

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Used the stairstepper, then used that hydro massage chair for the last time. Cancelled the membership to the one gym and took it out at the other one. First went to Aldi. This new gym is only something like $5 more. They have something that I’m going to try, it’s this thing where you can do virtual workouts. I think I’ll give that a try. Maybe I’ll see about a weights workout tomorrow but as a backup I’ll bring my tablet with me and search for a uTube video

    After the other gym and Aldi, came back to the condo, put away the groceries, made some “pops” and then went to lay by the pool then into the pool. When I got out, it was very breezy. At least it wasn’t raining, tho

    Barbara – glad to hear you’re feeling better. Thanks for the reminder that this Wed. is Ash Wed.

    Lisa – Jess was saying last night that Iowa State cancelled their classes. They can’t get the busses started in this cold. Really hope you don’t have covid

    Mrs_Hoffer – lol Puxatawney Phil being wrong

    Dee – I just put a hold on that book. Thanks for the recommendation

    At first I absolutely hated this pandemic. The stay-at-home was real murder for me. In a way, tho, now I don’t mind it as much. Fewer social engagements, and what we have are small groups. There are some things I miss. For one, my water aerobics class. Going to church, but I will probably go since I’ve had my vaccination once we get back. I miss going to the Green Room and Hickory Community Theater. I like live theater, but am finding that the virtual theater has its good points

    Allie – I do hope you’re feeling better real soon. Thanks so much for popping in

    Michele FL for now
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,683 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 22min 36sec, 3.42ap, 89ahr, 143mhr, 182elev, 8.14mi= 734c
    Strava app = 986c
    Other- work on home, 25.55min= 128c
    Other- work on home, 50.13min= 228c
    Other- more of the same, 45.09min= 222c

    Total cal 1312
  • dandl1986
    dandl1986 Posts: 94 Member
    back to the abc challenge, but so far behind. Today, I am going to give myself G for gliding, lol. When I took bumble for his walk, the bad weather had not started, within 5 minutes of starting the ice had started really coming down, like painful hitting me in the face prickly pain. But we kept going! By the end of the walk the ice had really begun accumulating to the point i was not so much walking as cross country skiing without the skis, so gliding along the trail. I got credit for 2.8 miles for the session. Bumble experimented with wearing his new winter boots. Gotta say we were not the most graceful looking threesome, him looking like a prancing deer, me refusing to take my feet off the pavement, and DH with his bum knee bringing up the rear. What a group!

    Well, the ice is still falling, that is 5.5 hours of sleet/ice and we still have power, that in itself is a tiny miracle so grateful we are not also getting all the subzero temperatures or wind so far. Daughter in Toledo is expecting 8-12 inches of snow and says the workers coming in for third shift are having a lot of trouble getting to the hospital even on the freeways. I worry that she does not get off for another hour. Hate this shift she works. Boy, I am so ready for February to come to an end.

    How I am feeling about the pandemic? I really haven't noticed too much of a change. I have not been working for about 3 years, so did not impact me that way. My husband was working from home for a few days a week, but now is home every day which I like. He makes me breakfast:) We have never been a very outgoing couple so we dont really socialize outside of family much. i do miss time with my kiddos so much. I want that time back! I also love to travel and having no hope of going anywhere is getting so old. I miss movies and restaurants and plays and horse shows. So, I really would like it to be over asap.

    Carol: I was so impressed with your granddaughter's painting! She is very talented.

    Still have power in Ohio, woohoo
  • zaknjakesmum
    zaknjakesmum Posts: 73 Member
    234 / 201.2 / 140 I'm SO close to onederland I can taste it! I haven't been there in probably 35 years! And I'm *only* 49! lol
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    Alphabet Challenge

    Yesterday was O


    Today is P ... Patrick St to Parliament over to Princes Pier plus a few other Piers.


