

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Chatted to G last night on the phone, which I enjoyed. We are meeting up for lunch next week at a new tapas place. Haven't had tapas in ages. Apparently, at weekends, there is flamenco music and dancing! :o Every time I've walked past it, the inside and outside tables are full, so I thought I would give it a try. No dancing at lunchtimes. :D It us only about ten minutes walk from Hove Station, where I will meet her off the train.

    Bea is coming in just over an hour to stay all day while her father has to work in London. I'm glad DH is here as I find all day too long for me. This afternoon I plan to leave them both in front of a suitable video while I take an hour off upstairs for a nap. >:) Luckily, the weather is good, so we can have an expedition to the beach. I can see an ice cream in my future. DH does most of the minding, while I take turns and provide sustenance. I've bought her favourite huge strawberries and have a couple of homemade orange juice lollies left over from last year. Otherwise, she will only eat pasta with pesto. Or pizza.
    It's going to be a long day and we haven't done such a long stretch for nearly a couple of years. She is 5 now, so things should be a little easier.

    Much love, Heather UK, where the sun is shining at last after a week of rain. Xxxxxxxx
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    edited June 2021
    Numer1ca wrote: »
    @TheMrsHMorgan welcome!

    @LisaInArkansas I’m glad you were able to get together with some women. That’s something my little group has missed as well. One kid left to finish his psycho and then everyone is fully Vaxxed in our group. We are all looking forward to getting back to normal.

    @dlfk202000 I am totally jealous of your moms garden! I have 4 tomato plants and 4 snow pea plants. Our yard is very shady.
    She does have a lot of work in front of her though (or you do)

    I’m doing OK. Slept horribly last night but managed a nice nap this Afternoon after work. Also managed to take a family walk this afternoon so I’m on track for five days which is awesome. For food I am eating everything that I have pre-made as planned, although I do need to make more breakfast tonight. Are use a rice cooker and make four days of oatmeal at a time overnight so it’s already to go. It makes it a little bit easier for me to get it done.

    I was disheartened today because I am not losing weight even though I am tracking and getting my exercising in, however I’m also taking iron now and I don’t know how that’s affecting me. I was very thirsty today so I think maybe I’m retaining water. I’m trying not to take the scale to heart, although I did choose not to have my chocolate tonight. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully I will make some progress.

    It is great to have the huge garden but this is a real struggle for us, especially mom. My dad passed away so she is doing this pretty much all on her own. I go up when I can. She will be 78yrs old on Friday and this is the first time in her life she has been on her own(married dad when she was just 14 and they were married almost 65yrs.
    When we were growing up, we planted an acre of garden to feed the extended family.
    She is overwhelmed and gets distracted with so much to do. Hoping the neighbors start coming to help like they promised. That is why she is doing the big garden this year(they had been selling to the restaurants but then covid stopped that last year and this year she doesn't really know what is happening. Plus, now, drought so may have water issues(getting the well checked this week)

    I live an hour away from her so can't be there all the time to help(plus I am still working)-
    Yes, having a garden is great- I have a small one- two raised beds my parents built me plus a lot of containers. HAVE to have tomatoes and cucumbers.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,498 Member
    Woke up at 2 a.m. with a clear head and feeling well, so I just got up. Second day in a row. I'm OK with it - gives me a jump on some of the writing assignments I picked up yesterday. Five articles, a thousand words each, all need doing by Saturday. Easy-peasy, right?

    Listening to the washer as it spins and drains - Bless Corey's heart, he spent three hours of his weekend replacing the drainpipe - the washer has a tendency to walk when it's spinning large loads, and it snapped the old PVC drainpipe off under the floor. One of the many things I love about the man is that he doesn't assume I will stay right by his elbow while he's fixing stuff. Every other man I've known wants the woman watching while they're fixing. Not necessarily to hand them stuff, they just want you there.

    Egg is curled on my lap, sound asleep--if there's anything better for your blood pressure than a small furry cat asleep on your lap, I haven't found it yet. I've put Corey's lunch together, need to get the dryer emptied and the washer load moved over. Feel like I've accomplished a lot and it's still only 3:40 a.m.

    Heather -
    My daughter was hinting around that I could keep her two youngest while she takes a weekend to go to her cousin's July wedding in Texas, and I had to say "no." Levi is 18 months old and completely exhausting. My youngest granddaughter is now five, and much easier to deal with - but the pair of them together are still too much for me. Glad you and Johnny can tag team Bea and keep her occupied.

    Time to get a little writing done, Corey will be up in an hour, and I've not done a lick of writing, except to y'all!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    Listening to the washer as it spins and drains - Bless Corey's heart, he spent three hours of his weekend replacing the drainpipe - the washer has a tendency to walk when it's spinning large loads, and it snapped the old PVC drainpipe off under the floor. One of the many things I love about the man is that he doesn't assume I will stay right by his elbow while he's fixing stuff. Every other man I've known wants the woman watching while they're fixing. Not necessarily to hand them stuff, they just want you there.


