CorinnaShaw Member


  • I've lost weight from keto, calorie restrictions, hclf raw vegan, and paleo. They all work. Just find what you can stick to and if you get bored, switch it up. I was eating plant-based vegan before I got pregnant then I didnt find the diet satisfying and I felt nauseous. I'm currently doing the 21 day fix and I'm enjoying…
  • I do one or two beachbody power half hour with Tony Horton videos a day. I modify it when I cant push through the regular moves. It's helped me dramatically with several problems that my pregnancy negatively affected.
  • Yup. Found out on easter sunday. I'm due december 25th and it's a boy. I should probably just name him Jesus Christ. Hahaha
  • I have noticed I've been drinking a crap-ton of crystal light since I got pregnant. It's just so much more refreshing than plain water. I crave flavored drinks right now.
  • I definitely need to find some healthier starches. I'm trying to limit myself to no more 1 cup worth of starches a day, but everything I am eating is still white. I think I'll try the fruit and veggie thing first though. Haha
  • I'm currently pregnant and this has been my best friend. I found out by using this that I was eating over 4000 calories a day. I would say that before you put ANYTHING in your mouth, enter it into hear and check out the nutritional value. Doing that has discouraged me from eating pizza on more than one occasion along with…
  • I do the protein shake because I can't eat solid food when I first wake up. Even if it's like eggs, it will still raise my bloodsugars and keep them up all day. I find I need to wait at least two hours after waking up before I can eat. The protein shakes are helping me to get something in the morning that isn't just water.…
  • I have a protein shake every day. Maybe I will try two. I love my starches so that's gonna be tough but I can try. Haha! I'm also taking prenatal 1 a day for women. Is there a better vitamin you would recommend?
  • I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant (unplanned) and have a whole host of health problems that were made worse because the pregnancy revved up my appetite to terrifying proportions and I gained 20 before my first trimester was even up. I think I would have rather taken the morning sickness. Haha! Anyway, my dr put me on a diet…
  • I should also say, my blood sugars have improved dramatically while doing this. I don't know what to do because I'm doing so good and I don't want ruin it, but I'm always hungry.
  • Between 1200-1400 a day. My doctor is happy with me, but I'm hungry. Before he put me on a diet, I found out I was eating 4000-5000 calories a day and I was still hungry. The hunger just never stops. That's why I gained 20 pounds overnight.
  • I started a raw vegan diet for Lent and since then, I have lost 12 pounds, cut my insulin intake in more than half (I'm a type 1 diabetic), my sugars are near perfect, and I have experienced a dramatic increase in energy. I also noticed old cuts and bruises healing, my skin is less dry, and my hair stopped falling out. I'm…
  • Yes, they are fine. In many cases, frozen can be better than raw because (unless you live on a farm that produces food 365 days a year) the raw food you get in the store is not picked ripe. It is picked prematurely and ripens on the truck. It's missing a LOT of nutrients. Frozen is plucked ripe and frozen instantly so it…
  • Love it. I never would have thought to make bp hot chocolate before. :)
  • You just became my hero. I must try this. O_O
  • He spent 40 days in the desert fasting. That is what we imitate during lent.
  • So should we remove any topics posted by low carbers because it is not relevant to a low fat dieter? Or vice versa? Should we remove any topic posted about diabetes because it isn't relevant to people who don't have the disease? Here is an idea, if the topic is not relevant to you, then DON'T bother reading it and stop…
  • On regulars Friday's during lent you are. Good Friday (the Friday before Easter) is a fasting day though. I think Ash Wednesday is also a fasting day but I am not sure.
  • Damn. I completely forgot about that and I have a date today too. :/ umm... I guess I will probably just have a salad.
  • I don't know how well I trust Dr. Oz. He always has these weird weight loss supplements on there. I know he is not directly endorsing their use but he lets people come on who praise them as if they are holy grails without much (if any) critique.
  • I might. This is a weird craving to have.
  • Well, like I said before, it started with my endocrinologist telling me to abstain from breakfast and just kind of spiraled from there. I feel good and my BG is regulated. My doctor is happy with me too so I figure why change course?
  • I never said my sugars were tested only when I saw a doc so I am not sure how you got that impression. I have a meter and I already said in a previous comment that I test 3-6 times a day.
  • What do you mean?
  • A simple Google search for Paleo recipes will bring up a ton of results. Just type Paleo and the main ingredient you want to use "Paleo chicken breast recipes" for example. Also, the app Paleo Nom Nom s great. My favorite recipe Bistro Chicken is from that site.
  • You just became my hero. I must try this. O_O
  • I put cocoa in my coffee with some coconut oil and blend it till its frothy. As for potato chips. Do homemade kale chips. They are easy to make and you can't taste much difference if at all.
  • I am catholic. O.O Hahahahahaha
  • No diet protocol is advised for anyone who isn't already in great health without a doctor's supervision. I cut out breakfast on my endocrinologist's requests when he was reading my food journals and saw that my BG always went up after breakfast with no common factors other than the fact that I was eating at all. He said…