
:) Where I live, there is a bit more daylight each day and I realize how much I love all the seasons. The first day of the month is a day for me to remind myself of what's important and make plans to do the important things.

:) I love sharing my life online with others who are on the journey to health and fitness.

:) Please keep coming back and sharing your successes and your challenges. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can find it again and sign your post with a name or nickname and a location, specific or general.

:) My word for 2021 is "lighten up" and it has been a great theme for me so far this year.

<3 Barbie from NW WA
The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.



  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Thanks Barbie!

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,393 Member
    Lisa-getting thyroid meds right can be tricky. That little gland does so much. I haven’t had one for nearly 25 years.

    Machka-I was thinking about your hip symptoms (having had both of them replaced, I have a bit of experience). I think the MRI is a good idea. I had a torn labrum repair several years before I needed hips replaced. Ironically, I had pain in what was the good leg from compensation from the bad. With your previous diagnosis of a tear of the labrum, it may be back to haunt you.

    Terri-I love the quote you posted. I follow that most days!

    Julie-I found it better to just let the thesis/dissertation directors have their say and unless it was critically important, go along with them. Needed their approval for my work and after all is said and done, what matters is you get the degree. BTW-I can edit posts in Safari. I am noticing some things, like FaceBook live videos work better in Chrome.

    Kate-nice socks!

    Heather-I understand the tv tax concept you have more than the screen tax! Congrats on vaccine.

    Kylia-looks like I got a bit more snow than you did. I’m north of I-70.

    Allie-good to hear from you.

    Tired tonight from painting doors (upstairs nearly done) and shoveling snow. I like my driveway clear and had 4 or inches. Had to go back out later in the day and clean out the lip from the snowplow.

    Since it is late on the 31st, I will just go ahead and post in the February thread.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,169 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,702 Member
    Protein 25%
    Steps 8681
    Water 56 oz.
    Hot tub- yes
    January 31st day end.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,493 Member
    Did 10 Minute Solution Butt Lift DVD. Work tomorrow so no formal exercise

    Heather – is that cookbook for the IP basic. I mean really basic. Like does it have recipes on how to cook just one thing, not a full dinner

    I have a question for anyone who makes spicy food. I made a chili, only I made it too hot. I’ll eat it, but what can I have that will take away some of the heat. Please don’t suggest yogurt. If I make it, I’d have to keep it for weeks and we’ll be leaving for FL in a bit for a month. I don’t know that yogurt will last that long.

    KJ – when you make the sweet potatoes in your IP, do they come out very mushy? Do you need to peel them first. I love sweet potatoes, but want to have a POTATO, not a lot of mush. I’m sorry for anyone’s state that isn’t organized in getting the vaccine out to people. Here is Catawba County, I was VERY impressed how organized they were. The whole procedure took about 20 minutes, and that includes 15 of which you were supposed to wait to be sure you didn’t have a reaction. Not everyone waited. Tho.

    Debbie VA – I’m also dense and lumpy

    Our private insurance wouldn’t pay for a 3D mammogram but now that I’m on Medicare, they will pay for it. Go figure!

    Debby CA – when you say “it will spew a nasty mess” are you referring to water?

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,174 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did 10 Minute Solution Butt Lift DVD. Work tomorrow so no formal exercise

    Debby CA – when you say “it will spew a nasty mess” are you referring to water?

    Michele NC

    It is the starchy water that will spew out if you do a quick release. It is thicker than plain water and just can make a mess.
    Napa Valley,CA
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member

    Thanks Barbie for the new month.

    Machka, I like your February challenge. I will give it a try and I'll have to be creative because we live in the country and not near businesses and roads. It will be fun.

    Happy February everyone....

    Betsy in NW WA

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,526 Member
    Favourite Smells ...

    Flowers: lilacs and freesias

    Food: coffee and baked goods, also grilled cheese sandwiches and curries

    Others: the ocean, pine trees in the mountains, freshly mowed grass or hay, the smell of autumn leaves especially after a rain. I like a lot of outdoors smells.

