

  • I use the moving comfort one for running and LOVE it! Definitely helps keep the girls from getting sore for all the bouncing. I found them for under $30 on too as a heads up!
  • I bought the Moving Comfort Fiona bra because my 34D boobs would be sore from bouncing when I ran. It helped soooooooo much. They are kinda pricey, $44, but I tried one on at a local running store to find my size and then bought some for less than $30 on They are really well made and worth the money.
  • My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas!!
  • hahaha this is awesome!! You survived though!! Good job!!
  • Great blog!! You made some great points. I really want my younger sister who just started college to read this because she's going through that stage where you just keep wanting to lose 5 more pounds. Thanks!
  • This is awesome! cw:136 gw:130 height: 5'7" age: 23
  • Just finished my workout and I did level 1 today! It's very similar to her other workouts and includes ab exercises on the floor, standing moves where you move your arms and legs at the same time to burn fat, and some of her intervals with mountain climbers, burpees, etc. She takes you through the routine once slow to…
  • I have both programs and would definitely recommend starting with Turbojam because it really helps develop good form for the moves. Turbofire is very similar to jam, but takes it up a few notches and gets faster so it'll be great to add to your routine after mastering jam. I love Chalene though and think she is so…
  • I love JM's No more trouble zones! It's longer than the other workouts, but so worth the time. It doesn't have nearly as much jumping either like 30DS.
  • I totally made these for dinner last night too! Only difference is I added some tomato slices, diced onion and sprinkled it with Italian seasoning! They are so yummy!
  • LOVE IT! It's addicting. It works arms, legs, and especially abs. It burns loads of calories and I'm drenched in sweat when I'm done. And it has AWESOME music to get your pumped up. I really like all the variety in the programs and that it includes the resistance band workouts for when I'm not energetic enough to jump…
    in Turbofire Comment by Bexster88 May 2011
  • I do the turbo jam and turbo fire workouts from beachbody. They are aerobic/kickboxing workouts that REALLY get your abs. I need to melt a few more pounds off, but I can definitely feel some definition under there. If I haven't worked out for awhile and then do one of these workouts, immediately the next day I feel like my…
  • I'm interested in this too! I have such a large sweet tooth and love love love CARBS and SWEETS!!! But I eat way to much of them. Stick a tray of cupcakes in front of me and I can easily take down 3. What are the details of your plan and what kind of foods are you eating? Do individual food items just have to have below a…
  • You look great!! Awesome job!!
  • I used the slim in 6 dvds my senior year of high school with my mom. They definitely work your muscles and I lost several inches before my prom. The lady is really good at explaining and the choreography isn't too fast paced either. The only down side for me was that the workouts are so long!! I don't always have time to…
  • Eating pasta does that for me. I can eat a huge bowl and 30 minutes later my stomach trys to tell me it's hungry again.
  • I was reading on a fitness website the other day that boosting your fiber intake will help you lose body fat.
  • I only eat loads of veggie because I learned how to season them to taste good! Just go to the spice section of the grocery store. It's loaded with flavor to make veggies taste good. I use a lot of frozen veggies and some of my favorite combos are - lawry seasoned salt on peas, basil and garlic on green beans, and I love…
  • Black Eyed Peas - My Humps :) Any Black Eyed Peas song though helps me pick up my running speed
  • Wow, I feel like I just read about myself in your post. I'm a full time grad student too who works 30 hours a week, which makes my stress eating a huge problem!! I get the same comments at work about how I'm getting too skinny and need to eat more. The other day I got referred to as "Ms. Healthy", which I am totally okay…
  • I have a friend who did the same workout routine for years and after two weeks on here and she hadn't lost weight, someone suggested she switch up her routine and do sometime her body wasn't used to at all. She lost over a pound that week. So you might try that. Also, make sure the calories you are eating are healthy…
  • It definitely could be. I take a B complex in the morning to give me energy because I never get enough sleep as a college student with work and projects all the time. Maybe try switching it and taking it in the morning instead and see what happens.
  • I've been trying to up my fiber lately too. I love the fiber one bars and the cereal for breakfast and snacks because they are so quick and easy. Vegetables and whole grains have a lot of fiber too. When you go grocery shopping, remember to look at the nutrition info on the 100% whole wheat items like bread and pasta to…
    in Fiber?? Comment by Bexster88 March 2011
  • It's AWESOME!! Awesome music, awesome variety, awesome RESULTS!! I have never had so much definition in my arms!! There are so many different programs - the normal kickboxing, the HIIT workouts, and the resistance training so it really helps to keep you from getting bored with it. On days I don't want to work out, I pop it…
  • I'm totally doing the crazy college life right now too. My advice is to eat as many fresh fruits and veggies as possible and make sure to get enough protein and fiber. I joined MFP because of another college friend and we discovered it REALLY helps to cut down on sodium and drink LOADS of water. We both have refillable…
  • I totally understand. I have a sister 2 years younger than me who is 5' 5" and I'm 5' 7". She's always snacking during the day and eats one big meal with her fiance at night and never works out. She bought a size 4 wedding dress and has to worry about getting it taken in before her wedding this summer. It took me years to…
  • I love it!!! The only thing I caution you about is if you have bad knees and can't do a lot of jumping exercises, you might not enjoy the cardio much if your knees/hips/ankles tend to bother you. The resistence band toning workouts that are included are really awesome too!! The 10 minute abs kills me everytime!
  • I like Jillian Michaels and Jackie Warner's videos. They are more weight training based and kick your butt. They are pretty cheap at Walmart or Target. I think Jillian's are only $9.