JordanRay21 Member


  • There are people out there that love people for who they are on the inside. For those who do not. Shame on their shallow character. I have a few co workers that paid me no mind until I started loosing weight. I have no interest in them as a friend and I told them exactly why. Their excuse - none. Love yourself and I always…
  • Always always would lie to have more MFP friends! I used the app never really notice how large the community really was! I want to turn a new leaf get more people in my life that care about themselves. Add me!
  • Older pictures I was 200+ lbs. Now I weigh in a 155. 5 lbs from my goal. When I reach goal I will celebrate a tad a readjust to 140 lbs give or take if muscle tone is dominant in my physical appearance. =) And to everyone who has posted their progress photos you ALL LOOK AMAZING! GREAT JOB!
  • My mom so did that when I was younger!
  • It depends on how you want them. With one leaf of cabbage that is about 1-1.6 oz. Then I portion my meat into 4oz servings. I calculate it by individual product so with the way I portion things out it comes to roughly 60 cal.
  • I will be here to help you the best I can feel free to add me if you would like=)
  • There are many routes and plans you can take on. Find what suites you. Just remember a positive attitude will make the world of difference in your results!
  • The moment I open my eyes I take my morning bathroom trip and weight myself after that with no clothes. I refuse to weigh myself any more than that. False readings in my opinion.
  • It's okay we all cave in every now and then. It's a process. Don't let one ""mistake"" ruin your day. The stomach ache is never fun but don't let your spirits go down! We all (including myself) have done that plenty of times. Tomorrow is a new day just remember that =)
  • I started at 200+ lbs. My goal weight was 150 lbs. I am 5 lbs away and you know what....I am now shooting for 140 lbs.
  • That must make it extremely difficult. Similar story in my case but reversed roles. I wanted to jump on the healthy track. It was not her lack of support but unhealthy habits that made me cave. But through my change I have created a change for her. And perhaps you can do the same for him as well. Don't lose faith. Welcome…
  • I admire you for you will power and motivation. If there is anything I can help you with feel free to ask. =) You can do it! You have great motivation in your home!
    in Hey Comment by JordanRay21 March 2015
  • Sent you a request!
  • Welcome to MFP both of you! Add me if you would like.
  • Quite a while. I'll make a big enough batch to fill a empty jar that use to have store bought Jam in it. The longest I have had it last is a month (My girl and I eat it all before it has had a chance to go bad). =)
  • Sent a request!
  • Hello Sherry! So proud you have made the decision to start your journey! I found MFP to be a great help in my jouney. I will be here to support you where ever you need it!
  • Yes Kathy it has been a huge huge help. It was hard at first but seeing results kept me going. And definitely placing positive people around you helps as well. I spend a majority of my time at work and being surrounded by coworkers that eat out all the time and don't care is hard.
    in Hello Comment by JordanRay21 March 2015
  • I follow a specific diet. I do a 21 day round of the Omni diet. I have tried other diets and failed. Not saying the diet was wrong but my results few small if any at all and that made my will power weak. The first time I was on the Omni diet I lost weight fast and saw results..BUT it was a HUGE and I mean HUGE eye opener…
  • Welcome Patty! I as well have had difficulties with my weight. One bit of advice (that personally helped me when I realized the importance)...... The one key to it all that not many speak of is your WILL POWER! That alone will let you accomplish anything in life even weight loss. =)