July (2016) Running Challenge



  • djspacecaptain
    djspacecaptain Posts: 366 Member
    7/19: 8 miles (5 mile jog, 3 mile high incline treadmill)

    Monthly total: 120.25/140 miles
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Another busy day. I have a rest day tomorrow and meetings starting at 5am. No time to sit up and catch up on everyone so hopefully I can do that tomorrow at some point! Hope you are all staying cool as much as that is possible!

    07/04.....13.50.......27.14 - ShePower Virtual HM
    07/05.......4.13.......31.27 - + Strength Training
    07/07.......5.63.......36.90 - + Strength Training & Rally
    07/11.......7.72.......50.00 - + Agility
    07/12.......5.59.......55.59 - + Strength Training
    07/14.......5.72.......61.31 - + Strength Training & Rally
    07/17.......2.00.......82.08 - Dog Beach!
    07/18.......4.37.......86.45 - + Agility
    07/19.......3.74.......90.19 - + Strength Training
    07/20.......0.00.......90.19 - Rest day


    Upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    07/04/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    09/18/16 - Beat the Blerch Half Marathon, Seattle
    11/19/16 - USA Invitational Half Marathon (Yay, I qualified again!)
    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
  • louubelle16
    louubelle16 Posts: 579 Member
    I really will catch up on posts here later, promise!

    I think I'll need to reduce my goal for the month again, for the second month in a row :( . My foot still isn't entirely happy, it's ok until about 5 miles (in that I can't feel it at all) and then suddenly I can feel it, so I'll keep my runs shorter in the meantime. For some reason, my body doesn't seem ready for an increased in mileage (going from 50-60 miles a month to 70-80), maybe I've been too ambitious. Or maybe it's just the summer, life is super busy and stressful and it's all too much. Or maybe it's all psychological because of all that and there's actually nothing physically stopping me. I reckon I need a holiday...

    2nd July - 6.04 miles
    5th July - 10.05 miles
    7th July - 3.11 miles
    8th-10th July - swollen foot
    11th July - 4.02 miles
    13th July - 3.12 miles
    16th July - 6.05 miles
    18th July - 6.03 miles
    20th July - 3.16 miles

    MTD - 41.58/80 miles

    Upcoming races:
    18th Sept - Run Reigate Half Marathon
    2nd Oct - Tonbridge Half Marathon
    30th Oct - River Thames Half Marathon
    9th April 2017 - Brighton Marathon
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    I did it! Was 88 feels like 95 or something like that. All those high humidity morning runs must've helped me adapt. Yeah I was sweating a lot but I honestly felt like this was an easy run/workout. My 1 mile warmup run was a breeze. Then did 1 mile of 7 short hill repeats - run up/walk down so 50% running - which honestly felt too easy. I finally pushed it on the last uphill and realized I should've been working harder the whole time maybe ;) 20 ft up each time x7 for 140ft gain. I definitely could've done more. The mile home was hardest but that was because I was having trouble keeping it easy. Only real complaint is the gnats :-p

    @katharmonic Great workout!

    Oh, I almost forgot! Thought this was so cute. Normally dogs chase people right? Well when I got to the bottom of my hill one time and turned around to run back up, there was a tiny dog that had followed me down. That little thing ran so fast away from me, so it looked like I was chasing the dog instead of vice versa :D When it got to the top it did a lot of barking to let everyone know I was coming.

    Awesome run!!! :smiley: Too funny about the dog though. lol
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @louubelle16 Sorry to hear that but it is always better to cut down rather than push and make everything worse. Hope you get back to where you want to be soon. We're here to support you!
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    -------   -----    -------
    July  2     6.5      6.5 
    July  3     5.0     11.5 
    July  4     4.3     15.8 
    July  6     4.3     20.1 
    July  9    13.2     33.3 
    July 11     5.5     38.8
    July 13     7.0     45.8
    July 15     5.3     51.1
    July 19     4.3     55.4
    July 20     5.1     60.5


  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    7/1 - 11.5 - Easy
    7/2 - 5.86 - Recovery
    7/3 - 18.11 - Long Run
    7/4 - 2.0 - Strength Training Warmup
    7/5 - 9.0 - Tempo
    7/6 - 14.07 - Easy
    7/7 - 5.14 - Recovery
    7/8 - 12.1 - Easy W/ Strides
    7/9 - 5.1 - Recovery
    7/10 - 20.0 - Long Run
    7-11 - Rest
    7/12 - 8.01 - Tempo
    7/13 - 12.47 - Easy
    7/14 - 5.0 - Recovery
    7/15 - 12.6 - Easy
    7/16 - 6.2 - Recovery
    7/17 - 16.0 - Long Run
    7/18 - Rest
    7/19 - 4.2 warmup + 3.0 Treadmill Lactic Threshold HR Test
    7/19 - 5.0 - Recovery
    7/20 - 15.0 - Easy

