July (2016) Running Challenge



  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Just got in 5 miles on the treadmill now that I'm back in Florida and spent the day swimming & biking. Should get in my final 5 tomorrow.

    7/2 - 9 miles
    7/4 - 1 mile
    7/5 - 7 miles
    7/6 - 5 miles
    7/7 - 1 mile (lift warmup)
    7/8 - 3 miles
    7/9 - 5 miles
    7/10 - 11.5 miles
    7/12 - 1 mile (lift warmup)
    7/13 - 8 miles
    7/14 - 2 miles
    7/15 - 5 miles
    7/16 - 10 miles
    7/18 - 10 miles
    7/19 - 3.5 miles
    7/20 - 14.5 miles
    7/21 - 8.5 miles
    7/22 - 10 miles
    7/25 - 18 miles
    7/26 - 7 miles
    7/27 - 10 miles
    7/28 - 10 miles
    7/29 - 10 miles
    7/30 - 5 miles

    Total: 175 miles
    Goal: 180 miles
    Remaining: 5 miles

    2016 Race Schedule:
    Disney Marathon - Jan 6 - 3:29:09
    Gasparilla 15K - Feb 20 - 1:01:59
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 1 - 3:08:25
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25
    Chicago Marathon - Oct 9
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @HonuNui Excellent news on your son!
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Wrapping up the month at 135.6K/100k. Ran 10k of hill intervals near my inlaws' house tonight but got very, pathetically lost and had to call my father in law to rescue me looking like a drowned rat because the rain didn't care how awesome I was feeling when I left, it was going to fall torrentially lol. So I am only counting half my distance today because 500 points from Slytherin for tomfoolery ;)

    Happy July, see everyone in August!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @HonuNui - such awesome, fantastic news!! Yay!!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited July 2016
    @Orphia I never heard of parkrun until this group. I researched it and it's so cool. But yes, US is not caught on. I think this would so work in my area though. We have things like Yoga in the Park where you just show up. I can totally see this being a big hit if only anybody had heard of it.


    I'm certainly trying to spread the word! :smiley:

    parkrun is amazing.

    As I said, I've had 19 PBs since I started in October, so the weekly speed session has really helped my running.

    I've also made lots of friends. So happy about this.

    I never used to get out much, and parkrun has definitely changed my life.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
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    July running challenge: goal is 60 miles.

    7/5...4 miles
    7/7...3.66 miles (rolling hills program on the treadmill)--11:06 pace.
    7/8...10 miles
    7/10...6 miles
    total of 23.66 miles for the month of Jul

    7/12....4.15 miles (rolling hills on the treadmill)--12:14 pace....exhausted after working all night and only 5 hours sleep. Still happy that I was able to run. Was distracted by getting a free phone in the mail...so too late to run outside.
    Total for July thus far...27.83.

    7/15....5.08 miles(rolling hills program on the treadmill) at 12:00 pace. I wanted to run a little faster, approximately 11:06 pace again, but "fried" after working 2 nights in a row and getting very little sleep. My plan is to run a long run today, probably 10 miles.
    I slept 10 hours last night and feel great and I lost almost a pound over night. I am in maintenance now (for a month) but still closely monitoring the weight gain/loss. One of my mfp friends lost the weight quickly ( he was ona 1200 calorie diet) and gained 40 pounds back the next year.

    Total for the month of July...32.91.

    7/16 ....6 miles(fartleks)....that was a fun run! Cool weather...I started too late to run the 10 miles that I planned..so opted to run 6 today and then try for 10 tomorrow.I did almost get hit by a "smart" car at an intersection. It was funny...I saw it out of the corner of my eye, and sized up whether it would damage me more than I would damage it if we collided. On Monday, I plan to rest. New total is 38.91.

    Thanks to Elise4270, Stowshew71, and AdriaChr92 for answering my questions. I will google Authur Lydiard...always interested in unorthodox training methods.

    @MobyCarp: Very impressed with your race results, esp. being number 1 in your age bracket. If I race long enough, I may break into the top 100 finishers. Such an accomplishment to be number 1. I love the curved glass trophy...super cool.

    Just finished running 10 miles today...it was harder than last time, maybe because I ran 6 miles yesterday and 5 the previous day. I tried to stay at 85-87% max heart rate...after 5 miles, I could really feel the soreness kick in. I was expecting rubbery legs, not soreness. It was really hot today with occasional cool headwind. I wanted to quit but kept repeating, "stronger, fitter, faster" as a kind of mantra. I slowed significantly the last 3 miles, probably 14 minute and 15 min miles. Afterward, soaked with sweat. Looking forward to rest day tomorrow.

    Total for the month is 37.83.

    7/19....6 miles....last 3 tempo miles at 95% heart rate. Another hot day, 89 degrees with a heat index of 100. 1st 1/2 mile I felt like I had cement blocks on my shoes, but then felt better. By mile 4, I was in the "zone", then fatigued in the middle of mile 5. Just pushed on after that. Not really worried about how fast I am getting it done (except when I start late...don't want to be in the park after dark.) Lately I have been running in the afternoon...very few runners for obvious reasons, but I also want to "get a little tougher". Dripping with sweat afterwards...have to peel my clothes off and then "warm up".

    Many of my friends tell me that I am crazy for running...because I am going to "wreck" my joints. I never have joint pain or problems but sometimes my legs ache (mostly muscle) when I am trying to sleep. I have no problems when I walk. Anything that can help that? I know to stay away from Nsaids. I will take Tylenol just to help with sleep.

    Rest day today...my husband and I are going to a concert (Frampton and Allman). Long run tomorrow.

