February 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • mefoolu
    mefoolu Posts: 17 Member

    Name: May
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'
    Start weight (1st Feb): 230
    Goal weight (1st March): 224

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 230
    8th Feb: 225
    15th Feb: 222.5
    22nd Feb: 224
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: +1.5
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -6.0

    Struggles/successes this week: All the birthdays, Chinese New Year celebration, and home renovation had mad it difficult to plan what to eat and exercise.

  • belgarath64
    belgarath64 Posts: 125 Member
    edited February 2015

    Name: John
    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 50
    Country: Canada
    Starting Weight (1/1): 176.0 lbs ( 79.3 kg )
    Goal Weight (1/31): 170 lbs ( 77.11kg)
    Final Goal : 140 lbs ( 63.5 kg)

    2/1: 176.0 lbs ( 79.3 kg )
    2/8: 174 lbs ( 78.93 )
    2/15: 172 lbs ( 78.0 kg )
    2/22: 172 lbs ( 78.0 kg )
    2/28: 171 lbs ( 77.56 kg )

    Loss/gain for the week: 1 lbs ( .45 kg )
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 5 lbs ( 2.27 kg )

    Struggles or successes of your week:
    Struggles : had a bad run in with some chocolate truffles
    Successes: did not meet my monthly goal but still only one pound out and I did average 1 pound a week so I am happy with it. Also buying new clothes as the stuff I have is getting a bit big. New jacket for spring/summer and new jeans bought, next on the list are some more t-shirts......yaaaaaa! :D

    Oh did i mention you buch of loosers are doing GREAT!!!!!!!!
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    edited February 2015
    Name: Elizabeth
    Age: 49
    Height: 5' 7.5"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 245
    Goal weight (1st March): 240
    [new goal weight – 1st April: 232 (changing to 229.5!]

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 245
    8th Feb: 242.5
    15th Feb: 241.5
    22nd Feb: 238.1
    28 Feb (day early):234.8

    Weight loss/gain this week: -3.3
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -10.2

    Struggles/successes this week: It’s been sooooo cold and snowy! But with the help of some good headphones and my favorite bands from the 80’s, I’ve continued my 10,000-steps-per-day streak. My dog’s eyes follow me as I march around the living room: He thinks I am insane.
  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member

    Age: 46
    Start weight (1st Feb):166 (1/31)
    Goal weight (1st March):163
    2015 goal weight 150

    Weigh ins: on Saturday

    1st Feb: 166
    8th Feb: 164
    15th Feb:162
    22nd Feb:161
    1st March: 159.4

    Weight loss/gain this week: 1.6#
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 6.6#

    Struggles/successes this week: I did it. Now I am going to focus on the exercise and take a calorie maintenance break. Yeah for me!

  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    Wow it's so great to see so many people meeting or exceeding their goals!!!! Great job!!!

    My last weigh-in is tomorrow. Life got in the way, so I don't think I'll meet my goal, and I know there are others in this group who are in the same boat. There's always next month! As long as we keep moving forward and don't get discouraged then our hard work WILL pay off!

    Everyone in this group is amazing!!
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Name: Suzy
    Age: 55
    Height: 5'5"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 130.6
    Goal weight (1st March): 124
    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 130.6
    8th Feb: 129
    15th Feb: 128.8
    22nd Feb: Missed!
    28th Feb: 122.6:

    Weight loss/gain this week: -N/A
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -8!

    Struggles/successes this week: So excited that I dropped after a stall. Hoping it isn't water weight and that it stays at that number! The missed week was a good exercise week but the weigh in was missed because we had another grandbaby born! God is good! Struggles this coming week are that after spending a week helping DD I have to face the backlog at work on Monday.

    Looking forward to the March challenge!
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Name: Von
    Age: 24
    Start weight (1st Feb): 145
    Goal weight (1st March):140

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 145
    8th Feb: 143
    15th Feb: 143
    22nd Feb: 142
    28th Feb: 139

    Weight loss/gain this week: -3
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:-6

    Struggles/successes this week: Wowzies I dropped 3 pounds! There was definitely some whooooosh going on, and I was stalled a bit earlier in the month. Now that I am getting closer to goal I don't lose as linearly as I used to. ALSO, I am in the 130's!!!!!! I have never been here before as an adult. I am so happy! I couldn't believe it.