    Total 190.37 of 289

    Hard session yesterday + 79 degrees/80% humidity @ 4am = Suck. That was pretty much the formula for today's run. My wife's grandmother is the hospital and she needed to leave the house by 6:30 am to see the doctors about her discharge to rehab so I had to get up super early. Pretty much ran in the dark around my 1.85 mile neighborhood loop on this one. Fortunately there is little elevation change and it's fairly well lit. Have an easy 5-6 mile recovery session tomorrow which is very much needed. The cumulative fatigue of this plan is starting to set in and what used to take 5-10 minutes to get into my stride and pace is starting to take 15-20 minutes. From the looks of things I might hit 300 miles this month, which would be a personal best by about 30 miles.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @kristinegift glad to see the running and adulting are going well!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    7/1- REST
    7/2- REST
    7/3- REST
    7/4- 13.1 RW&B HM 2:15:26
    7/5- REST
    7/6- REST
    7/7- REST
    7/8- REST
    7/9- 5.0
    7/9- 1.0
    7/10- 4.23
    7/12- 6.01
    7/13- 4.04
    7/14- 2.01
    7/14- 5.0
    7/15- REST
    7/17- REST
    7/18- 4.03
    7/19- 6.91
    7/20- 7.01

    July Mile goal: 67.54/70
    Actual goal: Run the Red White and Boom HM well, recover well, run the Park Point 5 Mile (7/14,not racing) well and begin training for September Boundary Waters Bank HM.

    Today's notes: It wasn't hot today, it was like mid to high 60s when I ran, but it was HUMID! 90-100% humidity during the run made it more of a slog than an Easy run. Managed to do my 7 miles in 1:07:11 for an average pace of 9:35.

    Legs are definitely feeling that I've run almost 18 miles this week, and with 2-3 more runs, this week could set a new weekly distance PR, but man is it going to be an adjustment running 6 days a week instead of 5!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    1-4.6mi with incline between 1-13. slow and steady
    5-hip and foot cramps, nope
    6-flare. jog or yoga tonight. not sure which
    7-4.11mi sprint intervals. it felt good.
    8-2 hrs of aerial yoga
    9-beat up from yoga
    10-hungover. heartbeat hurt my head
    11-still kinda hungover. too old to party
    12-slept thru my alarms and my skin is on fire. i might sneak a run in tonight. maybe. depends if clothes feel comfortable
    13-nothing-aerial yoga tonight
    14-lazy and a few nagging foot and groin strain issues
    16-6.65 mi run and 1.5km walk for pokemon
    18-slept thru my alarms
    20-teaching 1 hour of aerial yoga and 1 hour of foam rolling this evening


  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    rimir74 wrote: »
    The act of posting a target on here got me on a running routine. Was on 19.9km with a 72km target on July 7 with my last post.

    Now a total of 62.9km today. I'm hoping to cross 100km for the month. Topping out each run at 5.4km in just a bit under 29 minutes. 2 days of running followed by a day off is the routine.

    Need 7 more days of running to get across the line.

    2 - 4.2
    5 - 5
    6 - 5.7
    7 - 5
    9 - 5.2
    10 - 5.4
    12 - 5.4
    13 - 5.4
    15 - 5.4
    16 - 5.4
    18 - 5.4
    19 - 5.4

    "The act of posting a target on here got me on a running routine"...

    @rimir74 This is brilliant!

    Yay, this thread delivers yet again!

    Of course, very well done, you, for sticking to your goals.


    I should put this on my mirror or as the background on my phone so i get up and run
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @kristinegift Gorgeous pictures, awesome run and congratulations!!!!
    @5512bf That is amazing, congrats on upcoming PB!
    @MNLittleFinn Great run!
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @lporter229 Awesome! Hope the evening run goes well for you, as well as the pup. :wink:
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    7/1 - Baseball tournament...no chance to run.
    7/2 - More baseball!
    7/3 - Family day. Not starting the month so well.
    7/4 - 3.82 miles on a beautiful, cool morning.
    7/5 - Bodypump class, followed by 1.5 miles on indoor track.
    7/6 - 4.01 miles through the soupy air...HOLY HUMIDITY!
    7/7 - Bodypump class, then 1.5 miles on indoor track.
    7/8 - Spin Class. Not sure of mileage. ~50 minutes.
    7/9 - Rest Day. Moved a lot of furniture.
    7/10 - Bodypump class, then 2.0 miles on treadmill
    7/11 - Unplanned rest day.
    7/12 - Bodypump class, then 30 minute abs/core class (ouch)
    7/13 - 3.8 miles on hotel treadmill. Even the fitness center is hot and humid in Orlando.
    7/14 - 3.35 miles on hotel treadmill, then weights.
    7/15 - 4 miles on hotel treadmill.
    7/16 - Travel day...gotta get home.
    7/17 - Bodypump class.
    7/18 - Unplanned rest day. Woke up feeling ill...ugh
    7/19 - Bodypump class, then 30 minute abs / core class...I so need it, because I suck at it!
    7/20 - 4 miles in the thick, wet air. Temperature wasn't too bad, thank goodness.
