
  • There are several small groups you can join here for support... the MAIN forum is a zoo of CICO thinking, so unlikely to get what you need. Low Carber Daily Forum....The LCD Group <<MOST ACTIVE KETO GROUP THE place where low carbers of all types share recipes, meal tips, support, and can learn the details of the various…
  • Hi I think you need to be CERTAIN that you can do a true diet as a need some carbs, specific to you because of your needed daily insulin, where a T2 diabetic does not. Please go to the group "The Low Carber Daily" at may be able to do a LCHF version, which is MORE than 20 gr carbs, which is Ketogenic..…
  • Best to joins the Low Carber Daily Group, or Keto or Adkins...there are prolly just these groups supportive of LCHF..and pandemonium in the main forum groups. Low Carber Daily Forum....The LCD Group THE place where low carbers of all types share recipes, meal tips, support, and can learn the details of the various versions…
  • TESS Holiday has gone insane, she IS morbidly obese, and is claiming she is healthy... and that's she's a much smaller size, is just "plus" size. NO, she is not "plus" and getting more bizarre as time goes on..she is losing support of the women who admired her because of lying, her health is impacted, and it is only her…
  • Yogurt lovers who also like granola in it here is my solution- I only buy Bulgarian full fat yogurt..and I LOVE crunchy in my yogurt. I joked about sweetening pork rinds, and the ONLY ones are spicy/hot, the opposite of what I needed. Well RuledMe guy just came out with a salted caramel pork rind cereal. at the same time I…
  • From the 1960s early Diet foods-- behold-a box of AYDS chewable diet aide candies, or METRECAL cookies and canned drink "milkshakes"-- the WORST tasting stuff...cookies: dry and gritty like compressed dirt, and the canned shakes I can't even describe...of course the Ayds candies were great if you ate 5 or 6 (not really…
  • One argument that fits with the "what we evolved on" is the rice eaters of Asia..people point to relatives and say " my mom and grandma always ate rice, and soy and they are not fat" type of comment..but they are NOT allowing for the many thousands of years SPECIFIC to that culture...while others ate meat and chased…
  • PS I tried checking 1 hr and 2 hrs after a meal, and other testing to see my BG..this info is helpful in general.
  • My doc said my BG was slowly rising over years of overweight, so I got a ReliOn meter, and check my FBG a few times a week. I noticed a drop due to keeping as low carb as possible. 90 may be fine for you, but if you can improve it to <80 as Dr.Bernstein says is a real 'normal' then go for it. I read from a doc that taking…
  • You are MOST fortunate you have an MD supportive of anything other than the USDA 65% grains/carbs "pyramid" (now called "healthy plate')
  • Walker-- another reason thin people look down on heavier is they hear the 'excuses' used...from people who aren't trying, but give lip service to some diet, who aren't serious in educating themselves on nutrition, or talk about need to eat 'cheat' meals, or listing reasons they 'can't' of course it is assumed all…
  • People felt full and stopped eating and didn't want to be called greedy- it was a mindset. Somehow things changed <<< what changed in the Senator McGovern 1970s group developing a NATIONAL Dietary Guide pst WWII...pushing high carbs eventually (grains) on all of us with NO studies as proof, only a few MDs input. Dr. Adkins…
  • "The decision that we should be eating more carbs and less fat was made by a politician, not a scientist. " Glad to see another reader of Taubes Good Calories Bad Calories book. It was SHOCKING to learn how a low level vegetarian flunky in the 1970s was tasked with writing the rules of Senator McGovern's* new USDA…
  • What happened to the "Over 50 ladies' special needs? It grew to thousands of posts. Never understood the actual "special part" That became a female only chit chat group , and itwas a daily slog through so much private detail of who got married, and who put in a new floor, etc, and back and forth responses that it left LCHF…
  • Education said" .....but can't convert fat to use so if it's not getting enough glucose from carbs, it will turn to lean muscle and convert that to glucose Article posted said: the RDA is based.... "on providing adequate glucose as the required fuel for the central nervous system without reliance on glucose production from…
  • <GRIN> appreciated! I live in the natural beauty of the coastal PAC NW, huge ancient redwoods, deep trails, unsculpted wilderness.....and beaches for long walks, where wild Rosevelt Elk wander down the surfside...can't beat it. Appreciating where you live is a gift to your spirit
  • NO total myth as the USDA/AMA 45-65% carbs plan is all they are allowed to promote, unless you have brain seizures, then KETO may be allowed. Read this info, just one of MANY articles proving the brain does indeed get fuel converted from fats to run…
  • Flavored coffees do not require dairy anyway .....ahhh.. speak for yourself please, no way I can tolerate coffee at all without real heavy cream, used it for all my life, and truly enjoy the taste, and the LCHF diet is perfect for it. History note: Airplane coffee service had to STOP printing even the words "coffee…
  • yep, enjoy it, when you begin again later, as most do you never get the same amazing results, and while LC is wonderful it is not always a lasting guaranteed success for all, older, female, metabolic issues, heath, meds all change how your body will succeed..but remaining 'pure in spirit' and really committing will keep…
  • ALL GOOD advice to use your NATIVE intelligence, and figure out how the INMATES do it, pull ups on an upended metal cot, hooking feet under bed rail for situps, lifting each other, lifting heavy water bottles..those guys in cells can do it, you can do it. Also remember Rocky the movie?...running up and down lots of cement…
  • Along with the CICO trap that has been proven over the last 40 years to FAIL the poor strenuous dieter in the long term (anyone can lose weight on most diets for a short time) Dr. Jason Fung (my 2nd kidney doctor) who called this theory "C.R.A.P. was interviewed and explains it VERY WELL on his blog. Why The First Law of…
  • why on EARTH force us to see it too...please, just add a link and a warning for us tender hearted people ...if it was a small puppy head, or a leg, or other animal body part?? would YOU still post that? gee thanks
  • can you open your food choices to a much wider range? is it cost of groceries? You can have fatty steak, burgers (on lettuce wraps) mayo, cheeses, nuts, heavy cream, butter, many more low carb veggies you did not mention. maybe you meant those 2 foods as example only? no one is stopping you from cooking and eating MANY…
  • the only carbs in any protein product is from sugar, fillers, etc. So your product seems ideal.. paying for quality is worth it. avoiding sugar is too. Our HFS was selling "Silk almond milk--unsweetened".. BUT the box say 7gr added sugar..that is NOT unsweetened, it should be 30 cals. at 0 sugar, not…
  • Personally, I think if you're eating junk food or fast food and you're in this group, you're adding to your own pain and suffering. Highly refined or processed foods should be on that list too. Gee Binaryfu you sure lecture others a lot. "face planting" of any foods is a JOKE. (Moobaloo appreciates a joke, thank you!) The…
  • Calorie trade off.. YES "crap load of calories" is right...most LC breads/crackers are at least 200-400 calories for a "serving"..a microwave cake in a cup is a whole egg, vs using 1 egg for 2 dozen small it is a serious trade while finding LC replacements to carb load foods..but you gotta do what will keep…
  • I'm wondering if the same amino acid protein supplement I take, designed for severe kidney disease would work for those with other nutrition/digestion issues. these were designed for CKD, and the company has never focused on any other patients, please take a look at their page, and even call the scientist, they don't do…
  • I'm on the other extreme of no meat LCHF for kidney disease reasons. I have no option but to control protein to VVL, supplement with essential amino acids(they replace all protein and protect heart/body muscle growth), and do eat some eggs, cheese, nuts, avocado, and of course the bulk of my diet is fats from butter,…