    Total for the month...43.83 miles.

    Unable to do the long run. One of my trees in my backyard fell into a neighbor's yard. My husband asked me to help him with gathering limbs and stacking them. It was a really large tree and may take a couple of days with a chain saw to get it out of her yard.

    The muscles (lateral) around my knees feel tight. Also some soreness in hamstrings. Do any of you worry about overtraining?

    I may do a short run tomorrow...noted that I was 17 miles from completing my monthly goal.

    I ran for 3 miles this a.m. ....it was all of the time I had this a.m. but last 2 days were "rest" days and I knew that I can't run again until Sunday. Total for the month is 46.83.

    It was cooler this a.m. 82 degrees with heat index of 95 but the dew point was 76....ugh! I run near an organic garden and was envying the plants that were getting watered.

    I work the next 2 nights...will keep checking in...You are all so inspirational...I love this group!

    Unable to run yesterday due to extreme heat....heat index of 104. Plus didn't want to deal with "Brickyard" traffic.

    Able to run this a.m. though. 4 miles...much cooler this a.m. 76 degrees with 96% humidity. Waiting for a break in the weather.

    Total for the month...50.48 miles.

    7/27.....6 miles.....It was 88 degrees, heat index of 104 and only 55% humidity. I felt good and was able to run at an even pace....11:44 minute miles until mile 6 and it was a little over 12 minutes.
    I have started reading "Meb for Mortals" and have been focused on where my arms are when I run. When I keep the wrists close the waist , my posture improves significantly...I never realized that I was leaning forward so much.
    I have to get ready for work. Will try to catch up with all of the copious posts.

    Total for the month. 56.48 miles. Only 4 more miles...to complete July.

    7/29......I was already at the gym. So decided to run on the treadmill. Using the rolling hills program, I ran 4.46 miles at a pace of 11:19. I was dripping in sweat afterward. As usual, I began getting the "runner's high" at mile 4...I felt like running farther but there is a time limit on the treadmill. Do any of you experience a "runner's high" at any particular mile? Just curious. Also notice that I have a layer of salt covering my body afterward...do any of you replace your electrolytes? Sport drinks or mineral replacement?

    The good news is that I met goal...60.94 miles for the month. I plan to run today and tomorrow....may be over 70 miles by the end of the month. I am either going to run 4 or 6 miles today and then a long run of 10 tomorrow. It depends a lot on how much help my husband needs in getting rid of the tree that fell in our in the neighbor's yard.

    Still working toward the Indianapolis HM on October 8th at Fort Ben.

    7/30....9 miles.....Planned my long run for tomorrow but my legs were tired....could only muster 12:00-12:30 miles....so decided to switch up and do the long run today. Shortened it from 10 miles to 9 miles and ran it in 1:52:59. My right gluts were really aching around mile 6 and ached off an on until mile 8. Then I decided to try to pick up pace and noted that the aching disappeared. Hmmmm. Miles 7 and 8 were really tough...I ran mile 8 at 14:14. My breathing was good and my head was "in the game" but legs were quitting on me a little. Still glad that I got in under my belt. I am going for a shorter run tomorrow, probably 4 miles....I like that distance quite a bit.

    Goal for the month...60 miles. Ran 69.94 miles.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Well, it's official, I just had my first minor freak out about my September HM...Strava says 498 feet of elevation. Biggest elevation run so far has been either 415 or 435, depending on if I believe Strava or GC more.....I'll feel so much better after I walk/jog the course with me mom....Hopefully in just a couple weeks.
    @MNLittleFinn I wouldn't freak out based on the Strava route planning tool.
    When you have longer hills or mountains, it tends to be accurate enough in my experience (e.g. 642m->603m; 440m->420m, 412m->360m) - ususally overestimates the elevation a bit, but none to serious. But for courses with occasional hills it gives me exaggerated elevations all the time. Just last week, I planned a 16km route, and the Strava tool said it would be 211m (692ft) - after running it, the activities page read 131m (430ft) - which sounds more accurate, apart from a hilly bit in the first few kms, which I know to be around 100m, the rest was pretty flat. Or, a little less extreme, the route I planned for today was 292m (958ft) in the route planner, on the activity page its only 229m(750ft).
    (maybe just count your elevation in meters - yikes, if I convert those numbers to feet, it sounds scary! B) )

    Seriously, it depends on the course profile. Unless all that eleveation is all stuffed into one big hill at the end, 498 feet of elevation over 69217 feet of running probably won't kill you (and even then, in the worst case you might have to walk a minute, no shame in that). I think you can wait with freaking out until you've actually seen the course and discovered some monster hill, and enjoy your rest day today :)
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @HonuNui The news from your son are absolutely fantastic!! And great news on your dog's knee, as well as great job running all those miles. 80 miles above target - I'm sure that is a record for this challenge thread.

    @JessicaMcB How inconsiderate of the rain to Ignore your awesomeness. Lucky you had someone to rescue you. But even counting only half your distance, your way above your goal for the month, well done!

    @AdrianChr92 That while-running photo is really cool B)

    @Amandajs232 Within on second of your 10km PB sounds like you had a great run today, what a nice way to finsh the month!

    @1TheQueenB Congratulations in reaching your goal! That's definitely something to be proud of. And I fully agree with you - can't wait till the weather cools down.

    @TattooedDolphinGirl78 Woohoo! Congrats on the 10K today :)
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    edited July 2016
    @HonuNui Fantastic news for your son!!!!!!!! :smiley:
    @_nikkiwolf_ Thanks!