For me I had 2 problems, eating in the morning because I wasn't hungry for the first maybe 3 hours after waking, solution was drinking a pint of milk every morning which helped a lot. And 2nd was generally eating enough, solution was for a couple of weeks eating my favourite foods to increase my appetite,
My goal set grams are too high or the fact that I went over on that day? I now weigh 170lbs My lifts up 2.5kg weekly, And I've put on 5lbs in 4 weeks
Thanks again pal
Thanks all,
So 2 weeks on and I've been working to this routine...... I have been doing only the three main lifts @ 5x5 , lifts going up every session but was wondering what people thought about the extra exercises I was thinking to add in for a little hypertrophy Will this be ok or possible overkill, *-Day1 - workout A 5x5-* SQUAT…
@jmule24 thanks again for your detailed relies, I will do some research on full body workouts
Thanks for your replies, I will go on 5x5 for now as its straight forward , gives me some time to work something else out for when needed, However from what I've read online I was expecting advise to go towards something like the German volume training or something near the 10 rep range as I read a lot that's optimal for…
No I'm not on any structured routine apart from simply..... Chest/bi -tuesday back/tris/calves - Wednesday Shoulders/core - Friday , legs - Sunday I'm fairly new to lifting , I had a few years experience about 5 years ago so I guess I'm back where I started, Starting strength it is then @ Horrorfox thanks also, I'm at the…
Thanks @ndj1979 , no I haven't been taking measurements but it makes sense to do so, I will start measuring asap, So with your advise in mind, I was thinking of starting a 5x5 routine when it was time to mix things up, Is there a better routine to go on? At the moment I am mostly aiming for 8-10 rep with the exception of…
I agree and do this exactly, with a treat meal when I go out with the family, however as summer is getting closer I was looking for a kick forwards,
Thanks again I have read enough to not bother with pills, I may try caffeine pills , even then, keep them for when I feel I need them most for extra energy, Currently weigh 162lbs roughly and Started at around 175lbs and I have been losin 1lb a week a couple of 2lb weeks but now is slowing down 1lb every 2 weeks. So I will…
25f 45c 30p
Thanks I never heard of fasted cardio , I will give this a go Also was a typo 25f 45c 30p
Thank you for your replies, The only part which I thought may work was the fact people say they sweat a lot more whilst exercising? I will have to try a coffee shot befor my next gym session and see how that helps
I currently am at around a 600calorie deficit Macros 25f 45c 35p, which I reach fine with a 1 or 2% fluctuation, I always make sure I hit my protein targets, Currently around 20% bf roughly maybe just under, And like you said diet and exercise takes a long time, Currently go gym 3 x a week 20- 30 mins of high intensity…
My understanding is weight loss pills are a means of assistance , providing there is already a calorie deficit Fat people would still struggle with the calorie deficit or they wouldn't be fat
That wasn't my question as I allready have most of the knowledge I need regarding calorie deficits
I'm not sure but you could try and change your activity level to sedentary and check your total calories then change back to your actual activity level and see how much/if it changes
I like to bake or roast orange flesh sweet potatoe But much rather white flesh sweet potatoe for mash because it's less sweet, only discovered white flesh sweet potatoe recently!
I'm like all above, I drink coke if I eat out but that's it, still opt for water sometimes. as long as you don't buy a multi pack and bring it home you will be doing ok
High in protein and low in fat, can't see why not :smile:
Thanks,,,,, most helpful reply yet, ThumbsUpEmoji
Thanks again, I don't suppose you would mind checking out my macros for me? I am TRYING to get abit more definition for summer , Lifting 3x a week with cardio, Only just started getting involved with macros and it's not easy to hit them correctly, Can my macros be as they are or would I need to get stricter? So far I'm…
Thanks, This will be the next step, for now I'm going to get use to eating extra clean.
Lol, thank you, it tasted really good too :)
My way of thinking is cut a little now before a bulk and a little after a bulk, I thought the aim was to be cutting for as short a period of time as possible to keep maximum lean muscle
I agree with the lifting vs not many burned calories however ,?what about superset hiit, was going to start some super setting soon which does feel like a cArdio workout at the same time
Or maybe look up some healthy recipes to have nice tasty marinated chicken, takes pre planning and I'm sure herbs and spices can't be too detrimental, However I always do like to have protein powder around. I just haven't found one protein powder I can enjoy in any way