How are you holding up during these difficult times?

Im Kay and I have to say that this covid 19 virus is definitely getting to me. There. I finally admitted it. Im not panicky per say but my anxiety and depression arent the greatest and my motovation to eat right and excercise are going down hill a bit.
I didnt want to be someone that this affected to the point that it affects my mental health. Honestly I think I have been unintentionally in denial. My minds way of keeping the negativity out I guess. Now that I have admitted this to my self its a lot scarier.

How is everyone doing? We need to support each other more then ever. Feel free to add me as a friend or just post 🌻 stay healthy and try to stay positive!


  • edamamewebber
    edamamewebber Posts: 24 Member
    Life is scary and crazy right now... Staying healthy in all fronts is super important. Choose battles wisely. Food vs sleep vs laundry vs sanity check... =) we've got a ways to go in this Covid mayhem. I'm settling in for a long haul... 🏵