    Struggles: none really this week. I did get a cold that I am STILL getting over from early in the week so I haven't been able to exercise all week. I had amazing runs though on Saturday and Sunday - best times yet and the running just felt so much better. Hopefully I get over this soon so that I can start moving around again. Being sick suppresses my appetite though so I'm not particularly hungry or craving anything.
  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'5
    Start weight (1st Feb):102.8
    Goal weight (1st March): 98.0 kg

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:102.8
    8th Feb: 102.2
    15th Feb: 102.1
    22nd Feb: 100.6
    1st March: 99.3

    Weight loss/gain this week: -1.3 kg
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -3.5 kg

    Successes this week: I started preparing for a bake sale thing that I'm doing for my Relay for life team. I've premade and frozen at least 6 dozen cookies (chocolate chip, rocky road, brown sugar and blueberries, and oatmeal), made some lovely frosting (cream cheese and strawberry), and mixed up the dry ingredients for cupcakes I'm making (red velvet, devil's foodcake, and vanilla). All of these have dairy. All of them have a lot of wheat. And because my recipes and baking is awesome- all of them would have also tasted delicious. However, I only broke enough to have one spoonful of chocolate chip cookie dough. (Admittedly, this was more than enough as I spent the rest of the evening and following day in various states of discomfort).

    I've been in a pretty right funk for the past couple weeks and I'm still counting my calories and being careful to not eat for anything but hunger. (No boredom eating or emotional eating.) May not seem like much, but with how I've been feeling it's actually a pretty big success.

    I also came very, very, very close to my goal weight this month so I'm quite excited about that. I'm pretty sure it's going to get harder/slower from here on because I maintained my weight between 95-99 kg for about 4 years. However, I haven't felt this healthy in years so maybe it will be easier now than it was back then. (That's what I'm hoping.) I'm interested to see what next month brings.

    My mood. I'm stressed and homesick and I've been feeling a bit blue. I feel like I've been fighting against myself to get anything done so I haven't done any of my PT exercises or walked my puppy at all the past week and a half. As such, my knee is starting to give me issues again. It's been clicking and cranky the past couple days, letting me know I need to get my butt back in shape. I'll get there eventually.
  • lesaw01
    lesaw01 Posts: 207 Member
    edited March 2015
    Name: Lesa
    Height: 5'5"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 197.8
    Goal weight (1st March):190

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 197.8
    8th Feb:197.4
    15th Feb: 198.2
    22nd Feb:193.5
    28th Feb: 192.6

    Weight loss/gain this week: -.9 lbs
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -5.2 lb.

    Struggles/successes this week: So so week. My routine has been all off because of the snow and ice we got this week. I work for the Dept. Of Transportation so we had to work 12 hour shifts to monitor the roads and put out salt where needed and unfortunately I had to work from midnight to noon. So my sleep, water drinking and exercise did not go so good. The weather is still not so good, it's suppose to rain all week, so my running has pretty much come to a halt hopefully I'll get back to my C25K before too long.
  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    Name: Julia
    Age: 47
    Height: 5'10
    Start weight (1st Feb): 202lbs
    Goal weight (1st March): 195lbs (just to get below 14 stone would make my year)

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 202
    8th Feb: 199
    15th Feb: 197
    22nd Feb: 195
    1st March: 195

    Weight loss/gain this week: 0lbs loss
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 7lbs loss

    Successes this week: Despite a very piggy weekend I stayed at the goal weight for this month. I'm happy with that!
    Struggles this week: I was faced with an amazing buffet Saturday night and I indulged. I'm not going to say I regretted it (I didn't) but buffets are my downfall. I need to stay away.

