

  • I currently use a pre workout from Muscle Pharm, but I have tried it all. Still not sure if this pre is working or not. I am just about half way through so I guess I should know by now! I am going to have to check out some of these other pre workouts too that I have never heard of.
  • Eat leafy greens and meats. Don't drink tea, it brings your iron levels down. I give blood and was told one time when I gave blood that my levels were lower than they normally are. She asked me if I was drinking tea, when I told her I drink green tea daily, she stated that is probably the reason.
  • Well diet matters more than exercise for weight loss. However, some people do have issues working out based on time, sometimes you can't make exercise a priority. I unfortunately have to work over 10 hours a day and then I am a mother of 3. So, when you work over 10 hours a day and have to take care of children, then it is…
  • Wow! That is awesome, you look great.
  • Staying up to late and working too much without making time for a workout.
  • Congrats! You look great.
  • Yes, but make sure you have a clean diet with plenty of protein.
  • Sugar, I do my best to keep sugar out of my diet. Also, I try to stick to organics and fresh food.
  • I love soft boil eggs. You boil your eggs for 6 minutes, then quickly cool them. It is like eating an over easy eggs without the worry of breaking the yolk while cooking the eggs.
  • Cabbage Steak: roast in the oven for 15 min on one side and 15 on the other at 400. Season the cabbage on both sides with your favorite seasoning and butter (use vegetarian sub). This is the best cabbage I have ever had. I use supreme salad seasoning (I am not a vegetarian; it has parm cheese in it), garlic, salt, and…
  • My biggest motivation trick is keeping what I want to look like around me at all times, so it is something at the front of my mind at all times. Like I have a picture on my phone, computer, on my fridge; so it is on my mind at all times. Plus I wear a fitness tracker.
  • You can have one but don't overdo it. Eat one thing that is not good. Like a piece of cake or a burger without fries, and so on. Be reasonable, you can destroy your whole weeks’ worth of work on one day of cheating.
  • Great reason, I wish you the best. Remember keeping to fruit, veggies, fiber, water, and the protein you need will put you on your path to a healthier you.
  • I wouldn't bother doing this. The only true fire ways to lose weight is eat right and exercise. Eat and stick to protein, veggies, fruits, and water only. Trying to cut corners thinking eating this one thing, taking this one supplement, and what not is never going to get you to where you want to be. Don't waste your money…
  • I not sure what I think about starvation mode. I lost 10 pounds eating exactly 3 oz of chicken, 1 boiled egg, veggies, and half a can of tuna twice a day, plus a protein shake. Which usually adds up a little over a 1000 calories, depending on what veggies I eat or what I put in my protein shake. If you look at my plates…
  • My victory today was even though I thought I had no time to work out, I realize that I did. So I figured why I was cooking I could, while I waited for things to get done. So, in between doing things I was able to do some weights. While it is not ideal for me, at least I got something out today.
  • I wouldn't bother doing this. The only true fire ways to lose weight is eat right and exercise. Trying to cut corners thinking eating this one thing, taking this one supplement, and what not is never going to get you to where you want to be. Don't waste your money, calories, or daily fat.
  • Your grocery list may seem dull to you but if you are losing weight it is a great list. Besides food is just fuel, it does not have to be fun. I currently eat for lunch and dinner (I eat the same thing, only changing up the veggie) a boiled egg, half can of tuna, 3 oz of chicken, and a side of veggies. My other meal is…
  • Definitely add me. My biggest tip is to put up motivations, this will help remind you to stay on track. Also, eat the same thing every day, I know it sounds like a pain but protein, veggies, fruit, and plenty of water are your best friend in losing weight. Remember it is a short term basis, why you still have to eat…
    in help Comment by vbenoit81 February 2015
  • I would say put up pictures to motivate you, to remind you not to give in. The pictures will remind you that if you eat what you don't need it will take that much longer to reach your goal. The more you eat right, the less you will want or need anything bad. Eat more protein which will help you need or want sweets or trash…