dandl1986 Member


  • Tami, I would love to hike there. What a beautiful spot!
  • it was a fabulous weather day here! Took two walks today, one by myself and one with DH and Bumble. 16880 steps 6.9 miles clocked for today. Feels good to be able to do that again.
  • Hi Michele, Yes, this does mean that Bumble can go into public places such as nursing homes, schools, hospitals, etc to provide comfort. I still need to pass my test and then he will get an official harness and bandana and we will be able to reach out to organizations to see who might like him to come.
  • Hello! Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far. I am trying to reset myself and get back into routines again. I really was hit hard with covid back in February, nothing like hospital sick, but just exhausted. I feel like I slept through the entire Spring. Once eligible I got vaccinated, and again, slept forever.…
  • watching Contagion, because why not, it hit my sarcasm button just right, bahaha
  • Michele: Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-produced molecules that act as substitute antibodies that can restore, enhance or mimic the immune system's attack on cells. Monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 may block the virus that causes COVID-19 from attaching to human cells, making it more difficult for the virus to…
  • So, dd has dropped off our groceries. She took some time to run in the yard with Bumble for which I was grateful. DH completed his antibody treatment and honestly seems worse for it. They said he could have some side effects. Unfortunately, now he wont be allowed to get the vaccine for 3 more months. I have not heard back…
  • DH is on his way to get an antibody infusion. He actually sounds much better since starting his meds. DD is going to the grocery for us so we can stay in. I have broken down and contacted the dr. It is evident I have it. I sound like a barking dog. DS who lives with us, also has a headache and congestion so he probably has…
  • Beth, I am so very sorry to hear about your son. Sending hugs to you and your family.
  • well, I really thought we were going to make it through without incident, but sadly dh found out this morning he is positive for covid. He is a coughing mess. I started coughing last night, so I probably have it now as well. We have been very careful, so we think he must have gotten it at the grocery or drug store although…
  • face to face phone social media I absolutely despise email except for work and even then it is not ideal, too easy to misunderstand the meaning of things on email It has been very nice here the past few days. Yesterday, Bumble was able to get out for a good walk, no dog park due to the excessive mud, he just got groomed…
  • I love Fall! Sweater weather is great for long walks in colorful splendor. Crisp, cool mornings but sunny dry and warm in the afternoons. I feel like it is the calm between racing through summer and prepping for the holidays. I am a big fan of Fall. But I do like living somewhere that has all four seasons as they each…
  • Well, we are back to normal winter in Ohio. The freeze is coming to an end this week, sounds like. Although we are to get .5-1.5 inches of snow overnight and a wintry mix of snow and rain by morning, later in the week we are going back to the 40s and 50s ... downright tropical. Today was weigh in day. I was back up just a…
  • Okay, I am officially over this weather! For the abc challenge (which I totally have sucked at, I promise I would have done better if this were summer): H: Hobby Lobby I wondered around several craft stores yesterday for about 2.5 hours of walking there I: all things ICE...took forever cleaning the ice off my car, like…
  • back to the abc challenge, but so far behind. Today, I am going to give myself G for gliding, lol. When I took bumble for his walk, the bad weather had not started, within 5 minutes of starting the ice had started really coming down, like painful hitting me in the face prickly pain. But we kept going! By the end of the…
  • snowpocolypse has begun :D
  • Barbara: I hope you enjoy the book:) It is definitely a middle grade (3,4,5) book full of the type of sarcasm that group enjoys. I like the fact the princesses are spunky and not "princessy" I also like the friendship that builds between the 4 different Charmings. It is cute. I finished another adult book this morning. THE…
  • Teresa: Do you do regular books or do you do kindle? I am almost exclusively kindle now. I use the Columbus library system to borrow ebooks through kindle unlimited on amazon. It has saved me a fortune on buying books and so convenient. I can find a book at 10 at night. I keep a list of books I am interested in on BookBub,…
  • Heather: My husband and I used au pair services when our children were little. We had one from the time our daughter was about 6 mos old until she went to Kindergarten (my mother who lived with us retired around that time and we no longer needed help). We absolutely loved learning the culture of another country. Although…
  • KJ: that photo is amazing Machka: For me it would be a toss up between 1 and 2. Definitely would not want 4, I am not a city girl Debbie: So sorry for the loss of your fur baby. Barbie: It is so nice to get a good report from the dr Rebecca: Wow that is some impressive legoing and loved the cute photos Pip: Love those…
  • For the abc challenge today, I am on F we went for a walk around a frozen pond and along the forest trail at Sharon Woods MetroPark until we could no longer feel our face. 71 minutes of active time. 3.2 miles walked. 288 calories burned.
  • Kylia: Your Sara sounds like a great dog! It does take a while to be ready for a new one after you lose such a friend. Everyone thinks Bumble is a Great Pyrenees because of his coloring. He also has pretty long legs for a Golden I am noticing. I also hated gym class with a passion. I am totally uncoordinated and was just a…
  • Rori: I was the caregiver for both my mother and grandmother who both stayed at home through their battles with dementia. My grandmother was incredibly sweet throughout. My mother on the other hand was quite a handfull. I did not take care of myself through her illness and am still regretting the changes being a caregiver…
  • Michele: We have him in training to be a therapy dog. He is doing very well. He is definitely a smart boy.
  • Bumble is a golden retriever. His coloring makes him an English Cream. I just love him to death. I have had corgi dogs since I was 16, he is the first breed other than corgi that I have ever had. Due to tripping hazards and some balance issues for me, I felt my little corgi buddies and their need to be underfoot at all…
  • Still a day behind on the abc challenge for February. Today I completed E went walking with Bumble in the evergreens and then took a virtual walk through the Everglades NP. I visited the Everglades when the kiddos were in upper elementary school. We saw a baby alligator on the momma alligator's head. That was pretty cool.…
  • Pip: Congratulations on your new home! I hope you make many wonderful memories there. AND still an inspiration in the daily exercise stats. Flea: It does seem that second shot is a butt kicker! Everyone needs to be aware that even if they don't react much to the first one, the second one seems to get a lot more of a…
  • I am a sappy tv viewer. I do love older sitcoms like MASH and will tune in for a few weeks of those if it is the colonel potter years, not a big fan of the super early ones when Radar was just weird. We do watch Young Sheldon or at least we did before the pandemic. We really have not watched network tv since the new fall…
  • Tracey: Yes, it is Kristin Hannah