phill_143 Member


  • Of course CICO still holds whilst using hormonal contraceptives - and it is possible to lose weight via a calorie deficit. That doesn't mean it's impossible that the contraceptive can change either side of the equation indirectly - making it harder to do so. Personally, I found that known/well-documented side effects of…
  • It's great that you're thinking ahead about how to have a healthy pregnancy! If you're able to stay active throughout pregnancy it makes for an easier third trimester and labour - as well as helping minimise weight gain/recover more smoothly afterwards. Some things which I personally think would have been useful to…
  • There are lots of other resources you might not have come across yet could be a good additional source of advice, support and social contact (I'm guessing you're in the UK, as you mentioned health visitors?) - Weighing clinics at your local children's centre not only check baby's weight is on track, but can give general…
  • I'm currently EBF my 20 week old - and have been gradually dropping weight since week 8 (before that, didn't track and deliberately focussed just on keeping up the supply and being kind to ourselves). Would agree that it's important not to drop calories too low (eating at your MFP calculated maintenance and letting feeding…
  • That seems disgustingly wasteful :( Or do people tend to bring their own bowls to use instead, and these are just if you forget - like for takeaway coffee..? Even €6 a night hostels I've stayed in - and homeless shelters I've seen - used to use real bowls and plates!
  • Agreed. I used to work in an office where (goodness knows why) some of the guys had an ongoing competition to see who had done the 'best' poo of the day. They had a chart, an over-thought-out scoring system, extensive side notes... but thankfully, no photos. I thought this was a teeny bit inappropriate for an office... but…
  • Until I came across this thread, I didn't realise that there were first world countries where employees have no legal right to sick pay :(
  • Hard cheese and homemade chocolate ice cream (I tried substituting single cream in the recipe for a while, before finally acknowledging it just didn't taste as good or freeze as well, compared to double cream). For things like Greek yoghurt and cottage cheese, I actually prefer the taste of the lower fat versions by far…
  • Just to add, do add the extra calories to your food diary as a negative food. I started out incorrectly logging it as a custom exercise, but also had my fitbit linked up - so my BF calories were getting subtracted from the exercise calories.
  • For such a major decision, it's definitely worth getting a second opinion. It would be useful to ask your doctor for more information on the studies she's referring to. I've seen studies which support the hypothesis that participants regain slightly more weight after extreme, rapid weight loss (e.g. the Minnesota…
  • Congratulations on the baby! As others have said, how you create a calorie deficit is up to you - so it's not necessary at all to exercise to lose weight... but it can help you meet your goals - and also give a sense of achievement on those early days that can sometimes feel a bit draining. Exercise doesn't just mean…
  • I had the same issue - I love 5x5 (and think I have pretty good form on squats now!), but ended up skipping the deadlift every time, because I just couldn't get the form consistently correct and I was really nervous about injuring my back trying to push ahead with incorrect form. I also worked with a PT specifically on…
  • A certain level of hunger would be normal/acceptable when getting used to a deficit... but the level you describe sounds like something you shouldn't ignore or try to put up with. Some thoughts: 1) is it possible you're doing the opposite of what many people do and overestimating what you are eating? Might be worth…
  • Good luck with the change! Of course it's possible to lose/maintain weight in a sedentary job - and many people on here have done just that. RE-reading the initial post again, I don't interpret it as being purely about weight loss. Even though you say you enjoyed the job very much, the long hours, no breaks and implied…
  • I'd entirely agree with trying switching out the milk and adding eggs to breakfast, but I'm curious about the brown sugar recommendation - what's the rationale for that? Everyone has a different experiance of satiety, but I'd find that deliberately/unnecessarily adding sugar would generally increase calories, whilst the…
  • I agree - it's lovely that you'll be doing this together :) - and a great opportunity to add in some extra activities that you can do together...
  • I did some hiking a while ago up to 22,000 feet - which did require a fair bit of preparation! Things I found useful Before: - 8/9 hour walks with a heavy weighted pack - A few sessions in an altitude chamber doing HIIT - Cutting out alcohol a few weeks ahead During: - Keep the pace slow - Active acclimatisation days on…
  • Congratulations on your progress so far - and what a great way to celebrate! I tried out skiing for the first time last year - had the best time and can't believe I'd not tried it sooner. In terms of kit, I'd definitely recommend buying/borrowing waterproof salopetes and a ski jacket as a minimum. If you're just starting…
  • I've been comparing the machine count with my fitbit out of interest and (even on machines where I'd entered my age/height/weight), the machine is about 30%-50% higher
  • Depending on how the % is measured, your apparent decrease in height likely means that either the before or the after number is not accurate, so a comparison of the two might not be meaningful
  • Moderation and eating/drinking what you enjoy, within your calorie limit, is the most frequently given recommendation in these forums. It's very sensible advice. Personally, I find it easier to entirely avoid certain items instead than try to enjoy in moderation. I'm not having any alcohol in the 4-months ahead of getting…
  • As I understand it, you burn a slightly higher _percentage_ of calories from fat at lower intensity vs higher intensity (e.g. 50% vs 35% of calories burned might come from stored fat), but the overall calorie burn for higher intensity exercise is greater.
  • Sorry to hear you were misled/scammed :( How about you ask the bank to reverse the payment - and drop her a note explaining that leaving the payment in her account for only a short time actually makes it more effective ;) Agree with others - take a look for a Registered Dietitian - maybe your GP could refer you to one, if…
  • 454g is an amusingly specific requirement. Does it say what happens if you accidentally eat 455g..? ;)
  • This is a really good point - I'd found the same as well. It's worth checking out what your maintainance calories would be - so you can see if this is actually a 1,000 calories a day deficit - or if the full deficit has not been applied (because it'd take you below a safe minimum level of calorie consumption).
  • I really like Black Bean Spaghetti (from Amazon, or Holland and Barrett) - I'd choose it over 'normal' pasta on taste, never mind nutrition. It's 180cal per serving and that's got 25g protein and 12g fibre.
  • What kind of Fitbit do you have and do you keep it on while working out? I'm wondering if you might be double-counting exercise calories - as you've got a manually added workout, plus a fitbit adjustment. I wear my fitbit (charge HR) during workouts and just let it add the adjustment, which would include calories burned…
  • Indeed! - I came to this thread to say exactly that. Do look it up - is a really interesting/scary phenomenon - basically a form of malnutrition so severe (and fatal) it's effectively 'starvation', even though you could be consuming sufficient calories via protein. Fats are essential for life and health.