
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,599 Member
    Our Zoom went well. All vaccinated now. :D

    Having rabbit tonight. On the tray from the butcher it said "French Rabbit". .... :o I'm not expecting it to speak French. Cooking it in cider. Going to stir in some grainy mustard at the end. Having it with cabbage. There will be enough left for a lunch soup tomorrow.
    Haven't had rabbit for a few years. It's something we always used to buy in France and I did cook it at my last house occasionally. Mustn't tell Edie. Her comforter is a rabbit and it's kind of her talisman animal, with pictures, clothes etc. Max's is an elephant and Bea's is a monkey, so we won't be eating theirs. :o:D

    Did 365 bonus calories today watching Call My Agent. :p Total 965.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rita: I’m happy that you’re still here! :flowerforyou:

    Tracey: I hope you feel better soon. :heart:

    Sue in TX: It is good to see you posting. :star:

    M in Oz: Vitamin D3 is very helpful for me. I’ve heard it called the “sunshine vitamin.” I take it every day, spring, summer, fall & winter. I was born in July and have been told that people with summer birthdays often have seasonal affective disorder in the winter. I suppose that people in OZ have SAD in the opposite months from me. :ohwell:

    Viv: We saw more than the usual number of dog walkers during the summer and fall, but not as many since winter began. March 20 will be the first day of spring here. I look forward to it for the longer days, additional Vitamin D3, and the opportunity to get some outdoor exercise. :smiley:

    Heather: I was surprised that many people bought dogs during the lockdown, but thinking about it, I know how valuable the companionship of a pet can be. We value the companionship of our dog. Cats are also good companions for many people. Most of the people we know with cats have exclusively indoor cats. :flowerforyou: RE: vaccinations—We are both over 70 and do not get to have vaccinations until the end of the month. :grumble:

    Kylia: It looks like you live in a winter wonderland. Beautiful! :star:

    Allie: It is wonderful to see your post. Walking is excellent exercise. :heart:

    Pip: Do you have a time estimate for move in? :huh:

    We don’t have very much on our agenda today. The dog Is ready for me to pick him up from the groomer. Have a great day

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,599 Member
    edited February 2021
    Katla - Indoor cats are not much of a thing here. We have no real predators. Foxes don't seem to attack cats. They might come off worst! My friend Ros had an indoor cat for a while and trained him to use a special seat on the toilet, but she ended up feeling it was unfair and gave him away to a good home. She lived in Central London.
    Cats roam around the neighbourhood here and they are all fat. :o We also have foxes. I have seen the remains of pigeons on the grass, but no cats.
    I really hope you get your vaccine soon. <3

    Rabbit stew was delicious. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We have been told we will get a call on 2/22 or 2/23 to set up an appointment for our Covid vaccinations. I am not confident that the vaccine will be there & unhappy about how this is being handled. :'(
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,690 Member
    Pip, I would take the rocks too!👍🙃😁
    Congrats on the better digs!
    Displaced Oregonian, missing California, but up in Washington.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,866 Member
    Tracey--I love the sounds of that school. It sounds like they are learning lift skills and there is not alot of that in schools here anymore.

    I am suprised about giving the shots to people who have had Covid. Several people here that got the shot after having Covid have passed away. I was tested and I have the antibodies so at this time I am not getting the shot.

    Allie--Baby steps, you have been though a lot and need time and lots of rest.

    Michele--I have been getting them and just deleted them. I was wondering what is going on, the pictures are terrible.

    KJ--Great news about your license. You have worked long and hard for that. Glad the cabinet is hung, wonder if the shelves above the window will take as long or if they have learned it is just easier to get it done.

    RVRita--Sending lots of hugs. I understand as the 10 months I was covered in hives last month, I went to every doctor they sent me to. Had blood tests done, scopes, biopsy and every other test they could come up with. Finally a doctor put me on steriods for 30 days twice in a row and they have gone away and not come back since last Oct. Pray you feel better soon.