    Machka in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :)Allie, when I injured my back a few years ago and had to stay in bed most of the day, I didn't worry about when I slept and when I didn't. I had a book by my bed, a book to read on my phone an audiobook to listen to and podcasts to listen to. I slept when I slept and when I was awake I read or listened. The only real reason to sleep at night and be awake during the day is if you have to go to work or take care of kids or pets, and right now you don't have to do any of that.

    :) The pandemic has been no hardship on me. My neighborhood is perfect for walking, I have great stuff to read and listen to, and I've learned a lot about what is essential in my life. I go out of my neighborhood by car no more that twice a week. Other than doctor, dentist, post office or grocery shopping I go nowhere. In November we started curbside pickup at both the grocery store and pharmacy. Our last visit to Costco was in November and we may go again next month.

    :) After two days of snow, and one day of icy streets, we are back to warmer weather and drizzle.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    For those of us who Zoom with family, friends, work colleagues, etc. etc. ... :lol::smiley:


    Machka in Oz
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,017 Member
    Beth - thank you for the advice. I am doing some better today. My hip is not in pain anymore, it is just my lower back. I don’t know how to spell it but my sacaralic joint is about 3 inches from my hip joint which should be about 1 inch. My pelvis is out of neutral position and we need to get the pain and inflammation under control before a lot can be fixed. It is better today after not doing anything yesterday that she told me not to do.

    I am prefacing this with my husband has the greatest respect for women and just has a funny sense of humour.

    I have done all the housework since we were married, very rarely has Rodger been expected to do anything. I did this, it’s not that he is incapable or unwilling but I thought that’s how it should be as that’s how I was raised. Mom did the inside Dad did the outside. My Grandparents, Aunts, etc were all the same except one Aunt and Uncle we visited only once a year or so. He did the dishes every night with his children while she had a cup of tea.

    Anyway, I said to Rodger this morning that the dishwasher needed to be ran through. I did not specify that it needed to be unloaded and loaded too. (You would think the sink full of dishes would have been his first clue on that but I digress) After we had breakfast he went to unload and load the dishwasher, he started and all of a sudden out of the kitchen I hear him say “oh *kitten* I forgot to put my skirt on before doing this”. I just laughed, He is only joking and I think he’s realizing how much I do.

    I am the same way when it comes to me doing all the inside chores from the very beginning. He was working outside of the house full time. He did some of the stuff outside(I did the lawn at least half the time because I liked it- it is a chore for him)Then after he retired(well, semi-retired, took six months off then went back part time). I worked at home doing daycare so I did everything and he also assumed I would do it all beings I was at home. It was hard at first to be ok with him doing some things- he does them but wants to be acknowledged every time. I am working on it. The dishes are not done like I would(not always as clean as I would like and some get rewashed but at least he is helping. He also doesn't rinse his dishes- used to drive me crazy- now, they get left in the sink- the sign above the sink is simple "You don't rinse, I don't wash". No more getting mad at him- just let it go.
    He does always do all the vacuuming- he is obsessed with it, vacuuming at least two to three times a day , all times of the day/night even when people(ME) are in bed,and has them all over the house. He also cleans the bathrooms now.

    Napa Valley
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,017 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Interesting read, I’m 62 right now and expect to work full time, like I am now - which is 5-18 hours of paid gardening a week and 30-50 hours of embroidery a week until I am 70. In the states there is a government retirement program “Social Security” which reaches it’s maximum payment when you turn 70, and at that age allows you to continue to work without limits. For me “full retirement” is 66 and 8 months, but if I work until 70 that will add an additional $600 a month to my take home, seems like a good deal for 3 years and 4 months more. I also have private retirement money. I am hoping to drop all or most of my gardening clients at that point, and just do my own yard and some volunteer gardening, possibly selling the embroidery business and convert to a smaller machine and keep my friend clients and do stuff for myself. I am also hoping to be able to move then, I would like to be in a better floor plan in a quieter community, at that point possibly open an AirB&B. Looking at my families life spans and my current health – I figure I will need to provide for myself until I am at least 100, and with no kids I will need to pay for any help I would need as the USA’s senior health insurance is lacking in supportive “care” help.

