July (2016) Running Challenge



  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member
    2Jul - 8k
    3Jul - 6k
    5Jul - 6k
    7Jul - 7k
    9Jul - 10k
    10Jul - 8k
    12Jul - 5k
    14Jul - 6k
    16Jul - 10k
    17Jul - 8k
    19Jul - 7.7k
    21Jul - 11k
    23Jul -7.3k


    Yippee hit target early. Bonus extra full weekend in July at same time as me increasing my distances. I will keep going to earn donation miles for those out injured :smile: .

    Think I will try to move to counting in miles next month. Has anyone else changed how they count? How long did it take to think in new units for pace etc?

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Today was supposed to be the first day of building miles again, but my hip has been sore the last 2 days. I was hoping to come back from the cut back week more rested and ready to go not sore and unable to run. But this is also why I started building for my half so soon because it isn't a big deal right now if I miss a run or 2, just frustrating. We will see how I feel tomorrow after more foam rolling.

    7/1 - 0 mi - 0 mi
    7/2 - 0 mi - 0 mi
    7/3 - 5 mi - 5 mi
    7/6 - 0 mi - 5 mi
    7/7 - 0 mi - 5 mi
    7/6 - 6.2 mi - 11.2 mi
    7/9 - 4.5 mi - 15.7 mi
    7/10 - 2.5 mi - 18.2 mi
    7/11 - 0.5 mi - 18.7 mi
    7/13 - 7.6 mi - 26.3 mi
    7/16 - 2.6 mi - 28.9 mi
    7/18 - 3.1 mi - 32.0 mi
    7/20 - 2.6 mi - 34.6 mi
    Goal : 50 miles - 15.4 miles to go.

    Races :
    6/11 Run and Ride 5K Cedar Point - Done
    10/8 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #1
    11/5 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #2
    12/3 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #3
    12/11 Santa Hustle Half Marathon Cedar Point
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited July 2016
    7/1: Rest/moving day
    7/2: 8 miles
    7/3: 3 miles
    7/4: 5.8 miles
    7/5: 8 miles
    7/6: 5 miles
    7/7: 5.2 miles (am)
    ......: 6.4 miles (pm)
    7/8: Rest day
    7/9: 5.8 miles (Belmar 5 miler: 37:42)
    7/10: 14.9 miles
    7/11: 3 miles with Monday coffee crew
    7/12: 5.7 miles (includes 5k XC race)
    7/13: 8 miles
    7/14: 7 miles (am)
    .......: 6.4 miles (pm)
    7/15: Rest day
    7/16: 18 miles
    7/17: 12.6 miles
    7/18: 6.3 miles
    7/19: Rest day
    7/20: 8.2 miles
    7/21: 8.2 miles again
    7/22: Rest day
    7/23: 10 miles

    Excellent run today! It was definitely warm (73F to start at 6:30, and around 80F when we finished) but my legs felt really good -- none of the heaviness I've been having the last week or two. I think that accepting my job offer (it's official -- I'm employed!! I start my Big Girl Job on Aug 1!) has taken off a lot of stress that I didn't even realize I was carrying around. Plus I skipped my Thursday double to treat myself to a movie instead, and I think that cutting those 6 miles helped seal up my recovery from my 60 mile week last week.

    And! Shout-out to my dad who ran a 10k this morning and got 1st in his age group! He won't tell me his time, but he did pretty darn well considering it was 75F and 100% humidity when the race started at 6:30 am!


    Upcoming Races:
    9/11: Lehigh Valley Via Marathon (Allentown, PA)
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Philly, PA)

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @Orphia Love the sweater run!! And those sheep are really cute :)

    @MNLittleFinn Congrats on the distance PR! I'd say you definitely ran it a bit hard if you ran 14 in about the same amount of time that you did 13.1... but you'll learn to take it easy eventually :P
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    After getting a "kick my butt" summer cold - and not doing a single thing since a week ago last Monday - finally headed back out today for a light workout.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Hot, sweat-soaked run. We left at 6:10 but it was already 81! I noticed afterwards it was 82 here in NYC, and 75 in Orlando. WTH? It's like the Earth is flipped. Based on everything happening in the world lately, I guess the weather should act bizarre too.

