brendak76 Member


  • There is a big difference between being lactose intolerant and having a dairy allergy. If you have a true allergy you cannot have the protein from any dairy product including whey, casein, even lactose free milk has milk protein just not lactose. Lactose is the sugar found in milk that can be difficult to digest but is not…
  • I have one too and love it. The potatoes really do come out better imo than just putting it in the microwave. I also use it to warm up corn tortillas. They stay warm and are very moist.
  • It must be a low day for type 1s. I was just in the 40s myself and am totally out of calories for the day. That is super rare for me. I don't know if you pump or take injections. I spent about a month of intensive basal testing this summer to get my blood sugars and Insulin levels in much better control so I wouldn't have…
  • If you are not diabetic your blood sugar should be in a normal range no matter what you eat. If you have a high blood sugar during the test then that really is a medical issue to have looked at.
  • Yes, adreneline is the immediate surge in flight or flight. Cortisol is also released by the adrenal glands in large amounts in these situations and can stick around for a while. Cortisol is what is causing my elevated blood sugars/ insulin resistance for several weeks. The adreneline rush doesn't hang around that long.
  • My cortisol issues were not due to daily stress from life. They were due to 2 separate trauma situations. Fight or flight. After the 2nd episode about 6 weeks after the first it took my 3 days to stop shaking. Longer for my breathing to return to normal. I've read it can take months to recover from these kind of episodes.…
  • I'm fascinated with cortisol levels right now. I've had a significant amount of trauma in my life the last 2 months. I'm also type 1 diabetic. I went to my endocrinologist this week to help with my suddenly out of control high blood sugars. I also asked her about the 8 pounds I gained almost overnight despite diligently…
  • I like the guesstimating then adding 50%. Here's why: my son has had type 1 diabetes since he was a baby. The amount of insulin he takes depends on how many carbs he eats. It took a few years to figure out restaurants. What we end up doing now is guessing on the carbs and adding about 50%. That almost always works. We even…
  • Meditation Oasis podcast are free and phenomenal. Anxiety=increased cortisol=lots of problems. I'm dealing with that right now and instead of trying to strictly count calories I am also focusing on lowering my cortisol levels.
  • For those that run outside in the snow/ice: how do you keep from sinking in the snow, or slipping? How well do YakTrax work? We have so much snow and ice here in the winter I'm not sure how to navigate it.
  • I've had to make friends with the treadmill. Wind chills can get to -40 below where I live. I've learned I can't watch tv on the treadmill at the gym. I'm 5'2" and I have to tilt my head upwards to watch the tv and it really affects me. It's not my normal running posture. So I listen to music or great podcasts. And people…
  • With 2 super busy teenagers I decided that breakfast on the weekends (brunch) is easier than trying to eat dinner together. Wednesday's are a late start for my high schooler so I will sometimes try and make breakfast for us all to eat together then too. If we eat dinner together it has to be around 4:45pm on a weeknight.
  • I add taco seasoning. Makes a fantastic dip.
  • I have 2 squatty potties (received as gag gifts lol). For me they sometimes make a difference. For hubby it's a huge difference. He complains that he doesn't have time to catch up on the news in the bathroom anymore because he finishes his business at lightening speed.
  • I've run 2 full marathons and 5 half marathons and gained weight training for each race. My hashimotos thyroid was fine and properly medicated each race and closely monitored. Part of the gain was the stress inflammation/water retention and the other part was my own overeating. I was so hungry after long runs I couldn't…
  • What is considered low? I'm usually 90/60 but sometimes a tad higher or lower. My son has Addison's disease and low bp can be a symptom. I didn't know it could cause GI issues. I'll have to read up on that.
  • I did have some mild issues due to using the wrong type of shoes for my foot. The best advice I have would be to get fitted for a shoe by a running store. I also ended up getting custom orthotics from a foot dr. For blisters I use aquiphor (like Vaseline) on my feet and it works great. But I don't have neuropathy so…
  • I am type 1 and went on the pump and Dexcom a year ago and did not gain any weight. (My son and mom are also type 1). The pump is super helpful but a lot of work to get your basals set correctly (which is very important). I spent about a month this summer doing extensive basal testing. If your rates are set correctly, you…
  • Our favorite thing to do is to add a packet of trader joes taco seasoning to a 32 oz tub of plain Greek yogurt. Trader joes brand is double strength so if you use a different brand you might need more. It's an amazing dip. Even my health food hating father loves it.
  • I'm petite and my bmr is about 1200. The only way I could stay full on 1200 was to lay in bed all day and not move. Any exercise or physical activity or normal functioning in life did not work for the 1200 diet. There is just no need to do that to myself. And it led to binging. Regularly.
  • My dad was a private pilot and we flew with him. He had to know our weights exactly for this reason. It was very important in a small private aircraft.
  • I have long hair, a lot of it and sweat a ton. But I wash every 3 days. Day 1 I blow dry. Day 2 I use a wet comb for the ends in the shower just to straighten any weird waves. Day 3 dry shampoo and an updo (braid, bun, etc). Don't be afraid to just let the sweat dry! I do shower every day!!
  • This is kind of the concept in the eat more 2 weigh less groups. They can answer a lot of your questions there. I'm on week 3 of a diet break and have increased my goal by 100 calories/day per week. Trying to find my true TDEE and have my weight loss be more sustainable. I was eating 1280/day plus some exercise calories…
  • I'd love to hear from people who have been logging for 15-20+ years. Obviously it wouldn't be logging electronically for that time, most likely pen and paper. I'm great at going all in on something for 2-4 years but then I just quit. How do the true long term loggers handle the psychological aspect of logging everything…
  • No offense taken! I did laugh at your photo. Reminds me to go get some bone broth out of the freezer.
  • I was making a joke about it not being vegan. I'm aware of the ingredients and am not vegan. I started buying it for my husband - his dr recommended it for inflammatory muscle issues (he has MD) and I didn't realize it was so chalk full of protein and much like a commercial protein powder. My health food store sells it…
  • Lol I'm aware of that. I make bone broth with those. It's definitely not vegan!
  • I'm curious what the saliva test was for. I've never heard of it. My son has Addison's disease (autoimmune adrenal failure) and has a battery of blood tests every 3 months. It's not something to mess around with. An adrenal crisis can be fatal in minutes if not treated.
  • I've also made my own coconut milk yogurt in the crockpot. There are lots of recipes online.