pjcfrancis Member


  • I completed another 5k this morning, sticking to my commitment of 5k every second day. A total of 50k of my 75 commitment completed! :D
  • 5 k first thing this morning to bring my total to 40 of the 75 I've committed to this month.
  • Completed 5.5 km today, to keep me on track for my 75km total goal for the month
  • April 10 4.5 k for a total of 24.5 of the 75k goal for the month. I had to stop .5 k short of my goal when I got a muscle spasm in my calf.
  • April 8 5k for a total of 20 out of my goal of 75 for the month. Keeping with my goal of 5 k every second day. Had to run in the rain today.
  • +5 tonight for a total of 15 in my goal of 75k I know this is small potatoes for some runners, but for a 59 year old recovering couch potato, it's quite an accomplishment.
  • +5 today for 10/75km
  • I'm just getting back into running, so I'm setting a modest goal of 5 k every second day for a total of 75 for the month. April 2: 5k out of 75 completed.
  • Just getting back into running after a lazy winter. My goal is to do 5k every second day so 5x15=75k (about 50 mi).
  • I hit my weight goal last year and quit counting because my partner was annoyed with my obsessiveness. In the first few months I gained back 5 lbs. But when I had some emotional challenges with my relationship with my daughter, I lost my self-control and gained another 10. It was only through counting that I regained my…
  • I've been alternating walking with riding over the summer but I'm going back to work tomorrow, so I will be riding 12 km (about 7 mi) or further when commuting by bike. In past years as the winter weather begins I've tended to slack off, but I've bought a new light and new rain pants to support my efforts to keep riding…
  • We're not talking about stair steps. We're talking about walking. I aim for 12,000. That includes exercise, but my Fitbit doesn't count cycling. At the gym it counts the treadmill, but not much on the rowing machine and nothing on the weights. To estimate calories out, I need to use other methods.
  • I have the Aria by Fitbit, and it seems consistent. I can't compare the accuracy, but I think it's better than measuring my waist and other parts with a tape measure and then doing a calculation. It's true that it works by running a small electrical current through your body, which is why it could interfere with a…
  • I try to be accurate with my logging, but I don't weigh stuff (except for my body). The only measurement that I really care about is my body, and as long as I keep seeing improvement I'm happy. My goal is to build good habits for the rest of my life.
  • Name: Peter Age: 57 Height: 6'2" Start Weight (1st March): 195 Goal Weight (1st April): 185 1st March: 195 8th March: 190 15th March: 22nd March: 29th March: 1st April: Weight lost/gained this week: 5 Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: Attended a conference for two days with free breakfast and a…
  • cashews. I keep a jar by my desk at work. One handful 153 calories. (not a big grabby hand, but a polite hand). I follow that with some water and my hunger usually fades. They are high in monounsaturated fats, which though high in calories are among the best fats for you.
  • Most of my exercise is walking. I walk about 4.5 km before work most days, and another 1 during my lunch break. That, plus the walking I do at work usually gets me close to my goal of 14000 a day. When you walk, make sure you are pushing yourself enough to get your heart rate up.
  • I had a Fitbit Zip which really motivated me, but to my mind the quality of the case was lacking. It fell out numerous times and eventually I lost it. I now have a Fitbit Flex, which I love. It seems to sync well with MFP for me. I thought the Zip was very accurate in counting steps. The flex less so. I do a lot of work on…
  • I use a fitness tracker to make sure I get enough movement in during a day. Most of it is simply walking briskly. I'm still working on overcoming my gymphobia, but I know I need to add resistance training. Tracking my calories is the other side of my plan. Two years ago I dropped 20 pounds but gained it back with interest…
  • Me too: every day. I accept the fluctuations. I have noticed little things, like if I have much salt, my weight goes up a little because of water. I'm getting better at thinking about my weight instead of the taste of a food when I'm trying to decide whether to eat something.
  • I used to eat a lot of fast food; McD's twice in a day was not unusual. Recently I was thinking about what those Calories must have been and saw I was getting over 1000 for a meal.
  • "Starvation mode" is when your body is down to just a few percent body fat and you have long term calorie deficit and your body is shifting to just trying to survive. It ain't gonna happen from skipping breakfast or even fasting for a day or two. I don't skip breakfast because I get too hungry and then have trouble…
  • My daily calories is set at 1600, but I find it hard to live with that number, and it generally goes up to about 2000 with exercise. I find eating about 1800 fits well with my lifestyle and I don't feel too hungry, so eating back half seems to work for me.
  • Mine said 1600 and that's just not enough to keep me from feeling hungry all the time. But when I'm active, I can add quite a few calories to that so most days I eat around 1800 and stay below my limit.
  • Name: Peter Height: 6'2" Starting Weight (3/1): 195.3 Goal Weight (3/31): 185 3/1: 195.3 3/6: 3/13: 3/20: 3/27: 3/31: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month so far: Struggles or successes of your week: Two big challenges coming up in March. Next week a business trip, so I will have to eat in restaurants. I can…
  • Name: Peter Age: 57 Height: 6 ft 2 in Start weight (1st Feb):198 Goal weight (1st March): 188 Weigh ins: 1st Feb:198 8th Feb:195 15th Feb: 196.6 22nd Feb: 196.3 1st March:194.3 Weight loss/gain this week: 2 lbs Weight loss/gain so far this month: 3.7 ? Note: I bought a new scale (Fitbit Aria) on Feb 9, which added about 3…
  • After work snacks. (=calories).
  • About 10 lbs, but I'm doing pretty much the same thing now and only losing about 2-3. I'm trying to lose about 30. The first 10 pounds was easy, the second 10 pounds was harder. The final 10 pounds seems pretty attached to me, but that's why it's necessary to develop new habits and not look at this as just a temporary diet.
  • I weigh myself every morning. Of course I'm disappointed when I see a fraction of a pound gained, but the general trend is the thing. I need to hold myself accountable and start each day with the right attitude. I wouldn't want to weight less frequently than once a week. When I look at the last time I lost weight, and then…