edamamewebber Member


  • Emotional eating: I do this!!! I had always gone to chips and salsa for my comfort food. I've switched to carrots/celery and salsa or shredded cabbage with homemade lemon tahini dressing. If I'd overeaten celery/carrots/cabbage, I don't think I'd be in the condition I am now.
  • Ugggggggg, @nanerkay and @Ananya23 misc weight gain is terrible. Like teenagers PO'ed about not getting to borrow the car. 😂 For me, I notice that going low'ish carb and increasing protein REALLY helps with hunger. I do have to make sure I get fiber in (fruit/veg), or there's not enough action in the bathroom department. 😣…
  • Hi All. Thanks for the healthy wishes for the idiot migraine. :) In real life, I am a pharmacy technician at the University Hospital working with nurses on the floors. I have a great crew, so that always makes it more fun. In my off-time, for the last 6 years, I've been running a non-profit. There has been a lot of growth…
  • Hi all... So much good ju-ju in here. 💕 I SUPER needed it today. Because a wicked migraine decided to show up, so no workout, limited food, no tracking, no work. I had had maybe 3 migraines my whole life until Jan 2022 (stupid COVID). Now they are frequent, inappropriate, and today's was sofa/bed inducing. 😣 I even wore my…
  • Thanks for the sleep recommendation! I have a relaxation sounds app. I'll start plugging into it when I wake up. 💕 Re: migraines... I hadn't had regular migraines ever. Maybe 3 my whole life before Jan 2022 (stupid COVID). However, that's also when my hot flashes started to gain strength. 🔥 I'm trying to add extra water,…
  • 😣 just remembering to check in.👍 Didn't check in yesterday, it was a High Holiday and had a hella long day. 47f, 5'5". ~ ugw: 137 cw:170(?) No idea actually Month goal: 165. ~Oct 4th first weigh in since Aug. 170.8! Only weighing in every 4 days (for sanity). Infinitely better than I expected! 🌈 ~no work out today and no…
  • Re: night sweats. This sounds weird, but I've started wearing socks to bed. When I do, no sweats. When I don't, super sweat town. I don't know why it works and don't really care. 😂 🛏️ 🧦 🥵 Speaking of which: WTH with this whole sleep/no sleep! Some nights it'll be 7-10 hours in a row. Then nights later it's sleep for 3,…
  • @CeeBeeSlim pre-menopause lack of sleep SUCKS!!! I found a mini 3 minute "go to sleep" yoga routine that's on tonight's agenda. Thanks for the reminder. @SparkSpringtime69 our grace skills seem completely mirrored. 😂 I took a step class ages ago. I fell a lot. I ended up using the legs as markers and taking the step off.…
  • Ok. Actually remembering to check in.👍 47f, 5'5". ~ ugw: 137 cw:170(?) No idea actually Month goal: 165. ~today first weigh in since Aug. 170.8! Only weighing in every 4 days (for sanity). Infinitely better than I expected! ~1.6 mile walk today. ✅ ~tracking all food ✅ ~Mini exercise happening after this post and finishing…
  • I've tried both of these... According to the FAQ the sync feature between the Garmin App and MFP are a known bug. I wish I could figure out how to put in a manual entry to update my steps.
  • Deshotelk, yes! I didn't stop sweating last night, thus no sleep and a ton of internet surfing. A shower might have helped, but last time not so much.... I hope your appointment goes well
  • Thanks! Any thoughts on how to get them to sync?
  • Hi, I'm the worst at remembering to check in with challenges, so here I try again.👍 47f, 5'5". ugw: 137 cw:170(?) No idea actually Month goal: 165, 1 mile walk per day, and some sort of mini workout too. Let's Rock'tober. 🥁 🎸 🎇 🎶 🎤
  • Hi! Looks like this might be a good group for me. Here to get my size 14 self to a loose 12 or tight 10 by the New Year. For me, about every 8 pounds is a size change, so this is likely 10 pounds I'm aiming for. Goal 1: get on the scale tmrw. Goal 2: take a decent walk (more than a mile) Goal 3: 3 pints of water Looking…
  • Hi! I'm excited about this group. I'm in the thick of it currently. Periods doing whatever they want (worse than a cat knocking stuff over), flashes, sleep, weight flux, motivation... It's a hot mess over here 😂. Mom-com! Looking forward to chatting more about these shenanigans.
  • For me, doing slow and steady changes has been the most effective. Adding an extra lap at work. Adding an extra glass of water per day. It's def a process.
  • Girl YES! BiP1 here. The meds, COVID "baby", full-time hospital work, part-time non-profit co-founder... I'm mid 40s with about 30'ish pounds to reckon with. I'm trying to go slow and steady to help manage my expectations, as well as keeping my mental health stabilized. I'm glad I found you. Let's keep this conversation…
  • Girl YES! BiP1 here. The meds, COVID "baby", full-time hospital work, part-time non-profit co-founder... I'm mid 40s with about 30'ish pounds to reckon with. I'm trying to go slow and steady to help manage my expectations, as well as keeping my mental health stabilized. I'm glad I found you. Let's keep this conversation…
  • @BruinsGal_91 you are amazing! 950 miles walked AND 1450 cycled! Woot! Get those extra miles this year. 🌺
  • January Start Weight: 168 January Goal Weight: 164 Ultimate Goal Weight: 133 Jan1 : 168 Jan 8: Jan 15: Jan 22: Jan 29: Jan 31: To do this: I will add an extra half-mile walk per day. I will track EVERYTHING as best I can (no omits). I will restart the 4oz/hr rule - as best I can. Let's get it!
  • I'm in! A friend hit 3,650,000! I was so impressed! I picked up 12k today. Here we go!
  • Life is scary and crazy right now... Staying healthy in all fronts is super important. Choose battles wisely. Food vs sleep vs laundry vs sanity check... =) we've got a ways to go in this Covid mayhem. I'm settling in for a long haul... 🏵