

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    edited February 2021
    Heather, we are foodies aren't we? A good fish meal! Tomorrow is using up my blackberries in syrup, and I will put on homemade pancakes, sprinkled with walnuts and maybe some cream. The next day is 2 pieces of fried fish in a small taco sized tortilla, with some homemade cold slaw. I might make a shrimp cocktail as well.
    I have a friend that is drinking meal replacement shakes and has lost 12 lbs. But what fun is that for your taste buds?? Sadly once she eats food it will come back on. The body is a fickle thing.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    ALLIE glad your home

    Thanks Heather I might give it a go have to be on my iPad as not DH cup of tea. We watch a lot of international films and series on Netflix and ALL4

    Kate UK ❤️
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    Rain pouring down. Watching TV. Death In Paradise in a minute. The rain makes a lovely noise on our extension roof Velux window, so we always know when it's raining! Cosy feeling.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    "Death In Paradise", we love that series. 👍. The detective is so out of place in his suit tromping thru the hit climate! But he's so cunning, but bumblesome at the same time!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    Sue in WAOk what am I looking at? A lynx? A cat with a thyroid problem? I bobcat? I am stumped!😁😋😳😂
    Clueless on Whidbey
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    Machka - That is a thing I miss about renting too. They just took care of things. Have you looked at Marie Kondo's way of folding things? That might work for you big drawers. I personally don't have the patience for it, but I would use the big drawers for my pajamas. I have a lot of them because that's what my girls tend to buy me every year for Christmas.

    The Marie Kondo way is how I'm going to handle everything else, but she doesn't seem to talk about huge deep drawers ... or I haven't found it so far.

    My pyjamas might go into one, but I'll have a lot of room left over, I think.

    It is snowing today, my car is covered in the hour since I've been at work. It feels like a soup kind of day. Maybe that's what I'll make for supper soup and grilled cheese. I had the best grilled cheese this summer when camping, my daughter had iron pie makers in her trailer and we used them for grilled cheese. They were so good we ate them for supper two nights in a row. I have not been able to stop thinking about them and grilled cheese at home just hasn't been as enjoyable.

    I should get on with my work day.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    In Australia, when you talk about grilled cheese, they mean heat a slice of bread with a slice of cheese on top in the oven griller. Most ovens come with a griller above the main oven part.

    Australian's don't seem to be familiar with real grilled cheese! When my husband was in hospital, I ended up eating a lot of grilled cheese ... it's a comfort food.

    Julie - Your comment about 70 euro meals reminds me of when we were first married. I grew up eating in actual nice sit down restaurants with my parents and grandparents, there was no fast food type places anywhere near us. When we were first married we lived in Toronto so I was in heaven with all of the quick, easy cheap fast food places and they were my favourite. Anyhow, shortly after we were married Rodger wanted to go out for supper, I replied with "Where? Wendy's, McDonalds... " He said, "Tracey, I meant a real restaurant where we sit down, have a drink and get waited on". I responded with "Ok, but what will I eat?" I still prefer the fast food places to the sit down places. Now it's because I'm cheap though.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    In my first marriage we always ate at fast food places but in this marriage, we don't. I think the last time I went to a fast food burger place might have been in 2018 and only because it was one of the few cafes open near the rehab hospital where my husband was.

    One of the reasons we don't go to fast food places is because there aren't many around. When we travel to northern Tasmania, we'd have to drive some distance to locate a McDonalds!

    The closest we get to fast food is Subway, Zambreros, bakeries or maybe Indian take-away. :)

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,683 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk to dentist, then back to store and then home, back to dentist then home, 4 separate walks,
    9.28min, 13.36min, 8.42min, 8.27min. Total 2.29mi= 270c

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Hello all...

    This food talk is making me hungry and dinner is a few hours away!

    I haven't been to a fast food place in a while. I only go when I am visiting family and with the kids. Sometimes I take the kids, but don't eat. I used to love Jack In The Box grilled sourdough burgers, but they don't have them anymore and I had to give them up about 20 years ago because they started giving me the worst stomach aches. The closest I get to FF now is a food truck and that isn't often. If I go out, I want to sit down, be served, and have someone else clean up after me.

    Yes, grilled cheese is my go-to comfort food. Best with tomato soup for dipping. Mac & cheese is second, but I still haven't figured out how to make that well.

    Allie-Good to know you're home and on the mend.

    TV shows - I wish my mister would watch sitcoms from time to time. Most of the shows he watches are detective shows, doctor shows, dramas...and I hate watching "heavy" things before bed. I always stay awake trying to figure out the mysteries or why that person did this or that. So, he ends up watching TV and I retreat to another room and read or chat with my niece or work. We started watching Agents of Shield together, but they drag a storyline on and on and on and I get bored. None of the characters can be trusted either...so I mostly lost interest.