    As a result of those financial decisions I keep pretty busy and evenings are when I see friends, do activities (limited due to pandemic) But I also smiled at the TV time, I last thing I watched was a Christmas special that was recommended, and I can’t remember the time before that I turned the TV on…I don’t stream anything either… I embroider, do paper work, read, or end up on a zoom call.

    Yesterday I planted seeds in my green house, just the ones that need an early start, this is the first year in 5 years that I am planting just for me, when I was planting for camp the quantities were so huge. Yesterday I put in 8 basil, 10 eggplant (5 long and 5 globe -black beauty) 5 cilantro, 10 red bell pepper, 10 orange bell pepper, and 15 cherry tomato, 5 sauce tomatoes, and 10 slicer tomatoes of different sizes and colors. All in less space then I planted Basil last year. A few weeks ago I planted right into the garden snow peas (mange in Britain – I think) and they are about 3 inches tall so exciting! There should be a break in the rain late in the week and I’ll put in another row of snow peas so I have a longer picking time.

    Here’s good wishes to all dealing with so much snow and ice!

    Smiles Kim, in Northern California

    I will be going up to spend a long weekend with my mom so we can get the greenhouses started. We will be planting an acre in garden again this year. I am really hoping her neighbors come down and help when it is time to plant- they have all said they want to help and hope it isn't just talk.
    It will be strange planting and not having dad there helping but will be great to spend time there with her. The last time I was there was when dad died and we all had Covid.
    Because it has been pretty mild, temp wise here, I still have at least one pepper and two eggplant plants growing in the garden from last summer. I think there are a couple volunteer tomatoes still going too. I need to weed everything to see exactly what is still growing.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Beth - thank you for the advice. I am doing some better today. My hip is not in pain anymore, it is just my lower back. I don’t know how to spell it but my sacaralic joint is about 3 inches from my hip joint which should be about 1 inch. My pelvis is out of neutral position and we need to get the pain and inflammation under control before a lot can be fixed. It is better today after not doing anything yesterday that she told me not to do.

    I am prefacing this with my husband has the greatest respect for women and just has a funny sense of humour.

    I have done all the housework since we were married, very rarely has Rodger been expected to do anything. I did this, it’s not that he is incapable or unwilling but I thought that’s how it should be as that’s how I was raised. Mom did the inside Dad did the outside. My Grandparents, Aunts, etc were all the same except one Aunt and Uncle we visited only once a year or so. He did the dishes every night with his children while she had a cup of tea.

    Anyway, I said to Rodger this morning that the dishwasher needed to be ran through. I did not specify that it needed to be unloaded and loaded too. (You would think the sink full of dishes would have been his first clue on that but I digress) After we had breakfast he went to unload and load the dishwasher, he started and all of a sudden out of the kitchen I hear him say “oh *kitten* I forgot to put my skirt on before doing this”. I just laughed, He is only joking and I think he’s realizing how much I do.

    I am the same way when it comes to me doing all the inside chores from the very beginning. He was working outside of the house full time. He did some of the stuff outside(I did the lawn at least half the time because I liked it- it is a chore for him)Then after he retired(well, semi-retired, took six months off then went back part time). I worked at home doing daycare so I did everything and he also assumed I would do it all beings I was at home. It was hard at first to be ok with him doing some things- he does them but wants to be acknowledged every time. I am working on it. The dishes are not done like I would(not always as clean as I would like and some get rewashed but at least he is helping. He also doesn't rinse his dishes- used to drive me crazy- now, they get left in the sink- the sign above the sink is simple "You don't rinse, I don't wash". No more getting mad at him- just let it go.
    He does always do all the vacuuming- he is obsessed with it, vacuuming at least two to three times a day , all times of the day/night even when people(ME) are in bed,and has them all over the house. He also cleans the bathrooms now.

