

  • never heard of either of those stores! but having to buy new suits b/c you are shrinking is AWESOME! CONGRATS!!
  • My fiancé and I swam yesterday...he's into triathlons but needs a few swim lessons to improve efficiency...I did 2000 in 50min with lots of chatting/drill watching every 100yds...he survived about a 600 before he called it quits!
  • I was saying 1200seems too little...bc I am tired & far I'm happy with the weight loss/ inches lost...just wondering if anyone else has noticed these feelings/low energy when restricting calories?
  • Ok diary is public. Maybe I am too low overall?
  • I think my diary is public? I've lost about 2.5 lbs over all...I was trying a low carb diet but believe I am eating enough protein & trying to eat really clean (except the last 2 days)...
  • I don't weigh but do measure...I also don't eat back 100% of my exercise calories...
  • Tennis balls: can hold in each hand for free & backstroke...forces proper angle of entry as well as pulling with forearm/ core & back muscles instead of just pulling with your hand...awkward at first but much more efficient if you can get the hang of it. Garden hose: use like a catch up drill...both hands on the hose, keep…
  • @cheshirecatastrophe‌ you can do that also! It's kinda fun to tell people you swim with tennis balls....and it keeps swimming interesting!
  • ^^^^ amazing core workout!
  • fins are GREAT for learning balance...i highly recommend them to a beginner swimmer trying to get the feel for the proper body important note, make sure that even with the fins you focus on kicking from the hip (not with the knees). fins can also make it easier to work on the dolphin kick - great core work!…
  • cap, goggles, water bottle....i also use paddles, fins, tennis balls, a 6in piece of garden hose and occasionally borrow a kickboard from the pool's supply. goggles: old school swedish fins: - these give me enough boost w/o disrupting my ankle flexibility or giving…
  • here's another one to work on breathing: 3 freestyle pulls/3 back stroke pulls...kick is a steady flutter from the hips for both strokes. rolling onto your back helps you catch & work on breathing (blowing the breath out just like you would do underwater) but allows a bit of a break from your face being underwater...just…
  • its one we do often to help the arms move faster in could also do a dolphin kick with breast stroke arms to undulate more (feel like a dolphin)
  • drills work on technique/form of the different swimming strokes...typically it makes the stroke slower while working on the drill but much more efficient when the whole stroke is put together. for example, here are several drills for freestyle: 1. xx# of kicks on your side, lower arm stretched out in front (half…
  • that's a great idea to practice bilateral breathing...fins are a great tool to build strength, comfort & balance in the water. i completely agree with you about the speed improving as technique'll be a much more efficient faster swimmer than you will a thrasher! haha :)
  • GREAT TO HEAR!!!! if you ever need more suggestions feel free to ask away...i love coaching ...and swimming...its such a lifelong sport that it's inspiring to hear people enjoying the sport at every level and age!
  • bilateral breathing is awesome! not only does it give you the flexibility to look either direction (and some confidence when sighting during triathlons) it also helps to balance out the use of shoulder muscles and keep the stroke more even. holding every 3 or 5 strokes is good way to begin...for extended distance swimming,…
  • Tonight I did one of my favorite sets: 4x (16x25: 1-4 drill, 5-8 kick, 9-12 drill, 13-16 ) each time through I switch strokes for some variety And also sets of 8x25 alternating 1 fast, 1 perfect technique...almost like HIIT training for the pool
  • Thanks for all the inspiration!! Got back in the pool after months of procrastinating...and finished 3000yds in just under an hour...mixed in some drills, kicking & mixing in lots of backstroke, breaststroke and even a few laps of fly drill! Looking forward to getting in the pool at least once a week...I don't know if I…
  • not sure if you ever heard this before but when i had knee/achilles issues, my PT recommended doing more core & hip stabilization exercises (basically lots of yoga and pilates) to help strengthen all the "connectors" and it worked wonderfully! i rarely have achilles issues and haven't had one bit of knee pain since being…
  • i do a significant amt of core work on my days off (jillian michaels 6 pack abs in 6 wks)...if i still need some cardio, i will swim or do a short HIIT workout
  • hello everyone! my name's renee...joining MFP to stay motivated and get back into shape...i'm getting married this spring but running a half marathon in september (air force half marathon in dayton, OH)...friend me!
  • cross training - have you tried pilates/yoga? you can continue to build a strong core & get some much needed stretching w/o the pounding or intense cardio of another cross training workout?
  • thanks for the link!
  • AGREED!!!!!! plus the taste is not nearly as satisifying....i'd rather workout an extra 10-15min over a diet or sugar/fat free anything...
  • here's an article that talks more about the importance of including coconut oil into a daily diet....
  • i try to get in 60min of cardio 3x/wk...i get bored easily though so i'll often mix it up with elliptical, running, rowing and sometimes swimming along with throwing in some interval work, tempo training or hills. cardio days are always at a gym. on the alternate days, i try to do a workout video or two...i use the website…
  • there are several drills that can be helpful to work on the breathing rhythm for favorite drill for working with novice swimmers is to take 3 pulls, then roll on the side and do xx kicks (usually 12 then decrease number by 3s as your build confidence). kicking on your side is excellent for engaging your core…
  • My local family owned grocery store has $.25/lb banana Thursdays! It's crazy how many people this sale attracts...even in bad weather!