    M in Oz
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,735 Member
    Thanks Barbie, for starting February out, on a positive note.💟
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2021
    Thank you for the new thread, Barbie. You are wonderful to set us on our way each month. :heart: Happy February!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Thanks for starting us off Barbie,

    @Workoutahloic50 Sending best thoughts of healing and health to you.

    @Snowflake1968 I was thinking, like heather, that seeing if one can negotiate more quality time together (going for a walk or something) would be reasonable, but it sounds like you had some progress in that level today. I can relate about counters and appliances. I have very very little counter space. out are toaster and electric kettle and that's it. I was toaster-free for decades. The juicer(which I no longer use) is in a drawer and the hand mixer (which I use) in a cabinet.
    ginnytez wrote: »

    Julie-I found it better to just let the thesis/dissertation directors have their say and unless it was critically important, go along with them. Needed their approval for my work and after all is said and done, what matters is you get the degree. BTW-I can edit posts in Safari. I am noticing some things, like FaceBook live videos work better in Chrome.
    Tired tonight from painting doors (upstairs nearly done) and shoveling snow. I like my driveway clear and had 4 or inches. Had to go back out later in the day and clean out the lip from the snowplow.

    @Ginnytez I'm from Boston so shovelling snow was definitely part of my childhood, teens, early adulthood, now it seems so exotic. It's rare here that snow sticks. We can go for years without snow that doesn't melt during the day. I agree about going along. I didn't really agree internally when she was speaking, but I just said, okay really, without issue. Not all the directors are as hierarchically minded these days as she is and its a bummer that she is but that's what I have to deal with.

    @kymarai I love the picture. I had the same issue with needing to have ultrasound with mamo.

    @machka9 "Walk, run, cycle, canoe, swim, exercise ... to somewhere, or at somewhere, starting with each letter of the alphabet." I'm feeling lazy! and my street name, and subway stop name begins with the letter A!

    @dandl1986 great news about the SV (scale victory) and getting your diabetic numbers down. I'm sure you'll get there with steps, as days get longer. I've had clothing issues recently too, just for casual clothes. (nothing to dress up for) Thank goodness I finally found a couple of pairs of coloured stretch jeans. I had 1 pair of ill-fitting jeans to wear for thickish winter-appropriate trousers. It has been so complicated to buy clothes for a year. I've tended to keep clothing purchases to a minimum these past years, and so when things wear out...Glad you were able to get the haircut! some places are better than others in regards to their health measures. That sounds amazing with the horse..All the best for the interview!

    from yesterday's list I did cancel February transfer (yay) but none of the 3 other things I mentioned yesterday. for sure sometimes I think, "it's Sunday evening, I need some time off"
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,016 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    February goals
    (posted yesterday in January thread)
    Don't read if a long list stresses you.

    So far: meditated !
    -Alot at least 4h per day on non-teaching days to working on this on weekdays
    -write 30 good pages
    -rework plan
    -prep for good presentation on March 6 well in advance.
    -get writing corrected and send to teacher in end of February
    -get feedback from someone higher up or more advanced somehow in late February
    -try going to phd students office 1x a week (I usually work in café or elsewhere sometimes, but it's not possible and won't be for several months)
    -Make one article proposal
    -call T about director's letter
    -try to speak to M about director's letter
    -write to D about director's letter
    -send training time request to schools 3 by registered letter if no news by Monday . they asked for quick version by mail and then hedged, once I sent it. If I don't have official signed proof of reception the request is not valid. (time off for thesis in school 3 next fall).
    -look into organising exhibit in usa for teachers in my school (sadly that is often what is done to get in good standing at our school)

    -Look at "in-house" ads I dowloaded and sort which ones are conceivable in view of my profile -Do rough application (CV and other docs) for those my ap is possible for
    -check deadlines for those jobs (in a couple of months I think)
    -If reasonable time investment mprove profile if possible relative to requirements in common months, without excess

