Type 1 diabetes and ketogenic diet--diving in!

Hi, I'd love to know if there other type 1 folks who are using MFP to track and are using a ketogenic diet for blood sugar control primarily (and some weight loss)? I've had diabetes for 20 years and my a1c has creeped up to 8 while my weight has done a similar slow creep upwards. I'm looking to radically shift the flow.


    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Hi I think you need to be CERTAIN that you can do a true diet as a T1...you need some carbs, specific to you because of your needed daily insulin, where a T2 diabetic does not.

    Please go to the group "The Low Carber Daily" at MFP...you may be able to do a LCHF version, which is MORE than 20 gr carbs, which is Ketogenic..

    and THIS site ---http://www.diabetesforum.com/diabetes/12467-ketogenic-diet-type-1-a.html---
    had this answer to a same Q: (some mix ketoacidosis with ketogenic)

    When a person has uncontrolled very high blood sugars, they can go into a condition called ketacidosis, which can be very dangerous and life-threatening. "Vomiting, dehydration, deep gasping breathing, confusion and occasionally coma are typical symptoms." Diabetic ketoacidosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    On the other hand, when people eat a diet very low in carbohydrates, and the body does not have enough glucose to meet its energy needs, the body will start to burn off the fat, creating ketones, which the brain and other organs can use as fuel instead of glucose. This is what we call, going into ketosis, or eating a ketogenic diet.

    Due to the fact that ketones are involved in both conditions, there is a lot of confusion about this - in fact many dietitians and doctors hear the word "ketones" and are immediately alarmed, as the only condition they are aware of is the very serious ketacidosis, and they are unaware that having ketones in the urine as the result of a very low carb diet is actually a healthy condition.

    Since your husband is Type 1 and on insulin, and unwilling to test his blood with a meter, you need to avoid both conditions. He has to have some carbs to work with his insulin dose. But you want to make sure he isn't eating a huge load of carbs that could put him into the high blood sugar complication of ketacidosis. But you also don't want his blood sugar to get so low that he becomes hypoglycemic, which is also dangerous.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    I suggest you check out the maim low carber daily forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketofiles tend to hang out (including some with T1D):