    Most of the ones I've known have been like me when I'm fixing something ... I don't want anyone around! They (and I) actually get quite cranky if there is another person right there by their (and my) elbow ... the closer the other person, the more cranky. They (and I) like our space when there is work to be done!!

    I have found that a bit difficult with my husband since his accident. He wants to try things and I get worried and want to hover and help, but I know that he doesn't like it (and I would definitely not like it!), so I back off and keep an eye on things from a distance.

    When we do work on things together, we tend to argue. Not viciously, just a lot of back and forth on how things should be done. Even with his brain injury, he's still independent and I have almost always been very independent.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :) Dancing again today. This is the class where I am a student. I practiced some of the dances so I'll be more comfortable. Today is supposed to be warm so I'm glad we dance in the morning.

    :)Allie, glad your brother is safe.

    :)Lisa, glad you are feeling well again today

    :)Heather, you are handling the challenge with your customary grace and good food.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Tami ~ That is beautiful! What part of the world are you hiking in? Oh, how I wish I could hike and enjoy nature.

    Carol in Atlanta, Ga.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,098 Member
    Hmm. My cousin died of Parkinson's a few months back, and the service is Saturday with a picnic afterwards at another cousin's house. But I'm not sure we are invited. ( My mom, dad and I). My mom used to track these things but she doesn't remember anything about it. It's time to offer to bring something, but that would be awkward. My aunt who is another main route of communication, has had phone trouble. I haven't spoken to my cousin hosting the picnic in about a year. The picnic would be only a block away. Not sure how to handle this. I don't want to show up uninvited, or empty-handed. Plus I have to find a somber picnic outfit!
  • dandl1986
    dandl1986 Posts: 94 Member
    Tami, I would love to hike there. What a beautiful spot!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Been to the playground, had an ice cream and now we are back home. Bea eating orange juice lolly while we have a well deserved cup of tea.

    My son picking up at 5.30.
    Love Heather UK xxxxxx

    Anyone trying to add me as a friend, sorry, I don’t do friends. <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Homer is here,birds are fed and got some new go go juice out for the hummingbirds..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    Hmm. My cousin died of Parkinson's a few months back, and the service is Saturday with a picnic afterwards at another cousin's house. But I'm not sure we are invited. ( My mom, dad and I). My mom used to track these things but she doesn't remember anything about it. It's time to offer to bring something, but that would be awkward. My aunt who is another main route of communication, has had phone trouble. I haven't spoken to my cousin hosting the picnic in about a year. The picnic would be only a block away. Not sure how to handle this. I don't want to show up uninvited, or empty-handed. Plus I have to find a somber picnic outfit!

    :) How about not going and not worrying about it
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Morning again ladies
    Well i wanted to go up to the cottage 4th of July weekend,but i got a big No from.SIL she said they will have a big group up there then...the rest of the summer is kind of closed up for me,ugh oh well they own the place...
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Did Tracie Long’s Longevity Back Up DVD then went for a walk. Afterwards went to Hobby Lobby for one package of embroidery thread, then WalMart to see about a cake for our pool party (they don’t have 1/8 sheet cakes, Food Lion does), bought gas, went to this place to see about being able to hold Rummikub there but we would have to lease the space from them and I sure Newcomers isn’t willing to do that. You know, I’ve sort-of gotten used to not having the commitment of Rummikub, so it really doesn’t bother me so much. I’ll continue to help Vince with the bowling. Work tomorrow so no formal exercise

    Tami – welcome! Where was that beautiful picture taken?’

    Anne DE – what a dilemma! It would be rude to ask “am I invited”. Most people would say “of course” to this question even if they weren’t planning to invite you. But at the same time, if you were invited and you didn’t RSVP your regrets, that isn’t good either. What a problem! Let me know what you do in the end.

    Think I’ll take my Snow White to ceramics and maybe glaze the inside. I need to look online to see about colors. I’ll get pretty close to finishing Dopey tonight. I also have two spoon rests that I really like. Only problem is that the tail broke off. So what Vince did was use the drummel and file them down. I’ll have the gal at ceramics do a bit of touch up painting (because I know it’s very hard to paint on items that have already been fired). Then I’ll take one for the condo and one for here.

    Allie – I’m so sorry you can’t go to the cottage. I know how much you love it there.

    Michele NC
    who is off to the pool now
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    edited June 2021
    Im just having a pity party for myself i guess,after giving the cottage to Sean because Tom and I had the florida place.and after all that I have done for Jean and her family.. saying basically my nephew and his friends are more important to have up there than you is like a slap in the face..
    Oh well i guess i just have to suck it up,they have 2 beautiful places they can go to anytime they want,the lake or the beach and im holed up in my condo.. again ill just put my big girl pants on and deal with it like I always do... sorry for the rant!