    I'm writing down your recommendations as I see them and will suggest them to him.

    Rebecca-Lovely photos. You look so happy. I love Athena's wheels too. Low maintenance.

    Kelly - I want to be in your daycare.

    We have had a busy backyard lately. This week we caught 3 raccoons hanging out in the yard together for 30 minutes. I think one of them peed in the fountain. Also rats running around the fountain, and something we have not yet seen in the yard stopped by two nights ago...a coyote. A pretty big one too. Of course the neighborhood cats have been using our yard as a thoroughfare lately. I don't mind. I think they are keeping the rats at bay. I just worry the raccoons or coyotes will find the cats sleeping somewhere and there will be a big fight; likely not a good outcome for the cats.

    Dinner tonight - Chicken in a mustard mascarpone marsala sauce. Not low fat, but gets 5 star reviews.

    Back to work. Thanks for the break!

    Tina in CA

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Worked today so no formal exercise. The plan for tomorrow is to do a spinning downloadable. I need to try this new program before we go to FL, so I want to do the spinning tomorrow

    Barbara – how I wish the gym I go to had aqua Zumba. Actually, I really wish they had any type of aqua classes. But I also know that she’s renting space so it would be real hard to put in a pool. That and the added insurance…. But when she built an addition, I wish she’d put in a pool instead. Many docs recommend aqua classes for back rehab, but she doesn’t agree that it’s worth it. She’s one of these people who “it’s my way”. Well, this is her gym, not a chain

    Rebecca – you can come cook for me any time at all

    Mrs_Hoffer – reminds me of when we lived in the Poconos

    After work stopped at Kohl’s. I got 4 kitchen towels (nice and thick), used my $5 off coupon, and wound up paying 60 cents. After work I got Vince milk which was free. Prices I can live with. Then to Aldi. This lovely lady behind me was going to pay for my groceries. Yes, it was only about $60, but I insisted on paying, there are a lot of others who need the money more than I do. Now that I think of it, what I should have done was pay for my groceries and had her put $$ on a gift card which I would then use to purchase something (even crackers) for the soup kitchen. Only I didn’t think. Stopped at Habitat for Humanity and got two more DVD's, not sure how good they are. Then home. Made sponge and am going to try sourdough waffles tomorrow.

    Allie – (((HUGS TO YOU MY FRIEND))))

    The only Christmas decorations that need to be put away are the trees

    Finished the 1000 pc jigsaw puzzle for my girlfriend. So many times I thought certainly there were pieces missing, but none were. I’ll post a pic as soon as I put the “glue” on it.

    Now to watch a little TV

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,017 Member
    pruned for 1 1/2 hrs. Still a lot more to do but at least it is a start and the weather is perfect for it (note to myself, next time don't do it with my hair down- pruning roses with super long curly hair- NOT a good combination.)

    Husband and son LOVE fast food. I think they would(and sometimes do) pick that over home cooked meals. I am trying to cook a lot more and things they like but they still want Taco Bell or Burger King or.......

    Napa Valley,CA
  • dandl1986
    dandl1986 Posts: 94 Member
    This morning started off so beautifully. We had freezing fog and the ice crystals all over the trees this morning as the sun came up shining was so beautiful. As I drove to the barn I kept telling myself I should pull over and take a few photos of the trees, but I didn't, I sort of regret not stopping to smell the roses as it were. But the morning was cold but spectacular. I drove the 1.5 hours to the barn feeling thankful for the sunshine, the pretty fantasyland of ice crystals, and it was fairly warm. I absolutely enjoyed the time at the barn with my daughter and her trainer, Missy. Charming is making such good progress and seems to be very talented, jut a little small for his age. We really need for him to grow. Came home, had lunch, and headed to the grocery. Such a big job, we stock up when we go to the grocery it is an ordeal. So, spent two hours or so there. Came home and rode my bike. Poor Bumble is sad because he did not get much mom time today. About 6pm the snow started coming down hard and fast again. We are supposed to just rock back and forth between snow and rain all night and tomorrow. I was hoping for rain so the snow already on the ground would melt, but this is turning pretty nasty pretty fast. Have a feeling schools will be closed for the third day this week.

    So, for C:

    I am going with colt, cart, cycle. I get 323 calories for grooming, walking all over the grocery, and riding my bike.

    I currently have heating pad on my shoulder, it is honestly giving me fits. I will NOT have rotator cuff surgery, I just refuse, but I may need to make a dr appt to see if there is some relief he can offer to get me back to the normal level of pain, this has gotten a little intense.

    TV conversation: I started watching Firefly Lane on Netflix last night. I really like it. That book was on my list of books to read, but I just never got around to it. So, glad to see it on tv. Very interested in how it is going.

