. I do like knowing that I'm getting antioxidants and hopefully protecting against…
  • ^^^This looks great. I love refried beans but usually avoid because the canned are generally high in sodium. Making from scratch seems like a great alternative. Thanks for sharing!
  • ^^^Second that.
    in No meat Comment by phungpat January 2015
  • Yes it does. Processed foods vs whole foods. That's my definition of natural. Granulated sugard is a processed food. I don't juice either by the way not that it matters.
  • The only sugar I monitor in my log is from processed sugar. I don't concern myself with natural sugar from fruit. I'll eat as much fruit as I want as long as I don't go over my calorie goal.
  • The Twinkie diet proved that calorie deficit makes you lose regardless of anything else. You might die in 5 years but you will lose weight.
  • It makes me feel full which is a nice added bonus. I'll drink a glass between meals if I start feeling hungry. I used to drink with dinner but learned that tea can actually block the absorption of some minerals like iron so it's better to drink between meals. That's also why women who are pregnant are recommended not to…
  • Yeah they're not all health ads. :) But I figure since MFP is free they have to make money somehow.
  • Processed granulated sugar is not the real thing though. Sugar from fruit is natural and what your body can process, and offers the most health benefit. That's the way to go...cut the processed sugar and leave the natural. IMO
  • I've had good luck with running 2-3 days a week and then doing a Kettlebell class another 2 days a week. Kettlebells are great for functional strength and for toning...well just about everything! :) Deadlifts are great fro the legs and glutes but make sure you learn from someone who can teach you proper form.
  • I do kettlebells twice a week. Great workout to build functional strength. Make sure you see a certified kettlebell instructor to learn the basics though because if done with improper form it can be very bad for your joints, especially your back. Like crossfit it's a workout that I wouldn't try learning from a video. Form…
  • Totally agree! My wife is originally from Vietnam and made me try it the first time we went to visit her parents. It looks really cool but it doesn't have any taste. Super disappointing. :)
  • Hybridization occurs in a field by cross-breeding plants, and GMO's are made in a lab using gene-splicing. I can't argue if one is safer than the other but they are two separate things and one can occur naturally and the other cannot.
  • Unsalted or lightly salted popcorn?
  • Green tea, extra strong. Makes me feel full after drinking which is an added bonus.
  • Censorship will have to be a thread for another day.
  • Low fat cottage cheese. Creamy, has calcium and lots of protein. I mix in a couple tablespoons with tuna sandwiches. Watch the sodium and sugar content of the brand you buy though.
  • And that's bad right?
  • Undecided here. There aren't enough in depth studies either for or against. I'm reserving judgment until there are more facts. I do agree that there should be transparency though. Consumers have a right to know and make their own choices so labeling should be required for anything containing GMO's. No different than added…
  • Canned tuna mixed with a couple tablespoons of low fat cottage cheese. Add some lettuce or baby spinach and serve on whole grain bread. Sounds a little gross but it's actually quite tasty and the cottage cheese is a nice healthy substitute for mayo. Lot's of protein! Just watch the sugar and sodium content in the cottage…
  • Have you redefined your goals in MFP? Now that your lighter your body actually requires less calories to sustain your new weight, so in order to lose more weight you may have to decrease your calorie intake again to get past this plateau.
  • Great attitude! You have to think of it as a lifestyle change. Something your going to sustain for the rest of your life and not a short term weight loss goal.
  • How do you feel about dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa)? In moderation it's a much healthier alternative to milk chocolate.
  • I had to google overnight oats, hadn't heard of that before. Looks interesting though. Will have to try.