takeflightwren Member


  • Oh I am!!! Lets get to our goal! Thanks for starting this group. I need to check in more often. I really need the support to get back into it since slipping last week. I did not destroy my loss, just stopped losing - gained just a little back. It's OK....now back to the work of losing - it takes determination, planning,…
  • Started at 187. Down to 169. Down 18 lbs. Goal to lose another 'quick' 10 lbs in march. Hammer it!!! Happy where I am and trying to keep from getting discouraged at the slowness of it all. Have 40 more to lose.
  • It was easy....that time, I need to be consistent.
  • Yep! I have a stationary bike at home. Hubby - a counselor - told of research done on motivation - what works: plan to do your activity for 5 minutes - and you will invariably do more b/c you are there already. I have found this to work - "I am going to just SIT on the bike while I watch this TV program", my feet find it…
  • BEER, WINE, fermented things are good for our digestive systems. A little can be OK, a little chocolate can be OK - the theme here is LITTLE. I have learned to enjoy the nibbles of chocolate and sips of wine. It is amazing how only 1 oz can satisfy my cravings. I try not to be too hard on myself. If you want a little extra…
  • Egg white omlette with spinach, sun dried tomato, a Tbl of grated cheddar.
  • I can cross my legs without my knee sticking out sideways, my foot actually hangs down. I wore a pair of pants today - size 12, they were loose on my hips and butt! I could not even squeeze into them 2 months ago. Yea, and bra size, will be buying small soon too. All this after 14 lbs loss. Looking forward to more of less…
  • I'm in! Down 13, 40 to go. When I started MFP and declared 10 lbs/ month I received ALOT of negative feedback about how this cannot be done, not sustainable, will gain it all backt, etc, yada, yada... I lost 11 lbs 1st month and am determined to lose another 10 this March- four more lbs to reach my goal for this month - I…
  • I am not eating it back and am determined to use those calories burned to add up to the magic 3500 cal / lb of fat to melt this stuff off. My lofty goal....lose 10 lbs a month for 5 months, develop good habits of healthy eating and increased exercising so when I transition into maintaining I am ready to shift over to new…
  • I agree with Ifrazier above. I had the same experience with WW 3 times. MFP is working for me much better. Easier to use, support when you need it and food and calorie data to help you make choices so there is room for those good things in life. If you increase your activity level you can eat more too - easy to track this…
  • Yes. Body fat accumulation occurs under the skin all over, including the face. Some people have "trouble" spots where accumulation appears more prominently. The first time I lost weight everyone who first noticed saw the loss in my face before the rest of me. I also found that lifting weights works the face muscles when we…
  • Your FACE!!, I can see the loss in your face! You look fantastic. Everything looks great and congratulations on your efforts. I love weight lifting too. I just feel so good after a round of lifting. Strong, capable, centered, balanced.
  • Only 50. I tried WW several times, vegan for a while but not sustainable for me. If I allow myself any indulgence all bets (goals) are off. I do eat a very healthy, vegetable rich diet. I have an incredibly stressful job along with some other business obligations that have left me a brain dead couch potato for the very…