julietadimova Member


  • I'm actually finishing a book called Good calories Bad calories. They explain that a calorie carries a specific amount of energy. However, some calories (with higher GI) spike up your insulin and cause you to store more fat, as well as have cravings. So in that sense, there is some differentiation between the calories.…
  • Confession: I've found out that when I weigh myself the scale shows a lower number if I hold onto the wall for balance
  • Sometimes when you're craving chocolate it's your body's way of telling you it needs something. Perhaps you can try some of the solutions in the table before going straight to chocolate?
  • Hey, don't give up, there are so many factors that you can't control which affect weight loss. I know it's disheartening but hold on and results will come. What matters is that you're kind (good :) ) to yourself!
  • Hi, don't beat yourself up over one small slip up. It's a long journey and one that we all need to enjoy (to some extend :) ) I'm adding you! Keep up the motivation!
  • I'm also guilty of keeping one of those cupboards. I find it easier not to stock it rather than resist cravings. Aka exercise restrain when I shop :) Keeping different flavored tea around also helps. For me the problem is when I skip a meal and start getting jittery. I feel as though I need to overeat in order to…
  • Thanks, I think the weekly overview will work best for me. I'll just keep track of the rest in another app, or on paper.
  • This is a very familiar pattern for me as well :( I know how much hurt and self blame is involved. Hang in there and keep trying. Whenever this happens to me I remember the picture of the minor digging for gold who gives up just when he's about to strike gold. It's hard, but keep trying and build your stamina :)
  • Wow, thank you for sharing. You're such an inspiration. It makes me feel like I don't have to hide and hibernate till I lose the weight. I wish I could inspire sb with my own story someday :)
  • Hi, I'm new to fitness pal, but I have experience with emotional eating (unfortunately :( ) I still haven't overcome it, but one of the methods I've found effective for me is taking a shower. It sounds funny but when I feel a binge coming along and is caused by my feeling sad or lonely it really helps. Research shows the…
  • Hi all, I'm Jullie, from Bulgaria. In the last year I gained 20 pounds and I've been struggling with emotional eating. I hope I can take off the weight once and for all (there have been lots of ups and downs) and to put the issues behind me. If I can take of as much as 28 ponds that'll be great as well :) I hope I can…