    What's for dinner conversation: tonight we had Taco salad. It is our standard after grocery shopping dinner. We get a small chili from Wendy's, put together a few tostitos, some mexican cheese, shredded lettuce, sour cream and have a very filling dinner. Putting it together ourselves saves a lot of calories compared to just ordering the Wendy's taco salad itself.

    I really kind of just want to curl up with my heating pad and my book in bed, but too early.
    from super snowy Ohio
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    Michele, woohoo, I am on my way, (mentally, no worries)😁😂😂
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member

    I also may have found something that could work for those deep (down, vertically deep) drawers of mine. But I have to measure the drawers to be sure.

    M in Oz
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,800 Member
    I love how all of you always tell stories about what is different in the different countries. I feel like I’m travelling all the time and I feel I would be very comfortable visiting these places now without worry of starving to death.

    Tina - I found the best macaroni and cheese mix at the store about 6 months ago and we’ve had it at least once a week since. It’s Cracker Barrel White Cheddar. I have tried the other varieties yet. Mac and cheese is my favourite, and I am very fond of just plain old KD.

    I prefer a sitcom too, but I haven’t found many to like lately. I have watched one episode of Call me Kat and it was OK, I’m not anxious to watch the other episodes that have recorded. I do watch The Conners now that Roseanne is gone, but they tend to get a little too political sometimes. It doesn’t upset me a lot as I’m not American but I’m sure they have some haters and fans.

    I try to watch some with music every night. I watch all the contestant type musical shows and usually the dance ones just for the music. I find that has helped me a lot to get out of my own head this past year.

    Michele - I don’t know how you do it every year with the Christmas decorations. It seems you spend half the year working on Christmas.

    Debbie - I would be your husband and son. I just hate cooking so much and would eat out everyday if I could.
    It’s not good for the waist or the wallet though and I’m trying to be much better behaved.

    Dee - Is that Kristin Hannah’s Firefly Lane?

    Hubby and I are going to pick up our eldest tomorrow to take her with us to her Sisters outdoor gathering. It is supposed to be -23 tomorrow night. We have said we would go for a little bit, but probably won’t stay long. Our youngest lives in the country about an hour away. Her sister was not keen on driving out on a cold winters night by herself.

    I’ve worked on my diamond dots tonight. I am enjoying it.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,683 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,621 Member
    So much to say, so many responses, no time left in day! We had slush falling from the sky tonight! That is the only way to explain it. When it hit the truck it sounded like going through a muddy field. More solid than rain, not as solid as hail, and really big blobs of really wet snow. I dont ever remember anything like it before! Rain/snow here tonight too. Cooked diner. Cleaned up dinner (grilled cheese with bacon and tomato). Laundry going. Hot tub (cause I didnt make it this morning) . Now catching those last 1000 steps so I can go to bed after helping husband with online shopping. More to that story later. Thank you for keeping me company!
    Protein 16%
    Water yes
    Hot tub yes
    Steps yes
    Under calories and not hungry a plus!

    Stay safe!

  • dandl1986
    dandl1986 Posts: 94 Member
    Tracey: Yes, it is Kristin Hannah
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    hi all,
    this will be short, I have caught up... I took 4 days of complete vacation, no computer at all, was with a friend of mine and we laughed, drank, cooked great meals, worked on a quilt I am making, and sat in her hot tub fixing the world.... LOL got home and my computer started up and then was dead. The hard drive is dead... an 8 year old laptop that gets tons and tons of use. so a new computer has been ordered and will be here tomorrow...

    I am borrowing my housemates computer as he is now on vacation (we traded off so Levi had someone home with him).

    Allie - so good to see you posting. say yes to every bit of help anyone offers, and slow is the right way to recover.

    Kaylie - happy birthday

    So many things to remember to share
    Scents - I love rain, redwood forests, and my mom's marinara sauce
    Colors (? i think I remember this being asked) purple for clothes, but greens/blues/and earth tones for decorating
    talking over each other - I do this, I really try not to but I do.
    eating in a restaurant - I like the full service style, but am a good enough cook that I want something I won't make at home, fish and chips, calamari rings, breakfast with eggs benedict

    that's it for now.
    Kim in N. California
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Well ladies,im home.. and boy am i wiped out..very very week so will lay low and just walk up and down the hall a few times to get myself up and moving...but first a nap I have 194 messages to check

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,800 Member
    I forgot to mention that my favourite sitcom is Young Sheldon. I have a lot of episodes to watch though as I watch this with my Grandson and he hasn’t been here.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @snowflake1968 I don't mind the fancy places but it's just not worth it to spend so much on a meal out very often, maybe once or 3 times a year at most...if that. I don't eat out a ton, but here you can usually find a place with a decent meal for 15 euros.some for much less, depending on the neighborhood. but my sister takes the cake and manages to find 3 dollar eat outs that are fine.