    Margaret--So happy you got things scheduled for closer to home and for both of you.

    Well it is a little warmer today, 3degrees but talking about snow tonight and the weekend. We already have over 10 inches. Monday night the roof of the skating rink fell in here in town. That place as been there since I was in grade school. They are not sure if they are going to rebuild. So sad as I remember going there and my first husband and I spent a lot of time there when dating. Both my boys and several grand children have had birthday parties there.

    Well take care and stay safe.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,141 Member
    Katla - Indoor cats are not much of a thing here. We have no real predators. Foxes don't seem to attack cats. They might come off worst! My friend Ros had an indoor cat for a while and trained him to use a special seat on the toilet, but she ended up feeling it was unfair and gave him away to a good home. She lived in Central London.
    Cats roam around the neighbourhood here and they are all fat. :o We also have foxes. I have seen the remains of pigeons on the grass, but no cats.
    I really hope you get your vaccine soon. <3

    Rabbit stew was delicious. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    The biggest reason we have indoor only cats(only one of the seven gets to go out and only during the day) is because of all the cars, too many get hit and killed by cars plus we have a neighbor who has threatened to trap and take our one cat that does get to go outside plus the one that used to be outside/feral only for many years, take them to the shelter to get rid of them. He knows they are ours but doesnt like cats in his perfect yard. When he did that, we caught the feral momma cat(mom to two of our indoor cats) and brought her inside only. We have a catio built off our bedroom window so they can be outside but safe. Once in a while they do try to sneak out the door but don't want them out and maybe not come home.

    Napa Valley,Ca
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,988 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Only 2h on writing today. (not 7!)
    I had a 2h meeting in afternoon, plus 2 calls w colleagues. and was working on union-type stuff in morning. :/ needed to be done, but I need to keep that at bay.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I keep thinking the solution is tarting early-early. I woke at 5 but I just felt not up for going straight for the writing. I think I need to go in that direction...
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @KJLaMore @Machka9 you guys sound on the same page.
    I think my main menopause issue was sleep issues. I had been a lifelong great sleeper. I needed my average 7h in and if I missed some sleep I'd catch up soon. but with perimenaupause sleep issues came along. I don't know about mood. Life is a long path with ups and downs. I can't say for sure that menopause was more this or more that, in regards to mood.
    Joint/bone issues : a foot thing, a knee thing. I can't run anymore, so that can have an effect on CICO. I had last period at 53, 4 years ago, so I'm post menopause.
    My sister had very erratic periods for years (with some long very heavy ones) when going through menopause. I just had lighter ones (way lighter than in my 20s and 30s when they were so heavy!) and somewhat closer together (like 23 days instead of 28) but then it stopped one month and that was that.
    not very dramatic.
    I've had more than enough drama in my life, for my taste, so I'm happy to be low on the eventfulness scale in some areas.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member

    I don't know anymore.
    During 1st strict lockdown, I do believe I saw way more joggers than usual: all the gyms were closed, and the weather was mostly stunning spring weather.

    now it seems different : the shopping street is less busy, but some other streets may have more people.

    but I think I also go more on other streets than I used to so it's hard for me to compare.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2021
    Debbie: You are wise. Long ago we had a cat hating neighbor who deliberately set poisoned meat in his garage as cat bait. We didn’t know about it until we were moving away. My beloved cat had disappeared months before. When we were moving away, our next-door neighbor told us that our cat was poisoned. The cat hater’s wife was my neighbor’s best friend and the neighbor kept the secret until we were moving away. Our cat was one of the cat hater’s victims. We have not had another cat in many years.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited February 2021
    Therapist wonderings
    I tried going to a therapist, thinking a bout of therapy could be good, but I think she's not fantastic;
    the 1st time seemed not bad, she seemed nice, and pleasant.
    the 2nd time was not impressive, but ok.
    3rd time less impressive. I see not so much difference between talking to her and talking to friend on weekend, with whom I have a nice connection. (on the part when I was talking and not listening, there is much more back and forth with friends).