    Well done everyone for sticking with this. On to the March challenge now. :smiley:
  • adz682
    adz682 Posts: 7 Member
    Name: Adam
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'10"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 243.8 lbs
    Goal weight (1st March): 236 lbs

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 243.8 lbs
    8th Feb: 238.3 lbs
    15th Feb: 235.4 lbs
    22nd Feb: 232.3 lbs
    1st March: 229.0 lbs

    Weight loss/gain this week: 3.3 lbs loss
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 14.8 lbs

    Struggles/successes this week: very happy with my month, lost over 1 stone so I'm chuffed to bits. Have been keeping up with an hour on the exercise bike 5-6 days each week and I'm feeling fitter and looking trimmer than I have for years, people have started noticing and commenting which feels so good. Roll on March I'm up for another challenge. My main goal is to be comfy with my top off on the beach on holiday in August, which i haven't been able to do since my early 20s. Also looking forward to taking the kids swimming regular which I have only ever had the confidence to do on the odd occasion before now which was one of my main reasons I'm back on here, was feeling like i was letting them down as a Dad. My son is also shocked that his Dad can now run around with him while he is kicking the football about and gave me a massive hug the other day after doing so which melted my heart, had to wipe away the tears so he didn't notice. :D:'(

    Well done everyone and keep up the hard work and dedication, you are all amazing people!!
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Good Morning!!! Last weigh in of the month! Well done everyone!

    I've had a pretty rubbish February all in all but I'm logging it all honestly and moving forward into March. I can't change the mistakes I made but I can learn from them! So here's my last log for our February challenge:

    Name: Maria
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'5"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 167.5lbs
    Goal weight (1st March): 165lbs

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 167.5lbs
    8th Feb: 167lbs
    15th Feb: 169lbs
    22nd Feb: 169lbs
    1st March: 170lbs

    Weight loss/gain this week: 0lbs
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: +2.5lbs

    Struggles/successes this week:

    Emotional eating/drinking got to me throughout February. My exercise was pretty good but you can't out exercise a bad diet. I'm very annoyed with myself because I did so well in January and let myself down in February. But, time to move on....to the March Challenge!!!
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    edited March 2015
    Great job everyone
  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    So here we are, You and I, adrift on this silly rock called earth.........

    Name: Toad
    Age: 36
    Height: 5 ft 9in
    Start weight (1st Feb): 280.5 (1st March): 272.0

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 280.5
    8th Feb: 278.2
    15th Feb: 275.5
    22nd Feb:273
    1st March: 269.4

    Struggles/successes this week: Home this well. I always focus. Being able to work out when on the road. Now I made some huge drops. That is because I religiously track my caloric intake. I was too low and now just moved it up. I am shooting for a healthy 1-1.2 pounds a week. Maybe less.

    Thank you everyone for the wonderful chance to partake in this. I wish you the best of luck. To journey with me, send me a add. Have an open dairy for you with to correspond. This way we may help each other of and keep one another accountable.
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    Name: Kristi
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'8"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 184.8
    Goal weight (1st March): 178

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 184.8
    8th Feb: 183
    15th Feb: 181.6
    22nd Feb: 182
    1st March: 179.6

    Weight loss/gain this week: -2.4 lbs
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -5.2

    Successes this week: I was able to make up for last weeks gain

    Struggles: Still not able to exercise yet. I'm hoping to get back into it in the next day or two
  • Name: Greg
    Height: 6'0"
    Start weight (30th Jan): 225
    Goal weight (28th Feb): 175

    Weigh ins:

    30th Jan: 225
    28th Feb: 215

    I have been very diligent the past month, it will be difficult to sustain at this level long term.
  • rbentrup81
    rbentrup81 Posts: 35 Member
    Name: Roxy
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'6"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 74 kilos
    Goal weight (1st March): 70 kilos

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 74kg
    8th Feb: 73kg
    15th Feb: 73kg
    22nd Feb: 71kg
    1st March:70kg

    Weight loss/gain this week:-1 kg (about 2.2 pounds)
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 4kg (8.8pounds)

    Struggles/successes this week: Lack of motivation, only worked out 2 days out my planned 4 and struggled with meeting my calories some days and over other days. I'm ready to start the March challenge fresh!
  • debbie1976
    debbie1976 Posts: 6 Member
    debbie1976 wrote: »
    debbie1976 wrote: »
    debbie1976 wrote: »
    debbie1976 wrote: »
    Start weight (1st Feb): 145.2
    Goal weight (1st March):140

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:145.2
    8th Feb:146.8
    15th Feb:144.9
    22nd Feb:142.3
    1st March:141.3

    Weight loss/gain this week:-2.6
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:-2.9

    Struggles/successes this week: I am joining a week late! Have been a MFP member for almost 4 years- lost 28 lbs. but have been slowly gaining them back in the last 6 months. Need help and motivation!!!

