April 2017 Running Challenge



  • snowyne
    snowyne Posts: 268 Member
    4/1 - 7.0 mi.
    4/2 - 4.0 mi
    4/3 - 3.6 mi.
    4/4 - rest
    4/5 - 6.0 mi.
    4/6 - 4.0 mi.
    4/7 - 5.0 mi.
    4/8 - 4.4 mi.
    4/9 - rest
    4/10 - 4.4 mi.

    April goal: 38.4/100 miles
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Anyone who frequents @Stoshew71 monthly running challenge threads and who wants to join the MFP Monthly Running Challenge Strava group can join here:


    Send a request and one of the admins will approve it. It's helpful, though not required, if you use the same profile picture as you do here, or use part of your MFP username in your Strava name so folks know who you are, and we can easily verify that you are indeed part of this group. The intent is that ONLY folks from this thread join.

    Thanks for putting that out there. I always feel like a ball buster for trying to figure out who people are and if they belong!!

    @girlinahat was fairly easy to to figure out :wink:
    I've been a bad admin. :blush: I let someone in who I did not recognize thinking it was @girlinahat, but then Elise let her in and said she was easy to recognize. Now there's some other guy wanting in who I don't recognize. I haven't let him in yet though.

    At least now I know better.

    I confess I only changed my profile name after you said that. Previously was Humphreys so it may have been me you worried about letting in!!!
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    I have the same question as @amymoreorless. I've been tracking all my miles with MMR, is there a way to transfer them to stravia?
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited April 2017
    I used to use other tools to track my runs. I think Map My Run was one of them. I know I transferred data to Strava, I just can't recall if it was from MapMyRun. I know there is a help topic on it:

    I recall not being 100% satisfied with the transfer results, but this was also a couple years ago and things are likely better now. I know that all of the runs transferred, and the base data like distance, HR, etc transferred. I think what was missing was some of the details on the routes. It's been some time though, and I know longer really care because all of my data has been in Strava for a while now.

    I know that after using a bunch of tools (Fit Digits, MapMyRun, Wahoo Fitness, Endomondo and Strava) the one tool I have stuck with and chose to pay a subscription for (Premium member) was Strava. It has basically all of the data and features of the other tools, but the social aspect feature of it is better than the others by quite a bit. That's just why I like it though. I would rank Endomondo #2, MapMyRun #3, and Wahoo fitness and Fit Digits as unranked (try something else).
  • Run4life375
    Run4life375 Posts: 98 Member
    Took a rest day yesterday, and I'm back at it today:

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm a bad Strava admin since they blocked it from work. Go figure that Strava get's blocked, but Facebook isn't.

    EDIT: I just looked and Strava is now no longer blocked at worked.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member

    After missing my goal 3 months in a row, I finally achieved (bested) my goal last month, having run 61.43 miles. This month my goal will be 50 miles.

    My husband and I planned a trip to Nashville at the end of the month. We will probably be walking a lot. My husband doesn't share my love for running.

    4/9....Planned long run today. I have to admit that my head wasn't in it at all. The weather in Indy was great, approx. 78-80 degrees, but lots of gusty winds. I wanted to maintain my slow pace at around 82% max heart rate. At 5.5 miles, my heart rate monitor died. (I have another one en route in the mail to replace it.) I have to admit that running so slowly is so much harder than at a tempo pace. I found it "brutal". I had run 8 miles yesterday...so not sure if that factored in. I wanted to quit at 9 miles, but my half is in 4 weeks....and if I can't run 10 now, how can I run 13.1 in 4 weeks. So I toughed it out. 10 miles at an average pace of 14 minute miles, probably 85% max heart rate (just a guess due to my HM dying).

    Planning another long run on Friday. We are visiting my mother on Easter....she is pretty sedentary at age 88. I doubt that I get much exercise done that weekend. Going to try to enjoy the visit, nonetheless.

    Going to try to catch up on posts during my lunch hour at work. Sheesh, you guys!

