jascakes Member


  • Hiya, I've been eating low carb recently with guidance from a nutritionist, she recommends I have a small amount of carby food with one meal a day. I have an open diary so feel free to have a look!
    in Low carb Comment by jascakes July 2015
  • I feel the same. I haven't found a way to feel better yet either. :(
  • Thanks for your thoughts and kind wishes everyone! I don't know if i can change my doctor, as there is only the one nhs surgery in the villiage, but i'll try or perhaps try again and ask specifically for some tests with the same doctor. Maybe I'll save up for a nutritionist or dietian or some personal training sessions.…
  • I'm 25, 5'6" and currently 79.5 kg
  • As I said, I've been feeling discouraged with MFP. I haven't logged food for about a month, but I have still been measuring without using the app. Which is why I posted in the "motivation and support" area, and not the "weight loss help" area
  • My other half and I have totally different dietary needs - he needs to eat over 3000 calories a day and is stick thin, whereas I have an allowance of less than half of that! Dinnertime used to be horrible (it still basically sucks) but we have evened it out a bit by him eating more during the day, so he can manage with…
  • I have an open diary too, feel free to look/add. For me, its all about the low cal vegetables and salads as a way of bulking out the meal - brocolli, peas, runner beans, corgette etc etc etc, you can literally have loads of these for very little calorie cost!
  • Hi, hi, I'm a professional Barista here in the UK, and run a training school. I have at least 1 coffee per day, sometimes much more, and I make them at home or at work. Tips for low cal coffee as follows: - Buy good quality coffee that you enjoy the taste of without sweetening. You'll get a fresher taste if you buy beans…
  • When I was at university (UK) I went to the doctor about my extreme low self esteem linked to my weight, and my issues with low mood after exercise. He diagnosed me with depression and sent me to 12 weeks councelling and 12 weeks cbt. Whilst at these sessions, all the councilors wanted to address was -parents divorce -one…
  • I have the opposite problem to you! The end of day message predicts MUCH MORE weight loss than actually happens, so looks like I'll be dieting for the rest of my life too!
  • My goal weight for now is 69kg, as that's the lowest I can remember being as an adult! Currently 78.5kg (and 5'6")
  • And yes, using a digital scale and measuring cup for the liquids.
  • I've set it to public just before I made the post, it might take some time to change the setting? I've got it set for 1200, but actually I'm aiming for anything under 1600pd, normally its between 1300-140cal
  • I'm sorry to hear your news, take care of yourself :) xxx
  • I screwed up yesterday too! :) Bravely put it in my public diary, had a bath, a real good think and a good nights sleep, feeling positive again today! If you feel like breaking away from your food plan/going wild with the girlscout cookies again, or already have, think about other ways you can treat yourself to feel…
  • When i get home from work! I get back about 4pm but my partner doesnt get back till about 6.30, so dinner is at about 7. I start work around 6.30am so its a long day! I end up having a nap or reading to stop myself going for any and all food I can get my hands on, but it's hard.
  • Hello my name is also Jasmine and today I have enjoyed a small chocolate bar that fits into my daily calories! I find allocating a small bit of chocolate during my mid morning coffee break or after dinner, in the form of a fun sized chocolate bar or some chocolate buttons helps to curb my cravings for sweetness. If you…
  • I also gained weight on slimming world, probably because I was already coming from -quite- a healthy diet onto it. When i talked to the group leader about it she said I should stop eating any 'syns' at all. So I quit, because the whole attraction of s/world was that I could have more variation and 'unlimited' food. The…
  • I also would love to wear a swim suit and not feel concious about it... Thats something we've got to work on for ourselves. Its hard, but none of your goals should be for other peoples benefit or to gain their acceptance - it's about helping you to love your own body! But as to the boyfriend side of things, anyone who is…
  • Thank you all so much for your kind suggestions and sharing your thoughts and personal experiences. It's really helped to have some uninvested opinions about this all and it's given me the push i need to move forward with this. I have made an appointment with my GP to discuss everything.
  • Thanks everyone for your compassionate responses! - I saw a doctor at university about these issues, and even had CBT, but both doctors were hesitant to actually focus on the issues i wanted to talk about (eg - emotional response to activity), both doctors just suggested that i exercised more and ate less to achieve a…
  • Hi jemhh, I'm 25 years old, 5ft 6 and 79kg. Sedentry job, so a pretty low resting metabolic rate. I've been gradually reducing calorie intake over the past year or so, starting from around 1800, and trending downward as it doesn't seem to be working (though 4ishkg in a year loss) but i know there could be seperate issues…