brendak76 Member


  • When my TSH was between 6-9, I gained around 2 -4 pounds a month despite diligent calorie tracking and having been the same weight for the past 15 years. I gained about 15 pounds total. I felt completely out of control because nothing I did could stop the weight gain. I had been hypothyroid for 20 years prior and on the…
  • Yes! Read the book!! It has been life changing for me. I’ve read it 3 times and been working on this for 3-4 years now. It is very freeing to be able to listen to my body tell me I need to eat more or stop eating rather than a calorie counter. I haven’t gained any weight either and am enjoying food and life much more now.
  • Ovarian cyst? I had an ultrasound come back today showing a “large” cyst. Apparently it doesn’t show up on CT scans (had that 3 months ago).
  • My 17 year old son has Addisons and type 1 diabetes. He's on prednisone and florinef for Addison's. I'm sure you know that symptoms of Addison's are weight loss and lack of hunger or nausea. My guess is that now that you are on medication, your body is catching up to where it wants to be and will level off once the…
  • I've always struggled with the Calories In < Calories Out model for weight loss. Yes, it does work if done accurately but it's so hard to accurately measure calories out. I can easily measure calories in, but I can't accurately measure calories out nearly as exact as calories in. I can estimate, but when you only have a…
  • Have you ever been checked for Addison's disease? My son has this and needs more salt than the average person because he doesn't make the hormones to keep the sodium/potassium balance in his body. Some of your symptoms are Addison's disease symptoms.
  • I just wanted to say I feel your pain. I have a husband and 2 teen boys at home. It's not necessarily a junk food issue, it's a quantity of food issue. My boys need massive massive quantities of food. So when I make chicken breasts, I cook 4-5 pounds minimum at a time. I make 6 cups of (dry) rice at a time. Salads are by…
  • My 16 year old son has Addisons (and type 1 diabetes). He takes Prednisone and Florinef for Addisons. The steroids he takes are to replace the steroids his adrenal glands do not make. When a non Addisons person takes prednisone they already make enough to survive, they just need extra doses for some other reason. For a…
  • Not arguing how healthy or unhealthy a pop tart is, but just pointing out that they are sold for breakfast in the public middle and high schools here (and in another state we lived in last year). I'd love to see a teacher go argue with the cafeteria workers about selling them to kids before first period, lol!
  • Iron deficiency is very common with celiac disease. It is common to have hashimotos and celiac together because they are both autoimmune diseases. Celiac would be worth getting checked for.
  • For me, high carb/low carb doesn't matter. I have to eat the bulk of my calories between 7am-2pm. Then my hunger just shuts off and I'm fine. Otherwise, I'm simply starving all day and can never "catch" the hunger.
  • T1D here, diagnosed 10 years ago at age 30 (no its not only a childhood disease). My son and mom are also T1. Pump and CGMS here. My 16 year old son can't seem to eat enough (he eats probably 4000 calories a day) and I'm trying to lose the 15 pounds I've gained from hashimotos this year.
  • I have Hashimotos that has been causing problems. I'm on my 2nd increased dose of synthroid. I am also vitamin d deficient. My dr is telling that you need vitamin D in order to absorb the thyroid meds. If you are deficient the thyroid meds don't work as well. So now I'm taking 5000 units of vitamin D a day and a hefty dose…
  • Walmart's free grocery pickup is fantastic. I was concerned about the produce and meat too but it's not an issue. They seem to pick out better quality items than what's in the store. They also keep produce, eggs, and meat seperate for you to inspect before they load it into your car. You don't have to buy it if you don't…
  • Have you considered getting some blood work done - especially your thyroid? I have had controlled hashimotos most of my life - except for this year. I gained 15 pounds in a little over a year while eating around 1800 cal/ day and exercising and lifting 5 days a week. Turns out my thyroid took a nose dive and I'm on my…
  • I had severe symptoms at 5.7. I am now at 3.4 and still have some symptoms though not as severe so my dosage was just increased yesterday. My endo wants me under 2 and symptom free.
  • Interested in this thread. I had been on 125mcg for 13 years with no fluctuations. I was able to lose 8 or so vanity pounds about 1.5 years ago and then started having hashimotos symptoms after I lost weight. Gained 15 pounds in the last year as well. Just got my second increase in dosage yesterday and am now taking…
  • Can you tell us more about your thyroid issues? That can cause so many problems you are describing. I know you said you were on meds but it gave you side effects. Did you stop the meds? I have hashimotos and am having to work very closely with my endo to get it regulated. I have had lots of the same issues that you have…
  • I wanted to post a weight loss/ thyroid update here since I've been on new meds. I've lost 5 pounds in 4 weeks without trying at all. I'm not as sleepy and the brain fog has lifted. Getting my levels rechecked in 2 weeks. Super thankful I'm not totally crazy. Hoping the last 10 Hashimotos pounds come off this easily.
  • I have 2 teen boys and @JenHuedy is right. They need food. Make sure calorie dense choices are available. My oldest could live on salad and fruit and veggies. Ended up seeing a nutritionist because he couldn't get enough calories that way. I was buying healthy low calorie foods which he loves but it wasn't enough. Along…
  • I have hashimotos and had no trouble losing a few vanity pounds 2 years ago with MFP and weighing my food. But this last year, despite weighing my food and calorie counting, I've gained almost 15 pounds. I went to the dr yesterday and was SO relieved to find my thyroid levels were way off and I needed a medication…
  • Before I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, I had gestational diabetes with both pregnancies. I was on insulin with both pregnancies. Your fasting and post meal numbers are very high and will only go higher with a pregnancy. Definitely get the numbers under control for the safety and health of both you and baby. My first…
  • I have celiac and don't have too much of an issue with eating out. Restaurants especially fast food have menus online and lots of options. If they dont, you can eat meat, veggies, fruit, salads, potatoes, rice, etc. Ask for a clean cook surface/pans, and limited seasonings (salt/pepper) unless you can confirm they are…
  • The trick has been to get my pump basal setting correct so I don't have to eat extra to treat lows.
  • I like General Foods International French Vanilla Sugar Free Decaf mix. 30 calories. Swiss Miss makes a 25 calorie diet hot cocoa.
  • It's not the cooking that's the problem. It's the massive amount of food my teenage boys eat. I cook for 10 and my boys will just inhale every bite and still be hungry in an hour. I just cannot keep up. So much food. So many dishes. They do help clean up and will fend for themselves when I can't cook but it is challenging.…
  • I feel your pain. Very similar situation here. Kids have busy schedules and we don't/can't all eat at the same time. I will usually cook large meals for everyone and we eat when we are hungry. If I'm not in sync with everyone else I make an effort to have a cup of tea or water and at least sit at the table with whoever…
  • I am always stuck on how to weigh it on a food scale. There's white meat, dark meat, skin, bones, not to mention which mfp entry to use. How do you all weigh this?
  • I don't mind weighing and tracking easy stuff like an apple or banana or piece of bread. However I cook almost all meals for a large family from scratch. That's what gets me is the homemade recipes and weighing all ingredients before cooking vs after cooking and trying to get the weighed portion sizes accurate.
  • I've tried both. The ACV severely aggrivated an ulcer.
    in Thoughts Comment by brendak76 March 2016