    4/9....10 miles
    4/8....8 miles
    4/2....9 miles
    Total ....27 miles
    goal...50 miles

    Indianapolis Mini Marathon (Half Marathon)....May 6

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Why Strava is better than MapMyRun and Endomundo.

    This is based upon my previous understanding of the other apps. If they changed the other apps since I last looked at them as far as better capabilities, then I apologize.

    1st is Social Aspect that @WhatMeRunning mentioned.
    There is so many people that use it, chances are if you know a runner or biker, they use Strava.
    There is this group's club as well as a club in the MFP Long Distance Runner's group.
    There are segments that make your running interesting. Segments is a common route that strava users frequent as well as course records and leader boards for segments to show how you stack up with other runners that are local to you.
    Run a major race and upload it to strava and most likely it will show other strava users that also ran that race with you.
    Track your shoe usage (each workout you upload to strava can be associated with the shoes that you own).
    - basically you enter in all the shoes you currently have in rotation. When you upload a run to strava, you can associate a shoe with it. great way to know when it's time to buy new shoes.
    Log different types of workouts (long run, training run, race, workout).
    When you log your run to strava, you can give it a unique or descriptive name as well as adding notes.
    You can get kudos from other people that you know on strava, and you can give them kudos back. You can also send and receive comments from other strava users. This is by each run that you log.
    Go back and see how many miles you ran for the week, for the month, for the year. Also average pace and elevation.
    You can synch your Garmin watch automatically so it automatically logs it to Strava. I never log into my Garmin Connect account anymore. It's all on Strava automatically.
    You can track Pro runners and bikers on Strava. Lance Armstrong, Sage Canaday, Linsey Corbin, Kara Goucher, and Max King are all on Strava that you can follow. (also Jimmie Johnson from NASCAR https://www.strava.com/athletes/904179 and Barry Bonds from MLB https://www.strava.com/athletes/8976 both have Strava accounts).

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Fred De Klein who is this? I see this is the only request left to join the strava group.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    4/1 6.55 run
    4/2 5.35 walk
    4/3 5.35 run
    4/5 7.25 run + 1.5 walk
    4/6 6.2 run + 1.3 walk
    4/7 4.3 run + 1.5 walk
    4/8 5.3 walk
    4/10 6.25 run + 1.5 walk
    Total so far: 35.9r + 16.45w = 52.35 miles

    Got my first bout of real pain, in my right hip. It lessened as the run went on but never fully went away and now that I've stopped moving it's rather painful. Not sure what it is. Going to try foam rolling it. I really hope it goes away. I've had so many aches and pains caused by my anxiety lately and I'm hoping this is just another one and not anything serious. We'll see how it is tomorrow.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2017
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Fred De Klein who is this? I see this is the only request left to join the strava group.

    I dun no. I've been out of the loop a bit. And I'm not seeing it from mobile so I figured someone got it. I only saw Girls.

    Fred? Hey Fred? You here?
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Fred De Klein who is this? I see this is the only request left to join the strava group.

    I dun no. I've been out of the loop a bit. And I'm not seeing it from mobile so I figured someone got it. I only saw Girls.

    Fred? Hey Fred? You here?

    That is @iofred.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Fred De Klein who is this? I see this is the only request left to join the strava group.

    I dun no. I've been out of the loop a bit. And I'm not seeing it from mobile so I figured someone got it. I only saw Girls.

    Fred? Hey Fred? You here?

    That is @iofred.

    Oh I knew that... :blush:
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    With all the talk about Strava, I suppose I should look into it. I signed up a few months ago and linked my Garmin Connect (I think?) but haven't taken a look at it since then. I can't remember if my username is the same, but I'll make sure my profile pic is the same if I request to join.

    @juliet3455 Congrats on your race...looks like the scenery was great!

    @girlinahat Wow! Your pictures are breathtaking and make me nervous all in one. Must have been a really great experience!

    @BeeerRunner Glad to hear your calf is improving!

    @ariceroni I hope whatever the pain in your foot is goes away with just a few of those exercises. I know all too well about the fear of a sidelining injury with just a minor twinge. Hope it's just minor!

