Amandajs232 Member


  • I am really going to challenge myself. I said 100km for July and thanks to my new running group I did 145. That is 90miles and with a weekend less in August my calculations say 90 would be my expected for August. But...I am going to go for 100miles just because it sounds good and is about 10% uplift which seems reasonable.…
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 14Jul - 6k 16Jul - 10k 17Jul - 8k 19Jul - 7.7k 21Jul - 11k 23Jul -7.3k 24Jul - 11.7k 25Jul - 3k treadmill 28Jul - 10k 30Juk - 8k 31Jul - 10.2k 145/100 Can't believe how much I managed to increase my total this month thanks to an extra full…
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 14Jul - 6k 16Jul - 10k 17Jul - 8k 19Jul - 7.7k 21Jul - 11k 23Jul -7.3k 24Jul - 11.7k 25Jul - 3k treadmill 28Jul - 10k 30Juk - 8k 133.8/100 @shanaber I use cheap wireless headphones from Amazon EasyAcc about £10. The sound is excellent, they hold…
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 14Jul - 6k 16Jul - 10k 17Jul - 8k 19Jul - 7.7k 21Jul - 11k 23Jul -7.3k 24Jul - 11.7k 25Jul - 3k treadmill 28Jul - 10k 125.7/100 Took it easy on a slow 10k, missed a planned run on Tuesday as I felt sick after 4 hours in the back of a car trying…
  • No would recommend shock absorbers - they are pricey but worth every penny - changed my life having such a good sports bra!
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 14Jul - 6k 16Jul - 10k 17Jul - 8k 19Jul - 7.7k 21Jul - 11k 23Jul -7.3k 24Jul - 11.7k 25Jul - 3k treadmill 115.7/100 Away for 1 night with work and was supposed to be a rest day but did a cheeky 3k on the treadmill and some weights to compensate…
  • Wow that looks very hot for being dark- was that morning or evening?
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 14Jul - 6k 16Jul - 10k 17Jul - 8k 19Jul - 7.7k 21Jul - 11k 23Jul -7.3k 24Jul - 11.7k 112.7/100 Just done my longest ever run at 11.7km - I was told it was a 10km route but it turned out a bit longer. Mostly flat with 2 big hills in the middle.…
  • @greenolivetree @louubelle16 thanks for your advice/views. @_nikkiwolf_ I am very amused by your using the term dark side to describe miles. Dark side is phrase used all the time but very clever for Imperial measures (for non geeks the Imperial army is the Star Wars baddies). I was always a km girl because the treadmills…
  • That's a shame but listen to your body, there might be a reason you struggled today. Maybe you needed to cut a few miles?
  • Log what you actually eat - stay in the habit so you don't go off track if your appetite comes back with vengeance. Eat only what you feel like.
  • My weight CB vary by 1-2kg throughout the week - just a variance on hydration and how food is working its way through my digestive system. When you complete diary each day with exercise roughly but conservatively guesstimated what weight loss does it predict in 5 weeks? If weight is dropping off you at a significantly…
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 14Jul - 6k 16Jul - 10k 17Jul - 8k 19Jul - 7.7k 21Jul - 11k 23Jul -7.3k 101/100 Yippee hit target early. Bonus extra full weekend in July at same time as me increasing my distances. I will keep going to earn donation miles for those out injured…
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 14Jul - 6k 16Jul - 10k 17Jul - 8k 19Jul - 7.7 21Jul - 11k 94.6/100 Long slow run with group. Kept with back runner so I did not go out too fast as it was longer than my normal mid week distance. It was slower and longer than usual and I felt a…
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 14Jul - 6k 16Jul - 10k 17Jul - 8k 19Jul - 7.7 85.5/100 In Scotland we had 2 weeks of sun in May and it has been miserable and wet since. Today was scorching - 29C at peak and still 26C at 7pm when I went to running group to do intervals 1.7km to…
  • Hi Eat to MFP 1lb weight loss kcals Eat only 1/3 exercise kcals back Plan ahead Bulk with lots of veg Eat plenty of lean protein Allow a proportionally bigger dinner Leave kcals for an evening snack Drink lots of water or zero kcal soda/soft drinks If you do this you won't go hungry and will lose. If you are hungry then…
  • What they said. What kcals are you eating daily? Do you weight and count everything from lettuce to low kcal dressing? It is easy to get casual and misjudge portions - I have done this before.
  • @krishsub there is a new thread every month. Hop over to and join us for July.
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 14Jul - 6k 16Jul - 10k 17Jul - 8k 75.7/100 I do about 3 paces per km, 7:30-40 (easy) which I do as recovery or after not running for weeks, 7:00-7.10 which I do on my longer run (10k) and 6:40-50 which I would do for 4-6km runs and was my 10k…
  • I like Nike app and agree that poor. More than once lost gps for a moment and it made up a random wild route skewing the whole distance and speed.
  • Use the MFP kcal calculation based on your goal. Stick to if for at least 3 weeks to assess results. Then if all is well you can start to eat back some of your exercise kcals.
  • I was the same but stuck with it as the best exercise for me to lose weight (along with diet of course). My tips would be to set a goal for the month in km's and forget about speed and just concentrate on gradually increasing distance. E.g of you run 3x per week go for a goal of say 40km in the month and add an extra .5 to…
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 14Jul - 6k 16Jul - 10k 67.7/100 Just over 10k this morning at a pretty steady pace. As I have been trying to increase my weekend distances I have been doing different routes which has been fun. My mantra today as I could feel my legs getting…
  • Brilliant:smile: well done and enjoy that well deserved pride in your achievement.
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 14Jul - 6k 57.2/100 Did my run before work this morning as there was a 5mile race on tonight that I didn't feel ready to run (mostly elite runners and others faster than me) but wanted to go along to support. It was fun but I did not stay until…
  • I am going to repeat what others have said but it works for me: 1. Eat more protein 2. Drink more kcal free fluids 3. Save calories for night by choosing lean proteins and bulking with large portions of undressed or low kcal dressing or green veg 4. Drink more kcal free fluids 5. Do more exercise to earn more kcals 6.…
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 12Jul - 5k 51.2/100k Happy with this distance at this point :blush: Went to running group again and met some nice ladies. The "gentle jog" to track was beyond my normal easy pace but another slower runner held back with me there and back. Was then running…
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 10Jul - 8k 45.5/100 Run was fine. Losing my house key was not. Waiting on taxi to take me to mums to get a spare....silver lining- I did another 3k walk on top of my 8k run retracing my steps where I had my phone out and key must have been dropped.
  • Yes that's how they do it. Kcal can vary quite a bit and even prepackaged products can be 10% out either way due to natural variances e.g. One portion of chicken or veg could have more water content than another. If you are trying to lose weight just log everything and it balances out. If a generic item try and find a…
  • July 2Jul - 8k 3Jul - 6k 5Jul - 6k 7Jul - 7k 9Jul - 10k 37.3/100