CaptAwesome77 Member


  • Feel free to add me! The more people to motivate and get motivation from the better!
  • NJ. I’d like to say the Garden State doesn’t live up to the negative stereotypes...
  • I used MFP a few years ago, and though it worked well I let it fall by the wayside. Well, here I am again, hoping to see similar results, maybe chat with some likeminded folks along the way.
  • That I wasted way too long sweating the small stuff. That every moment is a learning experience and a chance to better myself, even if it’s learning what not to do!
  • I like that I’m certainly wiser than I was in the past... but I miss the metabolism I had. Back then weight I put on was a whole lot easier to take off, though it may not have seemed so at the time. I don’t like how much more frequent running related injuries are now and how much longer it takes to bounce back from them,…
  • Slice it up and throw it in with some veggies, maybe kale, peppers, tomatoes... make a salad.
  • Eat some raw eggs and get outside, run away from some evil Russians and up a mountain if you have one nearby... it worked wonders in Rocky IV.
  • Today... not a damn thing yet. I'll go to PT after work to try and get my knee and back working again (yeah, getting old sucks) then off to the gym for chest and some cardio.
  • Quick answer... Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard. It's a relatively inexpensive protein powder, most of the flavors taste good (I'm partial to the chocolate) and it's a solid amount of protein to sugar/fat/calorie ratio. They're pretty good protein sources as well. You can get higher quality proteins on the market, and…
  • 3 words... you've got to. It's the only way. There is no magic pill that will do it. Well, there's Alli, but assuming you don't want to crap constantly, exercise and diet have to work together to get the results you want. You can still eat the things you want (within reason), just be very strict with portion control.
  • I've found I often fall into the "in for a penny in for a pound" mentality. If I binge at one meal or eat something terrible, say an entire rack of ribs for instance, I'll just give up, call it a wash, and binge the rest of the day. Step one is just not letting that happen. It's not a wash and your day can be saved... so…
  • It depends on the bar. Like anything in life, some are better than others. If you're on the go and just don't have time for a real meal, they're ok to use occasionally for a meal replacement... but go with one with a good nutritional breakdown. Quest Bars aren't particularly natural but are decent in comparison with most…
  • Just look in the mirror. That's about it. If you absolutely love what you see, get your *kitten* to the gym or out on a run to keep yourself looking that good. If you're like the rest of us though, and see some room for improvement... get your *kitten* to the gym or out on a run to get yourself looking good. You don't have…
  • Whenever you ask yourself this question, the answer is no.
  • I agree to a point... but when I walked outside to leave for work it was 2 degrees with a wind chill of -18. Could I run outside in that? Probably. Would I derive any enjoyment whatsoever? Not a chance. I'd much rather just throw a 1-2%grade on the dreadmill and suffer on there for a day. Cold is one thing, weather like…
  • If you're training for a marathon, fueling will be a concern. Training for a 5k, nope. Stick to your original caloric intake, you'll get everything you need and still lose the weight you want to.
  • Just get some trail shoes. They have a more aggressive tread to give you better grip in snow and ice and some are even available with Gore-Tex to help keep your feet dry. I've run in the snow and ice many times, usually in my regular running shoes, and only once had a problem with the ice. We'd had almost 2 ft of snow,…
  • When I'm sick I'm generally not hungry. It's not that I'm restrictions anything, just that I don't want anything. Therefore I don't bother logging anything, all I'm eating is a bowl of broth all day and some Thera-flu anyway, my body is burning more than that 120 calories or so anyway.
  • I've eaten food in the shower. There may or may not have been some quiet sobbing involved too, as I wallowed in self-pity.
  • You could always check it out on Webmd. Last time I tried that, based on my symptoms it said I might be pregnant.
  • Wow, 234 lbs is considered overweight for an adult, let alone a 12 yr old. I don't see any judgement going on here, just fact. That is morbidly obese, this kid needs to eat healthier and exercise. I'm in my thirties and 6'2", 234 lbs would be considered overweight for me! It's just plain tragic for a 12 yr old.