    My weight of 145.2 on the 1st was actually a lower than normal reading - my weight has been fluctuating in the 146 range. Regardless, didn't lose any weight this past week. Just started the challenge yesterday so hopefully this week will be better!!

    Weight loss for month of February: 3.9 lbs.

    Planning to participate in March challenge- goal is 136.0!!

  • ae92jay
    ae92jay Posts: 153 Member
    Name: Joe
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'1.5
    Starting Weight (1st Feb): 152 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st March): 146 lbs
    (New goal weight for February is 143 lbs, edited Feb.15,2015)

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 152 lbs
    8th Feb: 150 lbs
    15th Feb:147 lbs
    22nd Feb:153 lbs
    1st March: 153 lbs

    Loss/gain for the week: 0
    Loss/gain for the month so far:+1

    Do to my emotional and spiritual break down in the middle of February I went from 147 lbs back to 153 lbs. Emotionally, and spiritual I am feeling a little bit better but still not feeling all that great.
  • ptargino
    ptargino Posts: 50 Member
    edited March 2015
    Name: Philippe
    Age: 25
    Height: 6'3" / 1.90m
    Start weight (1st Feb): 212.5lbs / 96.4kg
    Goal weight (1st March): 199lbs / 90.3kg

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 212.5lbs / 96.4kg
    8th Feb: 208.3lbs / 94.5kg
    15th Feb: 205.5lbs / 93.2kg
    22nd Feb: 200.2lbs / 90.8kg
    1st March: 198.2lbs / 89.9kg

    Weight loss/gain this week: 2lbs / 0.9kg
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 14.3lbs / 6.5kg

    Struggles/successes this week: I DID IT! Finally, after 4 and a half months (and 65lbs) I've finally reached my goal. Under 200lbs/90kg and a BMI of 24.9, I'm at my ideal weight range. I'm happy beyond explanation! I just wish everybody who is still at this journey, to accomplish their goals.


  • chrij23
    chrij23 Posts: 14
    chrij23 wrote: »
    chrij23 wrote: »
    chrij23 wrote: »
    Name: Christopher
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'11"
    Start weight(feb 1st): 263.1
    Goal weight(march 1st): 253

    Weight in:
    8th feb: 258.3
    15th feb: 255
    22nd feb: 256.2
    1st march: 252

    thanks for creating this group, key motivation to succed in my goal, grats to everyone, and cant wait to start march challengue :smiley:
  • mefoolu
    mefoolu Posts: 17 Member

    Name: May
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'
    Start weight (1st Feb): 230
    Goal weight (1st March): 224

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 230
    8th Feb: 225
    15th Feb: 222.5
    22nd Feb: 224
    1st March: 223

    Weight loss/gain this week: -1.0
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -7.0

    Struggles this week: lack of motivation to eat healthier. Went out for AYCE sushi, ate plenty of desserts, not drinking enough water and no exercise.

    Success this week: ate more fruits and vegetable.

    Woohoo! Met my goal for February. Looking forward to the March challenge. Love seeing everyone doing so well! Keep up the good work work everyone!

