HillOE Member


  • I'd say you're probably doing more than a light effort in a spinning class, I know my spinning/yoga class has no cool down after the spin (that's what yoga is for), so other than a high revolution easy spin 5 min warm up we're going the entire way. I love spinning with yoga after - it's a great combo. Glad you're happy…
  • "Trust the training. It will get you there." This and be aware that more isn't really more. You can over train, so do take the training plan you are using to heart, if it says do X miles don't do X plus another Y because you can. If the workouts are feeling too easy, than perhaps that plan isn't the right plan for you.…
  • Update? DNF is Did Not Fail and is always better than DNS. I hope it went better than you expected.
  • Another B2B'er - just the aqua velo. I like that race (I've done the half), it's decent for family and friends to watch. and not get bored. I'm just doing aqua velos this year, next year I'll master speed walking and do another IM (IMMD), my running days are done, but I'm not out. So this year I've got (aqua velos for…
  • Going to agree with ninerbuff, on the cons. I'm a swimmer, but the prep time is a lot longer than getting on my bike or go for a run or just a walk. So I'm a swimming who hates swimming. When I go it takes about a mile before I am really OK with the back and forth boredom. I grew up swimming and near the water, when I…
  • I just volunteered at an open water clinic this weekend. The instructor (who is an open water swimmer, I don't think he actual does any pool coaching, only open water stuff) had some great tips. The three I came away with this weekend were: 1) get your face wet first - if the water is colder than what you're expecting, the…
  • I am rolling my eyes (humor) at the "real" comment. If you are trying at any sport than you are a "real" whatever that may be. I've been swimming on and off competitively for 35+ years and still lose track of laps. I have the 910 and the 310 (both xt). The 910 will be accurate to a couple of meters (on preset settings, but…
  • Nothing other than skunks and an occasional deer. What about a bear bell?
  • You've made your choice, but if you get the suit and don't like it, I'd rent one for the day. Yeah, spending money for a rental, but if you're not going to get use out of it (as in you hate the sport) the rental is worth it. There are a few on line rental options and I would imagine that there is at least 1 tri store or…
  • I vol'ed at IM Canada when it was in Penticton, it's now a Challenge Penticton - wouldn't mind doing that one. hilly. I believe that with the Challenge group they have aqua velo as an option. I've been sidelined from running, so having an aqua velo is a nice option rather than having to add in speed walking training. I…
    in Triathlon Comment by HillOE April 2015
  • I've done it twice. It's a great marathon, loads of spectators for pretty much the entire course. They changed it up 2 years ago, my first time (2012) it was easy to "chunk" the race into a bunch of 10ks - each with it's own little "gotcha" hill or technical challenge. Last year was OK, I didn't feel like it was as well…
  • I think there are a few options and a lot of questions. How old are your kids? Do they need to be pulled or can they ride on the bike? I see a lot of modified bikes with "baskets" that hold kids on the bike (both front and back...they kinda look like a delivery bike), then you have all the tow trailers that are on the…
  • Swimoutlet.com, they have every style, shape, brand and size. Def. a 1 piece, speedo is fine, TYR is good, I love Uglies (but not sure on their sizing) and Splish (run super duper small....grrr). Lands End will get you a solid no slip type of suit, Athleta makes great stay in place suits too, but I'm not loving the prices…
  • threshold test last night on the trainer - 16 miles.
  • The heavier the bike the harder it will be to move, so keep that in mind when selecting a bike. You don't need carbon, but you don't want a tank either. Get something that fits you, and see if they will custom fit it for you and include that in your purchase. Again, you don't need a super exact fit unless you plan to up…
  • Agree with lahurrah, walking works, unless you're at the point where the bone on bone hurts with walking as well as the impact sports. I have/had the bone on bone issue, myself, and I can walk, but can't run and I can also bike because it's no impact on my knee. You don't need to know how to swim to use the pool. Aqua…
  • Slow start for me too: April 1: 20 km April 5: 26 miles
  • I'm in too! this is my first monthly "challenge". I'm a recovering triathlete and a duathlete with a bike to beach (DC to Ocean City in July, a crit. and Fondo in June and a IM distance du in November). Thanks for the thread. April 1st - 3 mile commute on a Capital BikeShare bike -
  • I love my chariot, but I needed something I could tow on a bike as well as run with. It's a great running stroller for me, big wheels and relatively light weight. I like the fixed wheel and haven't had a problem on curvier paths, lift front wheel, turn as needed. I don't feel like I'm pushing along the extra 30 lbs of…
  • lol, I hope you did find something after this long! I didn't realize the original post was so old. Well, never hurts to bump a post about good fitting bras.
    in Sports Bras Comment by HillOE March 2015
  • 36D - Try the Moving Comfort Fiona or the Lulu Tata Tamer - both come in 36D. The Fiona saw me through a number of long course trialthons - so a long swim and running in a wet (sweaty) bra and still held up the girls 6 hours later without chafe. I did an IM in the tata tamer and that worked well too. Boobs were the first…
    in Sports Bras Comment by HillOE March 2015
  • What I mean is, yes there are pretty sports bras out there, but they aren't designed to be worn solo exclusively. So buy pretty for yourself, but wear it under a tank or a T for your comfort.
    in Sports Bras Comment by HillOE March 2015
  • Non sports bras can be lacey and very pretty, but we're not walking around with a bra alone. If it's super duper hot I may just go with a sportsbra, but 99% of the time it's under something. Lulu tata tamer is a good bra, but also Moving Comfort, CWX and Enell offer GREAT bras for larger breasted women. You don't need to…
    in Sports Bras Comment by HillOE March 2015
  • I like mixing quinoa with pomegranate or chiffonade brussel sprouts and some bacon and mix it in with quinoa, that's also yummy. I had quinoa porridge with vanilla the other day, that was interesting and a new way to eat it, filling. There are a ton of recipes for the first two suggestions, I haven't looked for the…
  • I had to give up running, combine it with finishing my race season (long course tri), switching to a desk job and winter I can relate to adding a few extra pounds. Not going to repeat what others have said, I agree with it. Try other exercises if they don't bother you: spinning if cold, bike outdoors if nicer, aqua jog (if…
  • Oh, I have the monarch, the sage pants look like you get 3 length options in 1 pant. Either way, excellent.
  • Novarra stuff is nice. If you're just looking for a comfortable/breathable pant that can be comfy to cycle in try Prana Sage Convertible Pants. I love them, I had 3 pairs for a job where I had to climb many MANY flights of stairs multiple times a day, they kept me cool in the summer, moisture wicking and washed well and…
  • I've had to sync mine, but mine is a couple of years old and not the top of the line. My husband and I both have garmins so sometimes I pick up his HR monitor rather than mine and have to sync it for it to recognize. It's pretty easy and if you don't have your manual, they are available on line. I do know our polar HR…
  • Are you asking if your time is fast/medium/slow? If you feel like you're getting a good workout in, then you're at a right pace for you. Are you using a GPS to get your distances or actually counting the lap (once up) or length (up and back) in a pool. I know that if I use my old Garmin it gives me a farther distance if I…
  • +1 more for a running store, and not like a big box "sports" store, more along the lines of the local running store. They will get you on a treadmill and watch how you run and then go from there. You don't need to buy from them if the price is out of your budget. Take their advise and then hit up runningwarehouse.com or…