    7/1 - 5.23 miles in Washington
    7/2 - 3.7 miles in Washington
    7/3 - flying home all day - no running.
    7/4 - :disappointed: couldn’t ride today.
    7/5 - 4.5 miles in the Florida heat and humidity.
    7/6 - 5 miles!
    7/7 - 4.2 miles + 1 hour spinning class
    7/8 - strength training - cancelled — rest day
    7/9 - 34 mile bike ride
    7/10 -35 miles biking
    7/11 - 5 mile run + strength training
    7/12 - 5 mile run
    7/13 - 4 miles
    7/14 - 4.3 miles
    7/15 - 4.5 miles
    7/16 - 41 miles biking
    7/17 - rest day and driving 12 hours
    7/18 - 5 miles
    7/19 - 5.3 miles - intervals
    7/20 - 7 miles
    7/21 - rest day/travel
    7/22 - 4 miles in NYC - Astoria
    7/23 - 6.4 miles in NYC - Astoria


    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @kristinegift yeah, I know I need to throttle back.... This is what happens when I run by feel instead of pace..... Ugh
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    7/1 - 11.5 - Easy
    7/2 - 5.86 - Recovery
    7/3 - 18.11 - Long Run
    7/4 - 2.0 - Strength Training Warmup
    7/5 - 9.0 - Tempo
    7/6 - 14.07 - Easy
    7/7 - 5.14 - Recovery
    7/8 - 12.1 - Easy W/ Strides
    7/9 - 5.1 - Recovery
    7/10 - 20.0 - Long Run
    7-11 - Rest
    7/12 - 8.01 - Tempo
    7/13 - 12.47 - Easy
    7/14 - 5.0 - Recovery
    7/15 - 12.6 - Easy
    7/16 - 6.2 - Recovery
    7/17 - 16.0 - Long Run
    7/18 - Rest
    7/19 - 4.2 warmup + 3.0 Treadmill Lactic Threshold HR Test
    7/19 - 5.0 - Recovery
    7/20 - 15.0 - Easy
    7/21 - 5.01 - Recovery
    7/22 - 11.01 - Easy
    7/23 - 8.07 - Easy W/ Strides (10x125M)

    Total 214.45 of 289

    Got up late for me, and finally out the door about 6:30 am. It was actually a tolerable 73 degrees. Now time to relax and mentally prepare for the 21 mile long run tomorrow.
  • foomsy
    foomsy Posts: 222 Member
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    @kristinegift yeah, I know I need to throttle back.... This is what happens when I run by feel instead of pace..... Ugh


    Too much, too soon, too fast is the perfect storm for ending up injured. I know it's hard to slow down and to add mileage slowly but adding more than 10% a week will really take it's toll, plus if you run those miles at a pace that is a bit faster it compounds the wear and tear. From a few weeks back it sounded like you wanted to peak in the next cycle about where you ended up this week. The week you had w/ a 14 mile long run is several weeks in to a full intermediate marathon training plan comparative wise. Just be safe, cause there is nothing worse than sitting on side side line with a stress reaction/fracture, shin splits, tendonitis, etc.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited July 2016
    @5512bf this week was a weird week for me. I wasn't expecting it to be such high mileage, it just felt good.

    I'm still trying to find the sweet spot in mileage/pace to make it work.

    I'll probably be chopping 10 miles or so from my mileage next week so it's more in line what I have been doing.

    Thanks for the advice BTW....forgot to say that first
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    -------   -----    -------
    July  2     6.5      6.5 
    July  3     5.0     11.5 
    July  4     4.3     15.8 
    July  6     4.3     20.1 
    July  9    13.2     33.3 
    July 11     5.5     38.8
    July 13     7.0     45.8
    July 15     5.3     51.1
    July 19     4.3     55.4
    July 20     5.1     60.5
    July 22     6.2     66.7
    July 23     5.1     71.8

