Deadlifts are defeating me ...



  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    edited March 2017
    cityruss wrote: »
    There's also some great ones by a Canadian powerlifter with great big plug earrings in his ears but for the life of me I can't think of the name.

    Edit: Was answered already.
  • buffalogal42
    buffalogal42 Posts: 374 Member
    Well, I think the sites, videos, etc. you all posted helped quite a bit. I find watching people helpful. Back to deadlift tonight and I did much better. We went back to conventional as sumo wasn't working for me ... We worked up to 155lbs and I did reps at that weight with much better form. I don't know if that is "good" or not but it was good for me and I will keep at it!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    There's also some great ones by a Canadian powerlifter with great big plug earrings in his ears but for the life of me I can't think of the name.

    Bryce Krawczyk

    I'm impressed. You actually spelt his name right. And yes, he knows a thing or two about pulling both sumo and conventional.
  • Ocrgrrrl
    Ocrgrrrl Posts: 189 Member
    The broomstick set up really helped it click for me that deadlifts are a hinge and not a squat movement. I also love Mark Ripptoe's Art of Manliness how to deadlift video. For some reason, he just explains everything in a way that I can understand so easily!
  • phill_143
    phill_143 Posts: 64 Member
    I had the same issue - I love 5x5 (and think I have pretty good form on squats now!), but ended up skipping the deadlift every time, because I just couldn't get the form consistently correct and I was really nervous about injuring my back trying to push ahead with incorrect form.

    I also worked with a PT specifically on this and I think he's finally helped me get the form under control.
    Something we did that I think helped was kettlebell work - we spent half a session doing swings with a very heavy kettle bell repeatedly - he filmed me and played it back in slow-mo, pointing out the bits of form I had right/wrong each time.
    Then went back to the deadlifting and the correct form felt more intuitive.
    Not sure if that's a standard learning technique? But I found this very helpful.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    Just have to update this ... a month or so later and I LOVE deadlifts! Lol - got the form (mostly) down and I am increasing the weight. It's fun and it makes me feel powerful to lift heavy stuff and set it back down. ;-)

    Nice to read that your patience is showing some results. These lifts take time to develop. Some cues work and others don't.