    2.Follow up current teaching work

    -Grading done Feb 1
    -All corrections sent by Feb 1 if possible, Feb 5 at latest
    -Write class description Feb 5 at latest
    -contact P about partnership Feb 2-5 (may need a few calls)
    -contract people in charge to find out who is replacing me for time off for writing
    -contact students to let them know who'll be replacing me
    -write to m and m to ask about what they did with their extra hours (so I can have it down)

    Follow up on legal issues related to worker’s rights
    (which can have effect of increase in rate of pay without changing jobs)

    -School B
    Prepare next legal answer in February (many pages) PLANNED FOR MARCH
    15 min 2-3 times a week working on file (ver complex and long)
    -Collective work
    1 meeting in February
    Write agenda
    Update some online documents
    Follow up on which letters have been written and which are to write
    Write rough letter for all petition signers.
    Keep professional but friendly distance with colleagues (especially guys) there is no monkey business but it's more that keeping distance might be helpful in maintaining respectful professional space

    -make sure website is still ok

    just keep going out for walks for coffee and try to go to someplace else to work at least 1x a week (school library or school office)

    -try going to school cafeteria
    -get school cafeteria card activated
    -try lowkey online app thing 1x (see how high my motivation is?lol)

    -aim for 24 BMI by end of month
    -TRACK EATING & CALORIES Current MFP proposal. 1220 cal net per day. Enter activity, not consume it all.
    Aim for 0-2x a week max foods with sugar cane.
    Aim for 5 different types of veggie per day (soup?!)

    -30 min/day walk 6x a week, any pace
    -at least 20 min 2x a week on stationary bike (?), at high HR
    at least 2x 20 min upper body stuff (weights, stretches, twists, etc.), during cycling or not.
    -aim for at least 3x 20 min at upper half of target HR (115-138 BPM)
    -15-60 min/day pottering at home

    Send crown estimate to insurance
    Send them message saying I want them to start in February not January 1

    Get blood test
    Contact haematologist mid February to ask for results
    Go to appointment well prepared w questions and information

    See health insurance.
    Get 2 crowns
    Appointment with osteopath (good when doing dental work I find)

    Get progressive glasses if time

    get blood test

    make appointment(s) and go

    Cancel February transfer MONDAY AT LATEST
    Keep budget, and register expenditures MIMO (money in, money out)
    15 min per day on financial stuff

    Meditate at least 15 min per day 5 days a week
    Aim to be offscreen at least from 1 am to 6 am.

    7. HOME GOAL
    Tidy 15 min per day in 1 area per week
    call expert and make appointment about painting bathroom
    buy (or acquire) 2 plants for balcony

    15 min per day on non-financial paperwork

    *** daily things are meant to be 5-6 days a week!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    one of my goals was not to be online between 1 and 6 am.
    not successful on day 1 of February. wide awake at 2:30. planned to hold out till 4. made it till 3:45.
    meditated. felt quite anxious. work in progress.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,526 Member
    edited February 2021
    one of my goals was not to be online between 1 and 6 am.
    not successful on day 1 of February. wide awake at 2:30. planned to hold out till 4. made it till 3:45.
    meditated. felt quite anxious. work in progress.

    Rather than going online, what about reading a novel?

    I am rarely online between 1 am and 8 am ... and on weekends it's between 1 am and about noon. If I'm awake in that time, I prefer to do something active (laundry, cleaning the bathroom, playing with Rhody, etc.) or something that does not involve the computer or my phone like reading a novel or just lying still with my eyes closed.

    They say that the light from computers, phones and even TVs messes up the melatonin, and so does bright light in general.

    So, at about 10:30 pm, I dim all the lights and usually turn the TV off but I'll keep working on my computer. At midnight, my computer screen goes into night light mode where the light goes from a blue-ish colour to a pink-ish colour. The warmer pink colour is supposed to help prepare the brain to release melatonin. Which reminds me, I actually want to move that up to about 11:30 pm.

