bkerr30 Member


  • Gluten is a big trigger for me and also causes flare ups with arthritis like symptoms. Fatty foods are also terrible but the biggest one is stress. On consulting with my gastro doc I'm debating a FODMAPS elimination diet to determine other triggers because it's so hard to define! Good luck to you, feel free to add me also.…
  • Did you change your activity level at all?
  • I also have been considering trying this for my IBS, I already am eating gluten free on doctors orders for other medical reasons but I'm hesitant because its even more restricted. I would live to hear from someone who has had success with it
  • This is by far, my favorite comment ever.
    in Bread? Comment by bkerr30 August 2015
  • Also, you can usually play solo against the wall, not as much fun but gets the job done :)
  • I'd be in
  • Do you like tennis?
  • Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches. Started eating this when I was pregnant and still love it lol
  • I love this. So much. (Including your gifs....truly fantastic) :D
  • There are also some antidepressants that in general don't cause weight gain. (I'm thinking wellbutrin specifically). Talk to your doctor about your concerns and see if other medications would work for you. Also as a side note: I find working out consistently really helps with my depression, especially in winter when it…
  • My husband is also in a work van all day so I bought him a really good quality thermos (about 20 bucks but so worth it) I make big pots of soup/chili/stew for lunches (my kid brings a thermos too) as well as any leftovers can be put in a thermos. We live in Canada so his work truck is freezing and he says his lunch stays…
  • Yes, as others have said just make sure to set your activity level to match it (there are descriptions in case you're unsure where you fit) I would give you my personal experience with having a very physically active job, that working out (cardio and weights) has given me more energy and build up different muscles that…
  • So much yes! I am in the same boat, have been diagnosed and have to follow a gluten free diet that also eliminates a host of other food groups due to food allergies. It kills me when people like my sister in law attempt to eat gluten free just to "lose weight". Ughh, most people don't understand that the calorie amounts in…
  • Those are the top two I would have said also! The only other one I would add is ice cream. I only eat it like two times a year but when I do, it CANNOT be that frozen dessert bull$h!t.
  • I like playing Just Dance on the kinnect with my family for the days I can't get to the gym or just don't want to. Its fun and we work up a sweat so I see it as a good thing!
  • Not sure if it's winter where you are (it is here, I'm in Canada), but in warmer weather I do pull ups at the park on the monkey bars while there with my kiddo. It started as a joke, just playing with him and making bets on whether or not we could do them...when he banged out 5 in a row I was sufficiently humbled and…
  • I operate with the ten minute rule: if I really don't want to go to the gym, I promise to go for just ten minutes (I live 5 mins away so not a huge commitment). But: almost every time I stay longer and really am happy I did :D . and on the days I don't stay? Whelp, at least ten minutes is better than nothing!
  • I weigh once a week...I have a gymnastics background and it was incredibly focused on weight. I find if I weigh myself more than that it makes me a little crazy. :p I know people who find it helpful to weigh every day so it depends on your preference. I personally don't even own a scale, just weigh at the gym and take…
  • I'm gluten intolerant and a loaf of bread for me is $6.49!!!! And seriously, it is the smallest loaf ever! Pretty much any grain products (crackers, cereal, pasta etc) I'm paying 3-4 times more. Needless to say, all these things are rarities in my daily diet. :s
  • Congratulations on your success! You are such an inspiration!! :D
  • Oh I totally agree! There's nothing wrong with treats, I love chips, chocolate and especially wine! But all I was trying to say is that if you feel like you're starving, including these higher calorie foods that don't have much staying power might not be the best route, at least in the beginning if you're adjusting to a…
    in Starving Comment by bkerr30 January 2015
  • For fruits and veg try smoothies( add spinach and kale to bananas and other fruit and you can't taste it, i promise!) And extra lean ground chicken is an excellent substitute for ground beef, even my 9 yr old doesn't balk at it. I love cheese too, and find stronger flavoured cheeses you can use less of. Also goat cheese on…
    in Family Comment by bkerr30 January 2015
  • I'm lucky that my husband eats whatever I prepare (except mushrooms lol) and we enjoy going to the gym together whenever we can. Is your husband a picky eater? Perhaps you could meal plan together on weekends (or whenever you're off together) so that he gets some input and you can suggest healthier substitutions?
    in Family Comment by bkerr30 January 2015
  • I hope you don't mind, but I took a peek at your diary ;) I noticed you eat some excellent things, but also there are a few very high (in my opinion) calorie items that don't give much bang for the calorie buck, like pesto (130 for 2tbsp) and chocolate squares. When working with a smaller calorie bank (I'm in the same…
    in Starving Comment by bkerr30 January 2015
  • I have been hooked on rice paper wraps lately...stuff them with shredded chicken and lightly sauteed veggies ( book choy, red pepper, green onion, cabbage, carrot, bean sprouts etc). I make a homemade peanut sauce and its a fantastic lunch or dinner.
  • Yep 43 calories each, 3.1g fat, 3.5g carbs, 1g protein
  • I just made these yesterday and they're flipping amazing! 1 cup nut butter (I used roasted unsalted almond butter) 3 ripe bananas 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 (ish) tbsp honey (more or less depending in how sweet you want it) 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup chocolate chips. Put everything but the…