    @lporter229 Getting excited for you and @MobyCarp for next Monday! I hope this next week goes fast for you and that the taper crazies won't be too hard to fend off.

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    edited April 2017
    lporter229 wrote: »
    I went to Pittsburgh this past weekend to visit my mom. It was a nice diversion from time spent obsessing about Boston. I did, however, get my final "longish" run in while I was there and it was a great one. I only ran 8 miles because, after seeing how great my legs felt last Thursday following my 3 day rest, I decided that my main objective right now is running as little as possible. Over the past 2-3 weeks, I have noticed a gradual return of my pace on easy runs which has been encouraging.

    Saturday morning was beautiful weather. I headed out around 11AM, close to my race start time. My mother wanted to walk around the track at my old junior high school, so we decided that I would run there and meet her and I would finish my miles around the track. I estimated that the run there would be close to 5 miles (I was off by a mile as it was only 4) and I knew that a good chunk of that was an uphill climb. I know that Pittsburgh is hilly, but I totally underestimated just how hilly that part of the run would be. It turned out to be a 360 ft elevation gain over 1.7 miles. Including a brief pause spent waiting to cross a busy street, the 1 mile portion of that climb was a 9:48 pace.

    I was feeling very slow by the time I arrived at the track with an overall average pace of 9:10. I pulled my shirt sleeve over my Garmin so I would not be tempted to look at my pace and I just ran by feel. I wanted to get an idea of how well my legs could move after that uphill climb. I took it pretty easy as I did my 13 laps around the track to complete my run, but I could tell that I was moving at a pretty good pace at that point. When I finished my run I looked at my lap paces and was surprised to find that I gained speed with each lap and my final lap came in at a 7:56. I have not run anything close to that pace since my 10K race the first weekend in February. I was quite sure that my legs were not capable of moving at that pace, so I was pleasantly surprised to see that, especially given how effortless and free of pain the run felt.

    I had not intended to run that fast and I know that it probably wasn't the best idea in terms of getting my legs the rest they need, but it did so much for my confidence that I really don't regret it. However, this week I now need to focus extra hard on getting the proper rest. I plan to run 4 miles tomorrow, 4 on Thursday and 2 on Saturday. That is it. Other goals for this week include getting extra sleep, eating all the carbs, and trying not to obsessively stalk the weather forecast for Boston for next Monday (current forecast is partly cloudy with a high of 59 and a low of 37, which would be spectacular news except that I have never had a weather forecast hold true for an entire week prior to a race, so it will likely mean scorching sun or pouring rain). We leave for Boston on Friday morning. This is going to be a very long week.

    @lporter229 - I'm very glad to read this post! I think the mental boost you got from feeling so good on those 8 miles will outweigh any down side of possibly running farther than you planned. I like your plan for the rest of taper, given where you came from. The goal is to get healthy, and it sounds like you're going to achieve it.

    I saw on the BAA site that there will be an app for Boston 2017, but its release has been delayed. I fired up my Boston 2016 app, and it finds registrants for 2017 now; I suspect the 2017 app will be an upgrade to what I have now. I was a little disappointed that I'm only allowed 10 favorites; there are more Boston runners that I want to track than that, even if I limit myself to runners I've met locally. Oh, well. Just have to pick 10, and look at the rest on the web site later.

    Edit to add: Stalk the weather forecast for both Boston and Hopkinton. That will give you a bit of an idea of what to expect in terms of weather changing as we run.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: April MTD (goal = 95)
    04/01/17 :::: 7.7 :::: 7.7
    04/02/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 11.2
    04/03/17 :::: 2.5 :::: 13.7
    04/04/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 13.7
    04/05/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 17.2
    04/06/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 17.2
    04/07/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 17.2
    04/08/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 17.2
    04/09/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 20.6
    04/10/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 23.6

    Thanks for the encouragement @7lenny7. :)

    Gorgeous and unseasonably warm day today - looks like nature is overcompensating for the past week of cold and crappy. I ended up working late and missing my run group workout, but did sneak in a run just before it got dark. It was lovely to have the slightly cooler temps with the sun setting.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Fast start, but has slowed down quite a bit. Hiked this past weekend (not counting that in running miles), so first run since Thursday was 3.4 miles.