  • acs3041
    acs3041 Posts: 39 Member
    Name: Amanda
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'6"
    Starting weight: 156.2
    Goal weight: 150

    Weigh ins:
    2/1: 156.2
    2/8: 153.2
    2/15: 153.0
    2/22: 152.2
    3/1: 153.4

    Weight loss/gain this week: +1.2
    Weight loss/gain this month: -2.8

    Success/struggle this week: Got to find my mojo again!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    February Weight Loss Challenge Update:
    Name: Karen
    Age: 45
    Height: 5'6"

    Start weight (1st Feb): 238.0
    Goal weight (1st March): 230.0

    Weigh ins:
    1st Feb: 238.0
    8th Feb: 234
    15th Feb: 231.5
    22nd Feb: 231.9
    1st March: 229.4

    Weight loss/gain this week: -2.5 lbs
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -8.6 lbs
    Struggles/successes this week: No real struggles....just keeping the status quo.
  • Motivated1989
    Motivated1989 Posts: 53 Member
    Name: Megan
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'4"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 228.6 lbs
    Goal weight (1st March): 218 lbs

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 228.6 lbs
    8th Feb: 228.2 lbs
    15th Feb: 225.2 lbs
    22nd Feb: 218.6 lbs
    1st March: 214.8 lbs

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: Meet my month goal and surpassed it!

    Struggles/successes this week: Even through fighting a hideous cold I was able to meet my monthly goal and beyond. I love these challenge groups, really helps me keep my main weight loss goal in check. Only 40 lbs to go!

  • summernimz
    summernimz Posts: 8 Member
    Age: 37
    Start weight (1st Feb):165.6
    Goal weight (1st March):159

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:165.6
    8th Feb: 162.3
    15th Feb: 162.3
    22nd Feb: 161.1
    1st March: 159.7

    Weight loss/gain this week: -1.4
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:-5.9

    Struggles/successes this week: I was really determined to hit my goal this week. I made it below 160, so I am extremely pleased! Even though I did a bunch of baking and went out to dinner with friends last night, I was very focused with my working out! I'm looking forward to the March Challenge to keep me on track. Now that I am nearing the last few pounds, it's getting harder to lose the weight and to stay focused.
  • CleverClone
    CleverClone Posts: 45 Member
    Name: CC
    Age: 28
    Height: 163cm (5'4")
    Start weight (1st Feb): 98,5kg (217lbs)
    Goal weight (1st March): 95kg (209lbs)

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 98,5kg (217lbs)
    8th Feb: 96,4kg (211lbs)
    15th Feb: 95.7kg (210lbs)
    22nd Feb: 95,4kg (209lbs)
    1st March: 96,3kg (212lbs)

    Weight loss/gain this week: +0.9kg (2lbs)
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -2.2kg (4.8lbs)

    Struggles/successes this week: I am SO ANNOYED. Kept within my calories and still gained. I assume it's just water weight due to upcoming TOM but still not the result I hoped for... Anyways, I'll be joining everyone on the March challenge, hopefully that'll turn out better.
  • WayneBradt
    WayneBradt Posts: 69 Member
    Name: Wayne
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'10"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 223.2 lbs.
    Goal weight (1st March): 210 lbs.

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 223.2 lbs.
    8th Feb:219.9 lbs.
    15th Feb:217.3 lbs.
    22nd Feb:215.8 lbs.
    1st March: 213.7 lbs.

    Weight loss/gain this week: -2.1 lbs
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: -9.5 lbs

    Didn't quite make it, oh well, bring on March!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    13 lbs is a lot to try and lose in one month...you did awesome with 9.5! Good job!
  • pjcfrancis
    pjcfrancis Posts: 121 Member
    Name: Peter
    Age: 57
    Height: 6 ft 2 in
    Start weight (1st Feb):198
    Goal weight (1st March): 188

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:198
    8th Feb:195
    15th Feb: 196.6
    22nd Feb: 196.3
    1st March:194.3

    Weight loss/gain this week: 2 lbs
    Weight loss/gain so far this month: 3.7 ?

    Note: I bought a new scale (Fitbit Aria) on Feb 9, which added about 3 lbs to my weight, so maybe I lost 8.7 this month, so I still didn't hit my goal, but it gives me a more realistic idea of what to expect for March.

    Biggest Challenges: some days lacking motivation, willing to accept my current condition because it's so much better than where I was. But I'm still above my BMI "healthy" weight.

    Biggest Successes: really feeling fitter. Able to do more. Able to wear clothes that I haven't worn for two years, or which just didn't fit comfortably.