

  • No you're not wasting your time!! We are all here for the same reasons: to lose weight, get healthy, and to become more fit. However some of us have more to lose than others or want to lose more than others. But ideally, we're all here to support and encourage one another... good luck to on your journey.. add me if youo'd…
  • Thank you ladies!! y'all are wonderful!!! I weighed yesterday morning, started, and I'm looking forward to checking out the scale maybe on Saturday morning. ;) Angie
  • welcome!!! WE're all in this together!!! :) Angie
  • Always use more friends.. for support and encouragement.. ;) Angie
  • at my heaviest I was 340; had a stroke and got down to about 184-190; went thru a vicious divorce and went back up to 254 ( current weight). Ideally I'd like to lose another 80-100 pounds. I have a NuStep recumbent cross trainer, but it's currently in storage. Hoping to get a few nicer days and some help with gettting it…
  • Good for you!!! Just remember today is the first day of the best of your life. I t is best to start slow and gradually build up your endurance. And just want to add, slow and steady wins the race.Oh yeah, while walking a mile on your treadmill is a worthy goal... in my experience,it's not the distance walked or run, it's…
  • wow!!! you look amazing!!!!!:) awesome jobs!!! Angie
  • I had PCOS, but it seems to have disappeared since my first initial weight loss. MY cycles are like clock work now.. so much so that my dr. insists that I always use a barrier form of birth control. :/ I didn't have IR, or thyrhoid problems often associated with PCOS, just irregular cycles, infertility, facial hair, and un…
  • I do want to get back to that size... however i'd like to get passed it by about 30-40 pounds. I already have a lot of excess skin that has been causuing some health issues, but I'm still too heavy to qualify for the reoval surgery. I 'll get there.. I know I will. :) Angie
  • I know tomorrow is a new day, and my only solace is knowing that even though I went over, My food choices were fairly healthy; okay i did not have to eat 2 hotdogs for dinner, but I was trying to be frugal and use up the last of my sloppy joe leftovers from a few days ago... And I had drank/drunk so much water today, I…
  • I was very happy in that photo.. I had just reconnected with my high school sweetheart; after my husband of neasrly 20 years had filed for divorce. He & I just called it quits again...and while it's been hard for me; I am moving on... I have to. I need to. Going to school ful time and trying to get my life back on track…
  • Been having a lot issues with my sleep schedule, I'm in bed by midnight, unless I am working on my school assignments, and will lie in bed sometimes til 4:30- 5:00AM; and then Im in bed til afternoon. something's gotta give. I'm really worried about money right now. My SSi/disability has been suspended until I go through…
  • I only weigh myself once as week. I have a friend who weighs daily, and though I love her dearly, I get tired of hearing her gripe about not losing anything, or only losing a fraction of a pound. She also is eating less than 1000 calories a day, and doesn't exercise. Cant get her to understand that she's in starvation…
  • Been there done thstso to speak, and while I would love a 5-10 pound loss every week, it's just not possible or realistic expectation, well i guess technically it is, but it's not the healthy way to lose and maintain. Funny, my family doctor only wants me to lose 1-2 pounds per week. But i celebrate any and every loss.…
  • of course...
  • I have friends who insist on weighing themselves daily, but our body's change so much and our weight flucuatess a lot with in 24 hours; factors can include: hormones (especially with women), diet ( having a lot of sodium can make you retain water. I tried doing the daily weigh ons; I hated it, it was discouraging to see a…
  • I had a stroke at 41, that was all the motivation I needed!! Feel free to add me; We are all in this together.. GOod luck!!! Angie
  • thanks for all the wonderful ideas. I want to stay away from eBay if I can, as i am unable to drive at present. So, if I do decide to keep trying tp sell, I'd want to stay close to home. ;)will habe to check out Fattoo for sure. Angie
  • I am not a big fan of hummus, it's textural thing for me. Since moving into this apartment, I've yet to get a microwave. I need to get one ASAP, because well, life is much easier with a microwave. I have 2 boxes of mini bags of popcorn and have no way of popping it. I have no idea if I can just empty the contents into a…
  • Don't keep your eye looking down the road. Instead focus your attention and energy on one step at a time. if you focus solely on the 175 pounds you need to lose., you're going to end up getting frustrated and giving up. I speak from experience. I had a stroke on 8/18/2011; I weighed 340 pounds. I am 5'3" tall. on 12/31/14…
  • My mother used to say me, honey you are such a pretty girl, but of you could just lose a little weight, you'd be pretty all over. ;) Gee, thanks mom... I think .. :/ Add me.... :)