5'4" 112 lbs with pictures

deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
I wrote a blog post about the positives and negatives to losing a lot of weight. It has pictures from me at my smallest - not sure how to post pics on here! It's called "The Weight Loss Skinny" on my blog: http://www.deenasafari.com/blog/


  • Bexster88
    Great blog!! You made some great points. I really want my younger sister who just started college to read this because she's going through that stage where you just keep wanting to lose 5 more pounds. Thanks!
  • fmeisele
    fmeisele Posts: 55
    ok so I'm a 51 yo guy but what you said applies to everyone. I can sooooo relate it being the 4th time in the last 25 years that I've lost 70lbs or more. It's all about self image no matter how much you weigh. And if you look like the pic of you picking an ear of corn you don't need to change a thing as far as I'm concerned. You look great, I love the way you write, be healthy, love yourself no matter what and the right guy will love EXACTLY who you are.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    wow, great blog!

    i am glad you posted this, otherwise i would have never seen it - considering i don't read the blogs on here :)

    i'm really glad that you did - it was definitely something i needed to hear! I am currently struggling with that "just 5 more pounds.." chant running through my brain. keep wanting to lose more even though i know it is absolutely ridiculous. I should print this out and hang it up on my fridge :)

    THANKS. and yes, i'd rather be marilyn :)
  • shellshell43
    I love your blogs. The Self Esteem Snapshot one was sooo great! I really don't think much about how I look on any given day. I watch what I eat for health reasons and to try to avoid a large weight gain because of a recent smoking quit...I exercise now because I feel better with the quit and the healthier eating I have more oxygen and more energy . I feel strong and healthy even though I am 44years old and 10 pounds heavier than I have ever been. I don't even think about the weight gain until I see a picture...then my world seems to fall apart..when I see that old lady with the thicker waistline in the picture....I can't help that I feel totally lied to...how can I look like that when I feel so young, strong, and (lol) taller...your post said all those feelings just so right...I even go online also to look for others with my height weight ratio to try to convince myself that it's not as bad As I think I see in my own photos and That I am just being hard on myself....It's a shame we feel this way sometimes because we are trying to fit into some ideal of health and beauty when those ideals really aren't ideal at all...I never beat myself up for my weight before because I never have had issues because I was always lower in weight but I didn't feel as alive and healthy then as I do now.....So I took the camera and took many pictures of myself from many angles and made peace with myself...this is me...44 years old, cellulite, wrinkles, dark circles under my eyes, the starting of jowls, thicker waist, short legs, little boobs, a tummy that's held two babies, A heart that's loved so many, eyes that have seen some wonderful and some sad moments, a brain that is wiser and still young and vital, lungs that are healing, muscles that are thanking me for reawakening them, A body that shares and has shared my every moment with me....it is my best friend and I wouldn' t ever think of loathing or hating someone else in my life for not being as thin or pretty as I would like them to be,,,,,why do I do that to myself,,,,I am my own best friend and as my best friend I deserve my unconditional love and inspiration.......
  • curlysue06
    curlysue06 Posts: 98 Member
    I love your blog.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'm going to friend you!

    I can relate to this 100%. I have my story on my blog too: http://itsapartyinmyhead.blogspot.com/2011/06/woes-of-weight.html