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    86.68% of goal

    01-Jul: 3.38 miles
    02-Jul: 6.45 miles
    03-Jul: <Life Day>
    04-Jul: 6.36 miles
    05-Jul: 7.14 miles
    06-Jul: 5.31 miles
    07-Jul: 4.75 miles
    08-Jul: 5.49 miles
    09-Jul: 5.75 miles
    10-Jul: <Life Day>
    11-Jul: 5.78 miles
    12-Jul: 6.36 miles
    13-Jul: 3.54 miles
    14-Jul: 6.37 miles
    15-Jul: 6.20 miles
    16-Jul: 10.57 miles
    17-Jul: <Life Day>
    18-Jul: 6.81 miles
    19-Jul: 6.45 miles
    20-Jul: 4.23 miles
    21-Jul: 6.62 miles
    22-Jul: 7.03 miles
    23-Jul: 6.76 miles
    24-Jul: <Life Day>
    31-Jul: <Life Day>

    Upcoming Races:
    13-Aug: Apple-a-Day 5K, Macon
    27-Aug: John 316 Cancer Awareness 5K, Lizella
    05-Sep: Labor Day Road Race 10K
    17-Sep: Joshua's Wish 5K
    24-Sep: Georgia Golden Olympics 5K
    01-Oct: Terry's Run 5K, Eastman
    22-Oct: S.C.A.R.E. 5K, Macon
    05-Nov: Ridge Run 5K, Macon
    12-Nov: Pecan Orchard 10K, Fort Valley
  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Hello, my name is Dana and I'm a runner.

    I did not *kitten*'g want to run today. It's been a long week (VBS at church in the evenings), and although my head wanted 10 miles today to make it a 40-mile week, as I was heading to bed last night, I said, "*kitten* it, I'm setting the alarm for 5:30 instead of 4:30." Got up, got coffee in, and still didn't want to go run. But I'm a runner and an obsessive (aren't those the same thing?), and I knew my addiction would be screaming at me all freakin' day if I didn't go out. But I tried to console the reasonable part of me by saying, "We're only doing 11:30/mile. That's manageable, even at 10+ miles."

    But to prove that I didn't want it, I forgot the headphones and KNEW I couldn't face nearly 2 hours on the road without tune-age, so I had to go back to the house. It was 7:41 when I hit the "start" button on the Garmin, and it was starting to heat up. Not sure if the 75 degrees Garmin reports is start or finish.

    To prove that I'm obsessive, I deliberately chose a route that would FORCE me to go longer. Got to 5.5 miles, so I knew it would be an 11ish-mile run, and had managed to stay right around 11:30 for those 5 miles. But mile 6 was 11:55, and I knew that meant I had to push a little harder, and that, in turn, led to the decision that I've never seriously faced: Intentional DNF.

    No, it wasn't truly a bonk. I could've kept going, doing more walking than before and finished, but I just *kitten*'g didn't want to. I called my son, and asked him to come pick me up and take me back to my car. Have casually thought about that once or twice, but never actually did it, until today.

    I might be a little dehydrated, and I know I'm a little tired, but I'm still a runner, and I will probably hear that muttering in my back of my head all day: "You can go out again after sunset, and do about 3 miles (or more!) and get to 10+ for the day...." And I'll probably do it too. *kitten*

    Anyway, that's where I am today. Thanks for letting me share.

    That's a shame but listen to your body, there might be a reason you struggled today. Maybe you needed to cut a few miles?
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Beautiful morning today, and the heat was not terrible until the end. We had a mostly shady route too. This was my second 90 minute long run and it felt better than last week, the pace was a bit slower though. I had my running buddy with me and we chatted the whole way so it seemed to go faster. We finished with 7.29 miles in 1:29:43. I guess we shaved it a little short. :)

    That brings me to 20.5 miles for the week so far, and 79.3 for the month. Will I actually make 100 miles this month???

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @greenolivetree nice running!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @katharmonic Great job! You and I are both gonna make 100 miles :)
    @9voice9 Cut yourself some slack!
    @vandinem Nice!
    @5512bf Your mileage is impressive.
    @foomsy You're almost to goal :) Good job this month.
    @MNLittleFinn Wow! You're doing great but definitely use some caution and don't forget to run easy.
    @ddmom0811 Yes, the weather is nuts!
    @Tweaking_Time Welcome back :)
    @kristinegift CONGRATS!!!!
    @kimlight2 Sorry about the hip :(
    @Amandajs232 Maybe try doing dual-recording for a month? Like track in one but then convert and note the other beside it. Maybe that would help? Google will easily translate for you from one to the other.
    @Elise4270 I don't see you on this page but HI :-D How's your son doing with running?