    Napa Valley

    My husband and I were both married before, and divorced, and we both lived on our own for quite a while before marrying. So we are both capable of taking care of the house.

    Before his accident, he did the outside stuff, the rubbish, the toilet, his laundry and he cooked dinner.

    Since his accident he is at home so he does pretty much everything except he's not fond of vacuuming so I usually end up doing that. And I do my own laundry. We're each picky about the way we do our laundry.

    Oh, he doesn't touch my areas - my part of the dressing room, the dining room area that I've turned into an office, etc. ... and I don't touch his areas - his part of the dressing room, the living room area where he spreads out whatever he's working on , etc. That's because we know where our stuff is and if someone else comes along and moves it, we'll be upset because we'll have to waste time looking for it.

    My first husband wanted me to do all the inside stuff and he would take care of the outside stuff.
    We lived in an apartment. There was no outside stuff. :neutral:
    That didn't fly with me. :angry:

    M in Oz
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    I'm mad at myself for burning a grilled cheese sandwich that was for my dad. I should know better than that! He ate it anyway.

    Annie in Delaware

    My husband asked for chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese sandwich for supper since he had his second Covid shot today and wanted something light. We had the soup in the freezer. He had two pieces of bread, that's all - the first side was beautiful and golden brown, the second side - yep, I burnt it. He ate it, too, but I was so disappointed. I would have eaten it and made him another, but he had no more bread.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,577 Member
    Still here! We are out of power/internet at the house. (Crazy ice storm Friday night -- our power went out at about 1:30 a.m. Saturday morning) At a hotel tonight. Hubby still has to work, so his company paid for a hotel for the week so he will be able to work remotely. I am taking advantage of real lights, a hot bath, wifi, and power! Woohoo! No ETA on when we will have power at the house. We have a generator running to keep the fridge live.

    Miss everyone.

    In the dark in the Willamette Valley.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,800 Member
    Rebecca - love all the pictures.

    Heather - I have enjoyed some parts of the pandemic. I think it has brought Rodger and I closer. I also think it has helped my eldest have the time she needed to make some serious changes that I think will help their family the rest of their lives.

    Vicki - I hope you find some relief soon, my doctor told me not to try a chiropractor that I needed physio for what is actually wrong with mine a chiro couldn’t fix.

    Kim - I really expect to be working until I’m 70 too. Financially I don’t think I could do it sooner and mentally I don’t think I’ll handle retirement well.

    Annie - I cannot cook a grilled cheese on the stove without burning it. I can only make them on an electric griddle. It’s sort of a joke in my family that I can’t.

    Debbie - Rodger worked nights a lot for our first year and a half of marriage, then he started driving truck for 6 years. I handled everything and it’s something that’s just continued. He will do anything I ask and sometimes I will just mention an idea and a few days later he’ll have come up with a way to build or make it for me. Our big project when it warms up is a new bed, with drawers underneath.

    I almost finished my diamond dot today and I’m in less pain right now than I have been in weeks. I hope this is a good sign.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    I was energetic up till 2018 (51 years old). And then I got old. :/

    Lunch: I run errands or walk and can cover up to 6 km in my hour. Today I probably only walked 1 km because I had the Dr appointment.

    Gym: I use the equipment later in the evening only occasionally because it means going around outside in the dark to the basement area. But I have started doing about 15 minutes of weights upstairs.

    M in Oz

    That's when your DH had his accident right? and also you were in uni. That's massive.

    Would it be reasonable to have one of your machines upstairs so you don't have to go outside ? I have a 2-room place, and so i have a "little" "folding" recumbent in a corner of the living-dining area. It's next to a file cabinet so i can put the laptop on the file cabinet and easily watch videos.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited February 2021
    @Mrs_Hoffer I find hammocks so comfortble. i dont spend eons but a bit. i actually have a friend who, at age 50+, after trips to the amazon, tossed her bed and put a hammock in her bedroom.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Allie (((hugs)))