    I went too low, and had to go up. I've been on both ends, and I can totally attest to the fact that they are equally as scary and unhealthy. thanks so much for sharing!
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    Thank you so much for such a great response everyone! I am so glad that my struggle has shown me the healthy and unhealthy sides of losing weight. Thanks for reading my blog :-)
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    I LOVE what you said here! It takes a while to gain the wisdom that you aren't going to always look one way and it's ok. Our bodies change and it's part of life. Thank you for sharing your story!
    I love your blogs. The Self Esteem Snapshot one was sooo great! I really don't think much about how I look on any given day. I watch what I eat for health reasons and to try to avoid a large weight gain because of a recent smoking quit...I exercise now because I feel better with the quit and the healthier eating I have more oxygen and more energy . I feel strong and healthy even though I am 44years old and 10 pounds heavier than I have ever been. I don't even think about the weight gain until I see a picture...then my world seems to fall apart..when I see that old lady with the thicker waistline in the picture....I can't help that I feel totally lied to...how can I look like that when I feel so young, strong, and (lol) taller...your post said all those feelings just so right...I even go online also to look for others with my height weight ratio to try to convince myself that it's not as bad As I think I see in my own photos and That I am just being hard on myself....It's a shame we feel this way sometimes because we are trying to fit into some ideal of health and beauty when those ideals really aren't ideal at all...I never beat myself up for my weight before because I never have had issues because I was always lower in weight but I didn't feel as alive and healthy then as I do now.....So I took the camera and took many pictures of myself from many angles and made peace with myself...this is me...44 years old, cellulite, wrinkles, dark circles under my eyes, the starting of jowls, thicker waist, short legs, little boobs, a tummy that's held two babies, A heart that's loved so many, eyes that have seen some wonderful and some sad moments, a brain that is wiser and still young and vital, lungs that are healing, muscles that are thanking me for reawakening them, A body that shares and has shared my every moment with me....it is my best friend and I wouldn' t ever think of loathing or hating someone else in my life for not being as thin or pretty as I would like them to be,,,,,why do I do that to myself,,,,I am my own best friend and as my best friend I deserve my unconditional love and inspiration.......
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    Thank you for reading it!
    I love your blog.
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    Thanks for reading! The 5 lbs thing will drive you crazy. Finally, my body was like, NOPE! Thank God, too!
    wow, great blog!

    i am glad you posted this, otherwise i would have never seen it - considering i don't read the blogs on here :)

    i'm really glad that you did - it was definitely something i needed to hear! I am currently struggling with that "just 5 more pounds.." chant running through my brain. keep wanting to lose more even though i know it is absolutely ridiculous. I should print this out and hang it up on my fridge :)

    THANKS. and yes, i'd rather be marilyn :)
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    Thank you! I'm glad you like the way I write. :-) I'm glad that others can relate to my struggle.
    ok so I'm a 51 yo guy but what you said applies to everyone. I can sooooo relate it being the 4th time in the last 25 years that I've lost 70lbs or more. It's all about self image no matter how much you weigh. And if you look like the pic of you picking an ear of corn you don't need to change a thing as far as I'm concerned. You look great, I love the way you write, be healthy, love yourself no matter what and the right guy will love EXACTLY who you are.
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    Yes, please do share it!
    Great blog!! You made some great points. I really want my younger sister who just started college to read this because she's going through that stage where you just keep wanting to lose 5 more pounds. Thanks!
  • meliturtlee
    Very inspirational. Thanks. I understand your struggle. I was never thin in high school but I was not obese or too self conscious. I loved hs. Now I feel like I'll be happy thinner but deep down inside I know that's not what will make me truly happy. It's just hard being 21 and young. I'm still trying to find myself but I'm making sure that any weight loss is not 100% contributed.
  • Autumn15
    Autumn15 Posts: 213
    I wrote a blog post about the positives and negatives to losing a lot of weight. It has pictures from me at my smallest - not sure how to post pics on here! It's called "The Weight Loss Skinny" on my blog: http://www.deenasafari.com/blog/

    Great blog...I have lived a similar life going from 110 to 170 and I don't think I'd ever want to be 110 again but I'd like to find that happy place in the middle where I look and feel good for me. I still felt fat at 110 I don't think we ever see ourselves how others see us. But I have decided I want to be healthy, fit in my clothes comfortably and I don't know what number that will be just that it's not 110 or 170.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Don't be so hard on the skinny version of you- you weren't skeletal at all, you clearly had some muscle. Very fit, but not anorexic looking! And you are lucky to look good while heavier too- you still have a waist! Jealous... :grumble:
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