    She didn't seem to notice or have issue, about the rather superficial point. When I mentioned that, she said something like "you see, that's your resistance". I'm not convinced. why didn't she try to bring it to something deeper if she thought I was "in my resistance".

    also when, during 3rd session, I told about how I got through something really well, in great part due to remarkable help from some other people, she said "you see" as if she had told me that would happen. As if the good result was inevitable. (it wasn't.)

    I guess there is a little bit of an unmerited know-it-all position.

    also, yesterday she said, "last week you talked about xx" (the subject I spoke about yesterday), I said, well actually I talked about xx.

    Also...she doesn't take any notes.

    I don't have a strict judgement about that, but who can remember everything at 50+ without notes? If I don't take notes in my classes I can't remember who did what in every class. who can?

    When I asked her the 2nd session what her approach and background was, she seemed uneasy (and not precise in her answer).
    I knew she had such and such qualifications, but after that therapy people can have lots of different training and approaches.

    She's not young so I found her uneasiness with such a basic question not reassuring.
    Not that she necessarily has anything to hide.
    It's more that, sadly, probably most people in France are not empowered enough as clients to feel comfortable asking such questions (what's your approach?), and so are a bit docile towards medical type professionals.
    I think it's changing, but its decades behind the usa in that department. In the usa I find people are very explain-y to clients and they find it so normal that the client/patient ask many questions. Well that's my impression anyway. I have definitely found some (many) in medical or paramedical field in France to be very defensive when a patient/client asks many questions. They are not all that way, thank goodness, and is changing.

    I'm not sure if it's a good investment of time and money. I thought my new complimentary insurance covered more of it than the previous one, but I think I might be mistaken. I haven't been able to get a clear answer from the insurance company.

    in fact she's ok but seems like a lightweight.

    I know that doesn't sound very kind, but I don't know how to say it otherwise.

    I like to work with someone who knows him/herself very well and is pretty at ease with him or herself.

    I think a good therapist is really hard to find.

    actually there is one I found good but she is so unavailable.

    Also, the session is to be 30 minutes but she was 20+ minutes late the 2nd session time and about 15 minutes late the 3rd time. It's kind of a drag. I was rushing to be on time each time, and just to wait, systematically.I'm not dramatically against people being late. I figure if they have emergency issues it's better that they deal with them. But for a 10 am appointment systematic lateness, I don't know...

    it's not easy to find a good therapist.
    actually I found one I found good - she seems not to be lacking confidence, nor to be superficial- but she's only available for about 30 min max 1x a month...

    maybe that's preferable...

    I don't know...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,058 Member
    We bought laminate flooring for the room and downstairs bedroom.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hello all!

    Not much new on my end. Husband and I are still adjusting to his being retired. The puppy (remember he was to be my younger son's responsibility ... rolling my eyes here now) is keeping us very busy. It's a good thing for this fur baby that he's cute ... just sayin'. Older son (disabled) had his second covid vaccine and didn't experience any side effects with it. He will be moving back to his group home next week. Cold, cold, cold here but not like Margaret is experiencing. Incredibly bored with cooking for this crew so husband has offered to pick up a pizza if I'll make a salad. Done deal!

    Beth near Buffalo, NY
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,599 Member
    Last week our singing Zoom ended in disaster with a horrible live row and the coach resigning. The organisers have carried on stalwartly and they've found a new coach. He is actually one they had previously, before our time. So they have changed the day and we are singing tomorrow. :D We've got our words all ready.
    Then we have got a Waitrose delivery. Probably do Puttanesca for dinner as I've already got a tomato sauce in the freezer.
    Can't decide what to have on Valentines Day. I'm tempted to just have takeaway delivered as a treat for me. It wouldn't be fancy, but it would be restful and tasty! I do such a lot of cooking it would make a nice change. :)
    I've got lots of little presents for DH in bed. :p including the new Ellie Griffiths hardback. It's partly a present for me, of course.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx