

  • Ananya23
    Ananya23 Posts: 11 Member
    I would love to be part of this group. I am 61 and postmenopausal. I have steadily been putting on weight since just before Covid and whereas previously I've been able to shift this time I'm finding it really difficult. Nothing seems to work! After doing quite a bit of research I am looking to do intermittent fasting combined with a low carb diet. If anyone has any hints or tips - let's share them and I'll do the same.
  • Carriehelene
    Carriehelene Posts: 178 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    I had a hysterectomy in 2017 and I suffer from migraines but I'm on medication for them now and there not as bad as the was. My problem is that in this passed year I keep gaining weight like crazy no matter what I do I can't keep it off an tips out there.?
    Have you had your thyroid tested recently? If not, start there.
  • edamamewebber
    edamamewebber Posts: 24 Member
    Ugggggggg, @nanerkay and @Ananya23
    misc weight gain is terrible. Like teenagers PO'ed about not getting to borrow the car. 😂

    For me, I notice that going low'ish carb and increasing protein REALLY helps with hunger. I do have to make sure I get fiber in (fruit/veg), or there's not enough action in the bathroom department. 😣

    Also, I have to watch my hydration (stupid migraines). Since I work in a hospital, wearing a mask for 12 hours, I don't really remember about water until I'm gulping it down on breaks. Do you remember when Gatorade came as powder? I get that a put like a half serving into my noon water bottle (about a quart). Just enough to flavor it without the billion sugars.🍬

    I really love Interval Fasting. I aim for 1030a-730p. It's not a short window, so I feel like a regular person when I go out with friends and things. I have a hard time waiting for that first cup of coffee. I have been trying to drink it black, but yeah... It's a slow transition. BWHAHAHA! ☕

    Good night all. May everyone stay cool and not wake up in mid-night sweats! 🤩
  • SuzanneC1l9zz
    SuzanneC1l9zz Posts: 455 Member
    Gatorade still comes as a powder, at least in Canada. It's in the same grocery store aisle as the powdered Kool Aid.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Ananya23 wrote: »
    I would love to be part of this group. I am 61 and postmenopausal. I have steadily been putting on weight since just before Covid and whereas previously I've been able to shift this time I'm finding it really difficult. Nothing seems to work! After doing quite a bit of research I am looking to do intermittent fasting combined with a low carb diet. If anyone has any hints or tips - let's share them and I'll do the same.

    IF IF and LC helps you stay within your calorie budget with only a reasonable amount of hunger, which I define as only being hungry right before meals, than that will be a great way of eating for you.

    I'd be skeptical of research showing anything else though.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    I had a hysterectomy in 2017 and I suffer from migraines but I'm on medication for them now and there not as bad as the was. My problem is that in this passed year I keep gaining weight like crazy no matter what I do I can't keep it off an tips out there.?

    Your diary is open to the public - that's helpful!

    I don't see a lot of foods that use grams or ounces. This often means one is eating more than they think they are. I suggest you weigh everything and be prepared to have your mind blown.
  • lilwolfmama74
    lilwolfmama74 Posts: 1 Member
    Wow, that was helpful. I didn't even think about the menopause angle, it's new to me. I'd join that group. Thank you!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,214 Member
    There is a groups section on MFP for specific interests (keto, runners etc) and anyone (I think) can start a group.

    Maybe start one called Menopause and people can join it.
  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 331 Member
    I am 59 and have been in menopause for about 4 years now. Exercising and tracking and struggling to lose even though I am losing some inches just not pounds. Glad there is a group for folks like us
  • BeccaBenge98
    BeccaBenge98 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello lois1231! I'm new here, as far as posting. I've been in menopause for a few years now. I'm 49, and have out on about 25 pounds in last few years that just isn't budging.
    But I'm ready to change that!
  • midlifemomster
    midlifemomster Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I’m 56 and have been in menopause for a few years. Peri- menopause was far worse with a big list of weird, painful, sweaty things going on. I’ve put on maybe 15 pounds over the past three years which may not sound like a lot but it’s mostly around my middle- which was never a problem area for me in the past. My body doesn’t feel like the same body anymore.
    I just dealt with early stage breast cancer and will likely be on a form of hormone therapy as part of my recovery so I’m hoping that it doesn’t result in more weight gain.
    Anyway I’m back to tracking my calories again ( was successful with MFP a few years ago) and trying to increase my activity now that I feel like I’ve been given a second chance after a successful lumpectomy. I’d love to read other people’s menopausal weight loss tips and tricks!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,589 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hi, I’m 56 and have been in menopause for a few years. Peri- menopause was far worse with a big list of weird, painful, sweaty things going on. I’ve put on maybe 15 pounds over the past three years which may not sound like a lot but it’s mostly around my middle- which was never a problem area for me in the past. My body doesn’t feel like the same body anymore.
    I just dealt with early stage breast cancer and will likely be on a form of hormone therapy as part of my recovery so I’m hoping that it doesn’t result in more weight gain.
    Anyway I’m back to tracking my calories again ( was successful with MFP a few years ago) and trying to increase my activity now that I feel like I’ve been given a second chance after a successful lumpectomy. I’d love to read other people’s menopausal weight loss tips and tricks!

    I don't have any particular menopause tips beyond things I typed earlier in the thread (although chemotherapy put me in menopause 22 years ago), but to the bolded, FWIW:

    I took Tamoxifen for 2.5 years, then Arimidex for 5 years, because of having had advanced hormone-receptor positive breast cancer. I assume you'd be on one of those, or a similar one. I've read that they can result in weight gain, but it was not an effect that I experienced. I went up and down a little (before losing weight for real about 7 years ago), but I was pretty close to weight stable on those drugs. I'm hopeful that that could be true for you, too. (ETA: If you're here to lose weight, then I'm hopeful that that can happen for you, actually! I'm trying to say that I didn't see that the drugs in themselves caused weight gain for me. Some of the mechanisms that cause weight gain from a drug regimen are effectively checkmated when one is calorie counting, anyway.)

    I've seen some limited research suggesting that strength training can help reduce central fat (in a context of the right calorie balance, of course), but I don't really consider that definitive. Can't hurt, though, and it obviously has other benefits, especially among aging women.

    If you're put on an aromatase inhibitor (like Arimidex), those can have a negative effect on bone quality so increase osteoporosis risk. Strength training is one potential counter to bone loss, for anyone, including those on such drugs.

    Regular exercise generally (strength and cardiovascular) seems to have risk-reduction effects for certain types of breast cancer, also. For those who've not had breast cancer, exercise also reduces risk of getting breast cancer, as does being at a healthy body weight.
  • midlifemomster
    midlifemomster Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks Annpt77. Not totally sure which hormone drug I’ll be put on yet ( just had a consult yesterday). But yes, weight training is something I want to get back into and I’m getting a bone density test soon and drugs for bone health were also discussed.
    I was successful with this app in the past and I’m re-energized to see pounds come off and more activity in my near future.