    The article below mentions a survey which quite a large number of Australians participated in ... I was one of those Australians and I was one who said that the lockdown improved my sleep. :) It was fantastic to be on my own schedule! There will be more information about the survey published as they process it all but meanwhile, this early article is an interesting read ...

    How your internal body clock affects sleep quality each night

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,526 Member
    teklawa1 wrote: »
    Thanks Barbie for the new month.

    Machka, I like your February challenge. I will give it a try and I'll have to be creative because we live in the country and not near businesses and roads. It will be fun.

    Happy February everyone....

    Betsy in NW WA

    Excellent!! :)
    @machka9 "Walk, run, cycle, canoe, swim, exercise ... to somewhere, or at somewhere, starting with each letter of the alphabet." I'm feeling lazy! and my street name, and subway stop name begins with the letter A!

    That's the thing about an alphabet challenge. :) Some letters will be really easy ... others not so much.

    R will be an easy one for me ... I catch my bus on a street that starts with R and I walk there and home from there 5 days a week.

    M in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,600 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: take BP, livestream church, fire district c-19 grant reconciliation and agenda response.
    Bonus: Joe took the dogs and me to Crissy Field. Mild despite the rain.
    Get to do: take BP, dogs to powerline, fire district: retrieve voicemails, forward to HD masking number, unlock, grantwork prep for Monday pm, J & Credit union re: credit card, debit card pin, ask for boots donator contact info, appreciation letter or certificate to boots donator, research effective conflict resolution, index mutual aid files; call S, call C, call R, FM Cu, watch STAS Day 20, make experimental almond paste, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (Pure Movies to Wine, Beer, Whiskey, Sleeping with the Devil, I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat), A Little Less Broken, One Margarita, I’m so used to being broke, All Night, Nothing but You, Blame it on my beating heart, Homesick); finish mulching flowerbed; broadcast cover crop seed in veg garden areas, invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant naked lady bulbs, and soon as it warms up above 50 and dries out below 60% humidity I’ll tape and spray paint those rusted areas of Aunt Elsie’s stove. Reconcile Joe’s EOB’s Thrivent shows only 2263.48 so far, next BGBS ask Terry about GB’s FD firetruck tax levy – contacts, media, advocate???, call Wild Rivers (541 247 3514) for dog wash/nail trim appointments.
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan next year’s garden, wishlist replenishments,
    Happier January:
    31: Write down your hopes and plans for the future. I hope to be kinder. I plan to be stronger by doing BB&B and SWSY at home. Two weeks after Joe gets the second vaccine I’ll return to T’ai Chi, Line Dancing and in person church. Something to look forward to.
    Thanks Barbie!

    Belated Happy Birthday Sue in WA!
    KJ: Favorite scents: baby puppy milk breath, cloroxed laundry, baking cookies, sauteeing garlic, Christmas trees.
    Kylia :love: the cherry almond scented Jergens, reminds me of the samples the Fuller Brush man used to hand out. Mama always passed them on to me.
    Julie “. . .more high and fast when I'm stressed. . .” ditto.
    Dee safe travels. Know you’ll knock ‘em dead!
    Tracey ((hugs))
    Debbie in Napa Valley would you share a pic of your airfryer? Can you use it for everything for which you used the toaster oven?
    Michele dairy helps cool hot chili. Sour cream, cheese. Boiled potatoes might help too. If you can fish out any of the chili peppers’ seeds or whitestuff that’s where the really hot stuff lies.

    January Summary and February Plan
    Yay: average steps, CI <250 CO, log, mfp, dogs, outside, up hill, pack walks, cleaning, grant work, board meetings
    not bad: Sitting with Joe, vits, CICO,
    I can do better: AF, BB&B, SWSY, T'ai Chi, dancing, 21 planning all need improvement.
    Daily: sit next to Joe for at least a little while, weigh/wii, more steps than Jan average, vits, log, CI<CO, CI <250 CO, 5 mins training or grooming Tumble or Shadow, check in mfp, get outside, walk up hill.
    Weekly cleaning 2x half hour, BB&B, TC or SWSY x 3, dance x 2, pack walk x 2, Rx and review 21 plan.
    Monthly: board and council meetings, grant progress.
    Bonus: AF: , play: , sew something: .

