honeynutloop Member


  • Hi. I'm amy. I've only watched the 1st series of twd but am up for a challenge (another one - I'm in the game of thrones challenge too). My weekly goals are: 1. Stay green - make sure mfp cals are green at the end of each day after logging everything 2. Yoga 4x weekly 3. 5hrs total exercise per week. Hopefully this will…
  • My son rode a bike for the first time today. Hb videoed it and i didn't mind being in it - too busy focusing on my boy (pedalling backwards, d'oh). Didn't even super analyse how i looked when it was played back. Funny how spending some time on your self makes you less self-centred!! :D
  • Those 3 holiday lbs are gone again. :)
  • Lots of gardening done today.
  • Yey! Well done.
  • Another yoga with adriene fan here. Worked my way through the 30 days of yoga a couple of times now and glad to feel that i am able to do push myself a bit further each time. Only practice at home using youtube but might start going to a class once I've got some better kit - I've shrunk out of my exercise gear. :smiley:
  • Aiming for a 5lb loss this month. Here we go ...
  • Lost 3lbs, went on holiday, put them back on! Oh well. Onwards and downwards. :)
  • Hit my july goal of walking 31miles+ total. How's everyone else getting on with their goals?
  • 1000cals of exercise today! Yeah its mfp so its exaggerated but I'm still pleased as punch and it's still lots! Off to bed to recover o:)
  • There's a hogwarts challenge which is restarting at the end of july. Can't post a link just now but will do withib the next couple of days. I've not done it so can't offer any hints.
  • This one runs for 10 weeks then the people organising it will decide whether and when to run it again. Last time there was a couple of weeks break in between.
  • More cms gone. Much less of me around these days.
  • 2lb loss in the last couple of weeks. :smile: A cm each of my thighs, waist and hips too. Good times!
  • You can delete some old weigh ins if you want it just to show progress from when you restarted. Congrats on the loss and good choice on upping your cals (imo).
  • Huge congrats!! As you've said - you can do this. :smiley:
  • Was down 3, gone up 0.5 so down 2.5lb. Next weigh in - 6th july. Fingers crossed for more weight lost.
  • I allow myself to eat pretty much what i want at the event and stick with the programme the rest of the time. Do try to make slightly healthier choices tho - diet drinks instead of regular, chicken instead of sausage, smaller portions - but i figure that i want this to be a lifestyle and that's going to include parties and…
  • I weigh and measure as near to every other monday as i can get. I work 4 on 4 off and don't have the time or inclination to weigh on work days so it does vary a lot. Next weigh in this sunday.
  • - Developing a sort of inner confidence to try new things (often unrelated to weight loss) or be braver than you were before - that people think its ok to be nasty about the old you - things that they would never have said then - again with feeling the cold more - that getting "addicted" to exercise could happen to me!!
  • Looking good! Don't think I'll ever be ready to post a tummy pic online so kudos to you.
  • Well done! Hard work is paying off. I'm sticking with the extra glass of water and now at 1179 cals. Did a 80 sec plank and have been doing yoga involving planks. 100 sec tonight. :#
  • I don't monitor how much i drink but I've added a glass of water before breakfast so that I'm starting the day right. 60 sec plank done (hate planks!). I had a mammoth week of exercise last week (2763 cals). Currently at 413 cals this week so doesn't look good but never say never.
  • Sounds like you're doing really well. Will power going pretty well for me (Minor jaffa cake incident). Have been doing 100s and arms roughly every other day and the last couple of days I've exercised before breakfast. Hope the hiit went well. Feel like the first challenge really jump started my exercise regime so thanks…
  • Another 2lb gone. Now 193lb which means I've lost 10% of my starting weight. I have adjusted my overall goal to 162lb which is within the healthy range for me and it will mean i have lost 25% of my starting weight. Didn't feel brave/confident enough to aim big (or small) before. :smile:
    in 190s Comment by honeynutloop April 2015
  • Just saying if broken biscuits don't have cals then tasting new flavours surely can't have any :wink: Been doing the 100s and the arms (cheating by being on my knees instead of my toes as i want to do the arm bit properly) and feeling a bit stronger (or less weak) for it. Not managing to exercise before breakfast but…
  • Weird flavours surely don't count? I'm not sure that they would even have calories.
  • Feeling strong. Walked before breakfast (and did some other walking throughout the day), willpower won (even though i was given a biscuit with my coffee - gave it away), just done arms and 100s as well as some yoga (absolute beginner). ☆☆☆☆☆
  • I know this is supposed to start on Wednesday but as its up I tried the arm challenge today. Did it (with cheaty versions) and feel fine afterwards. :smile: . Not sure if it counts as a morning workout but i walked home from night shift, went to bed and then had breakfast this morning so technically did exercise before…
  • Finding Nemo: "when life gets you down, you know what you have to do ... just keep swimming, just keep swimming ..." Pops into my head when I think about stopping a workout and also if I'm going through tough times generally - has the added benefit of making me smile which helps with the tough times. I know, I'm a big kid!