misslibralove Member


  • I don't really have any food quirks but I have a thing where I can't have foods on a plate touching each other where they'll get mixed together lol. I know it sounds so OCDish I see people at buffets load foods ontop of each other where it's all mixed together lol I just can't do it I'm so picky lol , also I can only deal…
  • I make kale, wild rice and mushroom casserole that makes a good portion so I can just heat it up and go. I cook up wild rice in the rice cooker. Sautee onions set aside, then kale set aside, then cremini mushrooms with thyme, add back kale and 3tbs flour, I add 1 cup heavy cream and 1 cup veggie broth , salt, pepper and…
  • I melt 1/2 tbs or grass-fed butter add it to a bowl with chopped dill and/or thyme, oregano, or even 1/2 tbs of pesto, juice of one lemon, salt, pepper mix it up and coat the salmon then broil it. I then add a lemon slice on top close to the end of cooking it. The more lemon the better lol I'm so picky with salmon. But if…
  • Lol. I love apple cider vinegar on all my salads just plain I just throw carrots, cucumbers, beets or whichever and pour on some acv lol. My craziest craving lol, When I was a kid I use to love hash browns dipped in syrup lol.
  • I love this one fish called opah it is so good, but can be hard to find at times . I like to marinade it with 1/2tbs grass fed butter or olive oil, thyme, oregano, 1 clove garlic, lemon juice, garlic powder, salt, pepper and then broil it. So good with Greek salad.
  • Thanks I think I'll have some iodized salt sometimes but I'll just use tiny amount for now. I think I'll have the doctor test the levels just to be on the safe side too
  • I do eat cheese sometimes but I don't drink milk I just drink coconut milk. I don't eat much eggs maybe once in a while. I will try to eat eggs like once a week for breakfast. Thanks so much I'll try that maybe I can add some to salads and once I had seaweed sprinkles on popcorn was good
  • I avoid it because I heard about Celtic sea salt, Himalayan salt and sea salt are much better for you cause they are natural and how iodized salt is not very good and can raise blood pressure, etc.
  • Thanks Mostly Water I do notice that sometimes when I do eat foods with regular salt I'll feel better but other times I could instantly feel my thyroid going too fast and trouble sleeping, blood pressure feels raised, etc. I did have seaweed some days did help. I'm seeing a doctor soon so I hope I'll get some answers, I'm…
  • I love a mix of cucumber and cantaloupe balls made with the melon baller scoop. I also like spearmint, lemon, blackberry mix Ginger, cutie mandarin oranges and lemon Is a good mix too
  • Thank you so much! I'm definitely going to try. Do you soak the nuts with water first? I saw a recipe and I think part of it was soaking first. But it Will be so easy to just throw them in processor though with some coconut oil so I'll try that, I love fast and easy recipes lol. I am going to try to get a bigger processor…
  • Toaster oven really helps reheating eggs ,casseroles, fries and all the foods microwave makes rubbery.
  • I love riced cauliflower mushroom risotto I make it by making riced cauliflower with the cheese grater. I then saute garlic and mushrooms with olive oil, set them aside. I add about 3-4 cups riced cauliflower, a little vegetable stock&coconut milk(about 1/2 cup each) , salt, pepper, and 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese. I then Re…
  • Thank you so much jgnatca! I looked it up and going to buy it. Is there a way that I can find a store which sells it? If not I'll just have to order it. This sounds great because I can't take vitamins and seems like this will really help and that's great If it can help a family too. I barely get enough iron right now since…
  • Mutantspicy that sounds great I'll look into that recipe cause sometimes I have bell peppers but don't know what to make with them lol. Cool I'll look that up too thanks!
  • You can try cut up pieces of salmon. My mom has told me she once tried a salmon Alfredo pasta, she said it was really good. A lemon garlic white wine sauce might be good too
  • Thanks for the idea, I love fage Greek yogurt with some fruit on it too. I never tried it with almond butter though that sounds delicious. I am wanting to try a macadamia nut butter would be so good I'm wondering if I can make that to add to it. Sounds really high protein and perfect for before a workout!
  • Thank you mutantspicy I will try that out. I love minimalist bakers recipe. I'm wanting to try one of the gluten free fig Newton recipes I saw Thank you also jgnatca I am having trouble finding any high protein high iron Keto recipes.none with beans or lentils lol . I will definitely stick to those foods and just calorie…
  • Roasted chickpeas with favorite seasoning and a drizzle of olive oil can be made in toaster oven quickly on bake/toast setting at 350-375 degrees. I'm going to try lemon pepper and ranch flavor sometime