  • Freck135
    Freck135 Posts: 50 Member
    Goal - 40 miles
    4/3 - 2 miles (gotta start somewhere)
    4/5 - 2.5 miles
    4/7 - 5 miles
    4/8 - 1 mile then crosstrained
    4/10 - 2 miles and strength train
    Total Miles - 12.5
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    4/10 -6.5.

    Of which 2.5 was an attempted run with running buddies kids in tow- one on bike one in stroller, kid were not cooperative enough to call it a run. So sent the kids with dad when he got home- we then did 4 miles for real

    May have to investigate this strava thing and see if I like it.... mostly have to figure out if I can handle/adapt to change

  • tina26pt2
    tina26pt2 Posts: 20 Member
    edited April 2017
    4/3: 4 mi
    4/4: 4 mi
    4/5: 4 mi
    4/6: 4 mi
    4/7: rest
    4/8: 6 mi
    4/9: 4mi
    4/10: 4mi

  • pjcfrancis
    pjcfrancis Posts: 121 Member
    April 10 4.5 k for a total of 24.5 of the 75k goal for the month. I had to stop .5 k short of my goal when I got a muscle spasm in my calf.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Sick babies and my husband working crazy OT totally kiboshed any chance I had at long run this weekend :( . This coming weekend my SIL is driving up with our niece and her fiance for Easter and then my husband goes OOT for two weeks as soon as they leave. April just turned into a lot of treadmill running- pray my youngest stops trying to stay up all night (teething is not for the faint of heart even in the third kid lol).

    April 1- 42.2
    April 2- 7.6
    April 3- 14
    April 4- 13.4
    April 5- Off
    April 6- 10
    April 7- 15.8
    April 8- Sick baby, so much crying (only like 5% me)
    April 9- 9.5
    April 10- 15.5


  • JohnRoderick
    JohnRoderick Posts: 19 Member


    Hello all!
    I was planning on not running today but joined a challenge on my running app this morning. Ran 2.4mi at average 6mph. 3 intervals 4min fast and 3min slow. Felt good after, first time I've ran intervals or even that fast. Might not run tomorrow, I'll see how the wheels feel after leg day.
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    11/04 - 3.2 mile fast(er) run @24:05, followed with 2 mile Interval, Shoulders & Core


    11/03 - 10K Run The Solar System (thanks for the tip) - 52:01
    12/03 - TM Half Marathon (plugged in the MK HM route - attempt 1  ) - 1:54:02
    25/03 - TM Half Marathon (plugged in the MK HM route - attempt 2  ) - 1:53:53
    Coming up:
    • 15/04 - TM Half Marathon (plugged in the MK HM route - attempt 3)
    • 01/05 - Milton Keynes HM
    • 18/06 - Run-Bedford-Run - 10K
    • 02/09 - Bedford HM
    • 24/09 - Windsor HM
  • Skipper111
    Skipper111 Posts: 392 Member
    Hi guys,

    As a newbie runner I wondered if I could ask 2 questions...

    1. What food is good to eat as you are starting to run further? I am upping to 10K (which I know is very small to many of the runs on here :-( ) and find my legs are feeling it a lot the next day. Any tips diet wise?

    2. How do you improve your mind over mater. As I am going further, I feel like I psychically can do it but my brain is my devil and trying to tell me to stop and that I am done. Is this a standard thing when you first start pushing your comfort zone?

    Thank you in advance, you guys are AMAZING and so inspiring!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member

    I find having protein and some carbs right after a run helps with soreness/recovery. Other than that, just try different foods and see what agrees with you before/after runs.

    As far as psychology and running. I do 2 things. First, I break my runs down, usually in 3-4 mile increments (for your run, two 5k increments might work) and only concentrate on the section I'm on. Visualization helps too, imagine you're running a goal race, or something, and use it to kind of tune out while you go.

    These work for me, I can't guarantee they will work for you, but might be worth a try.