    Since Feb is a short month measuring today.
    daily: sit with Joe: 94%/97%, steps=average: 5627 vs 5592 step days:61%/68%, vits= 94%/100% log=100%/100% CI<CO= 90%/97% CI<250<CO= 74%68% Tumble 5/10= 87%/87% Shadow 5/10= 90%/87% mfp=100%/100% AF= 58%/61% outside= 90%/65%, up hill=81%/65% cleaning 355%/170%
    wkly: BBBorTC x3= 22% /0%, dance=22%/0% walk with T or Joe and the dogs instead of pack walk x2=67%/100%, rx=80%/100% review progress on 21 goals: bupkes/.
    monthly: board mtg=100%/100% grant= 31
    Jan 31: 141.3 Jan 1: 145.3 Dec 1:143.3 Jan 1 2020: 142.3 down 1 lb since Jan 1 last year. Could the needle finally be moving?
    Waist:42.5 unchanged from Jan 1.

    February resolve- maintain or improve January’s most important: Joe, steps, dogs, strength, dancing.
    Daily: sit next to Joe for at least a little while, weigh, more steps than Jan average, vits, log, CI<CO, CI <250 CO, 5 mins training or grooming Tumble or Shadow, check in mfp, get outside, walk up hill.
    Weekly cleaning 2x half hour, BB&B, TC or SWSY x 3, dance x 2, rX and review 21 plan.
    Monthly: board and council meetings, grant progress.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    February: leaner/stronger/kinder than January.
    daily: sit with Joe: 28, weigh/wii: 30/12/44 steps>5592=7591 yesterday 3963 today vits=28 log=30 CI<CO=27 CI<250<CO=23 Tumble 5=25 Shadow 5=26 mfp=29 outside=26 up hill=23
    wkly: BB&B,T’ai Chi or SWSY x3 =2 rx=4 dance=4 clean 60 mins=16.75 packwalk=5, wt=1/3:144.2, 1/10: 142. 1/17: 142.4 1/24: 140!!! 1/31: 141.3
    mnthly: board mtg=1 , grant=3 , 21 plan= bonus: AF=18 play=25 sew=1 waist=42.5
    2021: choose to be leaner/stronger/kinder NOW

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    one of my goals was not to be online between 1 and 6 am.
    not successful on day 1 of February. wide awake at 2:30. planned to hold out till 4. made it till 3:45.
    meditated. felt quite anxious. work in progress.

    Rather than going online, what about reading a novel?

    I am rarely online between 1 am and 8 am ... and on weekends it's between 1 am and about noon. If I'm awake in that time, I prefer to do something active (laundry, cleaning the bathroom, playing with Rhody, etc.) or something that does not involve the computer or my phone like reading a novel or just lying still with my eyes closed.

    They say that the light from computers, phones and even TVs messes up the melatonin, and so does bright light in general.

    So, at about 10:30 pm, I dim all the lights and usually turn the TV off but I'll keep working on my computer. At midnight, my computer screen goes into night light mode where the light goes from a blue-ish colour to a pink-ish colour. The warmer pink colour is supposed to help prepare the brain to release melatonin. Which reminds me, I actually want to move that up to about 11:30 pm.

    The article below mentions a survey which quite a large number of Australians participated in ... I was one of those Australians and I was one who said that the lockdown improved my sleep. :) It was fantastic to be on my own schedule! There will be more information about the survey published as they process it all but meanwhile, this early article is an interesting read ...

    How your internal body clock affects sleep quality each night

    M in Oz

    for comfy reading, I actually need to get progressive glasses. I can still read but it's less comfortable. I am one of the sizeable minority who got nearsighted first at around 40 (or in 40s) rather than farsighted. That somehow canceled out need for reading glasses for a good decade but now I need them.here they have 1h glasses place w really cheap glasses, but not for progressives. with the pandemic and semester I've been slow to get things done. plus I was torn between going to the local place nearby with 1 year guarantee and less extras and the chain place with 2-year guarantee with more extras. I should probably double check now that I have improved complementary health insurance coverage as of this month.

