bkerr30 Member


  • Absolutely! I walk to and from work everyday (about 45mins each way, not too sure on kms) and I love it. In the morning it wakes me up, gets me motivated and just feeling happier in general, and the way home helps me decompress from a stressful day. As for weight loss, that happens in a calorie defecit, so as long as…
  • Thank you @caranais for this post! I work as a chef and my biggest downfall to weightloss is tastes and bites of this or that! I have maintained my weight for well over a year but I would like to drop the final 9/10 pounds. As tasting is a requirement of my job I'm thinking I should just add a base amount of a few hundred…
  • This is awesome. I have approx 9 more pounds to lose so these non scale victories sound great!
  • This is one thing I have really been conscious about while raising my son, I never ever force him to finish his plate, but rather give reminder questions like "is your tummy full?". If he says yes, I can always wrap it up for later, especially since small children can only consume small meals at a time, and he will likely…
  • I mainly walked but recently did a body pump class with a very pregnant woman, she adapted a lot of the moves and lowered the weight but still participated. Bottom line: if you're active before its usually safe to continue with exercise, but make sure you are discussing your exercise in detail with your doc/midwife. I…
  • Ughhh, she's Canadian??? I'm sorry for even being remotely linked to her... As someone already said, overweight people can lose the weight, her train wreck of a personality is harder to change.
  • I'm hoping you were over exaggerating your reactions to try and be funny, because really, that level of rage is not normal! You have a partner of 15 years who helps around the house, cooks meals and tends to the kids and yes, sometimes forgets things you have told him. He is human and yes, not perfect. To me it sounds like…
  • Me too!! :)
  • This. Also, Im always happy to see more females in the weight room. :)
  • I have been on wellbutrin for over a year and while I wasn't actively trying to lose weight I did maintain my weight versus gaining which has been my experience with other meds. The key thing I found to be helpful with my anxiety and depression is exercise. It has truly changed my life, and I can't imagine going back to a…
  • I just can't get over their serious expressions....
  • Omg @PeachyCarol you are my hero! "The prancersize box".....dead!! :D
  • Run cold water on your pulse points (wrists being the easiest) a trick I learned working as a chef in hot restaurant kitchens :)
  • I use a silicone, phosphate, paraben-free shampoo and conditioner, and find they are much gentler on my hair. You can also look into the "no poo" method which uses baking soda to wash and apple cider vinegar as your conditioner. If you use pintrest there is tons of info on it. If you are finding your hair to be really dry…
  • Les mills...autocorrect sorry!
    in Body Pump Comment by bkerr30 August 2015
  • In the cardio section search led mills...body pump class will come up in the search
    in Body Pump Comment by bkerr30 August 2015
  • I walk to and from work every day, 45 minutes each way, regardless of weather (I live in Canada, so in winter that sometimes means -40C ), I also bike and go hiking with my kiddo and husband on weekends, swim laps typically in the winter, and sometimes just be silly playing on the playground equipment with my boy! (We have…
  • You can call this circuit training that is listed in the cardio section
  • Msg could be the culprit too. It messes with my body big time
  • I unfortunately don't have a decent answer for you, when I have sushi (which is probably more than I should), I count it as a "cheat" or "indulge" day and estimate using the data base the best I can.
  • My advice (on top of everything else mentioned...you have had some excellent comments! ) is to be kind to yourself. Use kind words, be forgiving of mistakes and missteps, and make small changes at a time that work towards a goal of a happy healthy life. You've got this! It won't happen in a day or week, you may stumble but…
  • All of this. Yes!
  • Meatballs of all kinds (Italian on sub buns, Swedish, sweet and sour), tacos, taco salad, Sheppard's pie, meatloaf, cabbage rolls, "homemade" hamburger helper, the list is endless! I work in a nonprofit group home so we get creative with ground beef/chicken/turkey because it is cost effective
  • All of this is very helpful, thank you! I'm excited to get started :)
  • @sun_fish what weights did you start with, if you don't mind my asking?
  • Thank you all for the advice and support. This is a challenge I am excited about starting, it may just mean I take a bit longer to get there ;) @kami3006, fractional plates are a good tip, thank you!
  • Yep it sucks! Best advice I can give is go slowly! I tried to rush the process after surgery and ended up setting myself back even further. :( take your time, it will come back!
  • Oh yes, popcorn is the absolute worst for me! I forgot about it because I never ever eat it!