How many times do you weigh yourself???

I have not been on the scales since I've (re)started with MFP. I thought about checking my weight on Friday, but I'm soooooooooo scared! Is it too soon? I'm on a 9 day streak, so Friday would be day 11. I'm thinking about waiting 2-3 weeks?!? When did you guys first weigh yourself??


  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I weigh myself every morning as soon as I wake up. Keeps me in check. I find I eat less if I've gained a few ounces.
  • I weigh myself every day personally. One thing I've learned along my own journey is how much data and statistics mean to me. I understand that my weight fluctuates each day and as long as the general trend is downwards then I know I'm doing something right.

    That said, if you think the number on the scale will too strongly motivate/de-motivate you then it might be wiser to leave bigger gaps between weigh-ins. It's all down to your personal preference and you'll soon find what works best for you :)
  • TheLittleFangs
    TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
    I weigh daily but completely agree with @Ravachu‌
  • TheLittleFangs
    TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
    PS - my profile pic is my latest chart, as you can see I had a massive drop in Dec due to illness, then a climb, but then a steady decline, a plateau or two - your body is a natural thing, you have to realise it doesn't always respond as you want it to. I have made my peace with this.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    PS - my profile pic is my latest chart, as you can see I had a massive drop in Dec due to illness, then a climb, but then a steady decline, a plateau or two - your body is a natural thing, you have to realise it doesn't always respond as you want it to. I have made my peace with this.

    That is still great work. I weight myself each day as well but I don't get upset if I have a slight gain. I know that my calories out are much more than my calories in so there is NO way that I could gain or even maintain weight. One week I had 7 x1000 calorie deficits and still only lost 1/2 a kilo. I know that I will get there in the end.
  • misheri90
    misheri90 Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh daily. If you are scared to even weigh yourself to find out where you currently stand then it's probably not the best option for you though since the fluctuations might drive you nuts. Something like once a week would probably be better or maybe skip weighing yourself all together and keep track of your measurements instead. If you do want to track weight though, just get on there, it can be a good way to chart your progress even if it sucks at times.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Weigh every day at the same time each day. Use an app like HappyScale to track fluctuations, but only pay attention to "predicted weight", which smooths out the variance and shows the trend. That's the only way to tell if you're losing, gaining, or maintaining. You can't tell what's happening until you have at least 2-3 weeks of daily data.
  • ElisaJtsu
    ElisaJtsu Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks for all the advice guys. I definitely won't weigh myself every day, but once a week sounds reasonable. I'm just scared of that first time I'm standing on the scales!
  • dawn01
    dawn01 Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 2015
    When ever I have tried to loose weight I weighed once weekly. But I am weighting daily with MFP as I need to be strict with my weight loss this time. But that's personal preference. It's up to you. Also you could measure your hips, waist etc to get another stance on your progress.
  • I honestly have only weighed myself twice in the last year. Weight is a really subjective stat, and in the long-run it isn't as important as health and composition. Feeling good about how you look/feel is so much more important than a number!

    It is a way to track your progress, but if it is an issue for you try backing off to once every two weeks to once a month. If you're being honest about your food intake and exercise, the weight will come off on its time.
  • Hungrydesperado
    Hungrydesperado Posts: 5 Member
    Weight yourself at the exact same time every week on Monday morning. Less likely to Binge at the weekend if you know you are stepping on the scales Monday:-0
  • I weigh and take measurements once a week. I do mine on Sundays which is my rest day. Weight fluctuates from day to day
  • 1JoshG
    1JoshG Posts: 120 Member
    I weigh around the same time each morning and do it three or so times to make sure my scale is at least consistent
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I found it to be very motivating when I would weight myself each morning. Just keep in mind your weight will fluctuate up and down so don't get bent out of shape over 1 bad weigh-in. The overall trend is the important thing.
  • pjcfrancis
    pjcfrancis Posts: 121 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. Of course I'm disappointed when I see a fraction of a pound gained, but the general trend is the thing. I need to hold myself accountable and start each day with the right attitude. I wouldn't want to weight less frequently than once a week. When I look at the last time I lost weight, and then allowed it to come back, I wasn't weighing myself at all. When it comes to weight gain, ignorance is bliss.
  • Lissa_Kaye
    Lissa_Kaye Posts: 214 Member
    I weighed myself multiple times a day. I use to chart it out with an am and pm weight, what my calorie intake was and my fitbit burn. I tracked it for 6 months and found my sweet spot of calorie goals. Best thing is to pick one day a week to be your progress weight. I always do my measurements on Sundays.
  • pamfin
    pamfin Posts: 169 Member
    I weigh twice a day - once in the morning and once last thing at night. I only log my weight on here every other Saturday though. I'm interested in the fluctuations, it keeps me a bit more on track and I'm not bothered by the daily ups and downs as long as the fortnightly trend is downwards.

    I've found that once I stop weighing, I also stop logging and then start lying to myself about how much I'm eating and then it all goes very wrong. :smile:
  • k20az
    k20az Posts: 14
    I rarely weigh myself to be honest, once every couple of weeks to make sure I'm oj the right track. I use the mirror mostly
  • nentecular
    nentecular Posts: 101 Member
    Daily and track it using, keeping an eye on the overall trend and not worrying too much about the daily fluctuations. I can thoroughly recommend it, it's a great way to keep an eye on things.
  • Every morning after I get up. If I've messed up anywhere and haven't been paying attention, I'll see when it starts catching up with me. I don't worry too much about fluctuations of 2-3 lbs., because generally it's water weight.
  • stephnic4
    stephnic4 Posts: 19 Member
    I am weighing myself every other friday. I feel anxious to do it more frequently but u see bigger results the more time u wait so irs worth it
  • Jim_G30
    Jim_G30 Posts: 72 Member
    Ever since scales lied to me, I don't use them any more. Just measures and how clothes fit is.....does me but each to there own I guess.
  • MFAB8258
    MFAB8258 Posts: 13 Member
    Once a week.
  • LilyPearl0560
    LilyPearl0560 Posts: 10 Member
    I weigh myself once a week.
  • Murph1908
    Murph1908 Posts: 125 Member
    When I started, I weighed every day. I understood that the weight will fluctuate up and down, so I didn't worry about it going up even a couple of pounds.

    The reason I did it every day is I didn't want to miss the new low. If I weighed every Friday, for example, and my low for the week was on Wednesday, that would be more discouraging for me than seeing the normal daily flutuations.

    Now that I am on maintenance, I weigh every week. There's a number 5 pounds over my goal weight that if I see, I'll go to a deficit for a couple of weeks. Haven't seen that number yet, and I've stayed within 2 or 3 lbs of my target.
  • I weigh myself every morning after I pee and with no clothes. That way I know I have an empty stomach (and bladder, lol) and no clothes to add weight.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Officially? Once a week. I will randomly hop on the scale several other times a week, at different times of the day, so I can loosely gauge if I'm on track, though.
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    Twice a week, Monday and Thursday, and I always record it whether up or down. Then I usually look at the results graph so even if I'm up that particular day I can still see its an overall downward trend.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Before race, after race. If I'm not racing, then every month or 2.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    My routine is Monday morning, get up, use to the loo/bathroom, strip off, step on the scale. That is my "official log in weight" for the week. I usually repeat the process on Friday just to see how I'm doing, but that is just for my mind only. Unless there is something else going on, I DON'T get on the scale other than those 2 times. I don't want to get too caught up in a number.