

  • Wow, thank ALL of you for you motivational replies!! I really really appreciate all of you. Your all right. I'm just going to keep chugging along. Focus on getting better, and keep my goals in sight. All of your positive words really helped me, and are exactly what I needed to hear!!! I'm so glad I'm not alone, and I know…
  • I noticed at about 3 weeks of working out hard everyday, and eating great. After 5-6 weeks the changes were amazing. Since then I haven't noticed much more...
  • I gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant, and I had a really hard time getting it off. You just have to start your journey now. You won't lose 100 pounds over night, but you have to realize that you will be happier then you are now with every pound lost. If you have a bad day, just leave it at that.. Just a bad day,…
  • I tried it. It's very expensive, and u don't need the products they sell to lose weight, the diet it fine. But you don't need to spend a million dollars to lose weight. I did it and lost about 8 pounds and kept it off, but quit using their products and following their meal plan. I didn't have mfp back then though, and mfp…
  • I save more then half of my calories for dinner and after, because that's when I eat the most. I have a protein shake for breakfast, a healthy high protein lunch under 500 cals. But my worst time of the day for eating is dinner and after, so I make sure I have room to be flexible here.
  • To the person who made the spreadsheet, can u send it to me by chance??
  • Just be healthy and don't work yourself too hard. But keep tracking ur food and exercising, and u will be fine. Don't focus on losing weight, focus on getting healthy, but if ur hungry, eat, just pick something healthy.
  • Don't waist your money, instead but some cute work out gear that gets u motivated to work out- that's what i do. And just eat at a deficit. I had a baby a year and a half ago and the weight is finally coming off cuz I'm doing it the right way. Be patient, do it right, u don't need any magic pills, and know it's going to…
  • Lol, too cute!! I let them eat it, still log it as mine incase I'm off on something else I have some extra cushion. I try to over estimate everything until my food scale arrives in the mail from Amazon
  • My husband is 6'4 and I'm 5'0, it's hard, but I only worry about what goes in my body, I try to cook healthy dinners, and eat my calories I need and track everything, he eats what he wants, ice cream everyday. I live vicariously thru him and enjoy watching him eat all the calories I'm not eating.
  • I'm 5' and currently weigh 128, started at 136, and my goal is 114. But I'm already super happy with the changes my body has made from lifting and 0 cardio. Just 1 day of hiit and 4 days of lifting.
  • I'm obsessed with victorias secrets new sports bras, I've been wearing them everyday, my boobs are on the gigantic side, and these sports bras make them look smaller a but perky, with clothes on u can't tell I'm wearing a sports bra. Check them out, kinda spendy, but if ur boobs are big, it's necessary
  • I'm doing weight training, I'm just 4 weeks in, so I'm not lifting super heavy. For me though, I'm pushing myself. No cardio, just one day a week of hiit
  • Great! Thanks, I don't feel like I need to eat, I have energy, just wasn't sure if it would be beneficial to eat first. Since it's not, I'm glad I don't have to.
  • I've always had trouble getting to sleep. I take melatonin tablets and they are amazing. Only thing that really works besides prescription meds.
  • Now it all makes sense!! I really wanna try the cookie butter I've been seeing everywhere!
  • Ok awesome. I figured that was the case, but I didn't know the true definition of bmi. Thanks for the reply :)
  • Awesome!!! ^^^^ that was exactly what I was looking for!!!! Thank you
  • She didn't set them on percentages, instead of switching over to my diary to look up the specific numbers to write in this post, I just remember that the percentages worked out to that. My calories are like 1504, with my protein and fat being at 134 each I think and carbs I can't remember with out looking. But regardless,…
  • Thank you!! I'll check it out!!
  • My goals right now are just weight loss, but in the future it might be gaining muscle. I'm only 3 weeks in and still figuring everything out. I'm learning so much from reading all the comments on mfp. I would really like to eat my macros the right way and I have been tracking everything. I guess I just need to learn foods…
  • I have a trainer that set them for me specifically, I'll ask her when I see her. But I thought I'd get your guys's opinions too. My calories are at 1500 with protein and fat at 35% & carbs at 30%