    I thought of getting up do do something but was not highly motivated. running water is iffy cause it's a building where neighbours will hear water running, so it's not too kind at 2:30. laundry is a no-no, and I'm pretty sure doing laundry in middle of night (due to the noise) is not allowed in the middle of the night. (too many decibels going to neighbouring apartment I think). I did think of the recumbant but I think it makes a soft whir, and would probably really wake me up.

    I totally agree with all you wrote. I'm finding it challenging, but I can keep working on it.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,526 Member
    I was nearsighted from the time I was about 10 years old. As I have gotten older, my eyesight has actually improved ... sort of.

    I can now read without my glasses and hold the book about a foot away from my face rather than right up close. In fact, it's easier to read without my glasses.

    I got progressives two or three years ago ... two sets. One gives me distance down to about arm's length away, the other pair are desk glasses and they give me about arm's length away to fairly close. I wear the first pair for cycling and driving and the second pair most of the rest of the time.

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,914 Member
    Barbie: Thanks once again for setting up the February thread.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,914 Member
    @barbiecat Thanks for setting up the February thread.
    Penny: I use walking videos when I can't get outside. Mind you, I don't have to deal with the kind of weather that you have in the far north. We had one day of snow which quickly disappeared.

    Life has achieved a kind of equilibrium for now. I am taking joy in simple pleasures, counting my blessing, and continuing with positive steps to optimise health and fitness.

    Daily Aims for 2021: Jan Update - I weigh less at the end of January than I did at the beginning, so I am happy with progress. Concentrating on maintaining, so keeping these aims for now.
    • Pre-log every lick, sip and bite
    • Stay under goal
    • Balance macros/micros
    • Hydrate adequately
    • Choose healthy snacks
    • 7500+ Steps
    • Intentional exercise > 50 minutes
    • Practice self-care
    • Stay up to date with accounts
    • Mindfulness Practice/meditation
    • Learn something new
    2019 Goal Weight: < 155 achieved
    2020 Goal Weight: < 150 ✅ Achieved in Feb 2020. Maintained since then.
    2021 Goal weight: < 145
    1 Feb: 144.2

    ☘️ Terri
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,914 Member
    edited February 2021
    February Alphabet Challenge:

    1. Aerobic Dance video: https://youtu.be/yN3GgCUmmXw
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I am awake at 2am listening to the rain. It is nice to be snug and warm inside.🌨☔️🌨☔️
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,841 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, my friends, and thank you, Barbie, for centering us once more into our own process and progress. I depend on it, and read daily, whether I post or not.

    My goals for January were to be lighter, be healthier, and stick to a budget. The first two were a bust. I'm a pound heavier and in the middle of round 4 of antibiotics for the SIBO. Did keep us to budget, however.

    My goals for February are to be lighter, be healthier and stick to a budget. Surprise!

    My words for the year are "still" and "no," and can be used together or separately. "Still" is passive, to me:
    • noun: quiet, peace
    • adjective: undisturbed, calm, tranquil
    • verb: quieten, moderate, compose
    • adverb/conjunction: nevertheless

    "No," on the other hand is an active negation. No, I will not have that next bite of cake. No, I will not let you take advantage of me. (Not y'all, by the way, but other people.) No, I will not let another person tell me how I feel. My choice, my construction.

    Ahh... The man is about to head for his workday, and I can start mine, playing with my Instant Pot to make yogurt this morning. When I try any recipe, I make it to the instructions first, then start playing with it.

    Happy February,
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    HAPPY FEBRUARY! Wishing all a safe, productive, and happy month! :)

    I love the photo of you and your granddaughter! So many have commented that you can't see a person's facial expression while wearing the mask, but, I can see smiles in both of your eyes.

    Carol in Georgia