Pregnancy health

So I am currently 13 weeks pregnant. I gained almost 20 pounds since becoming pregnant. It had a HUGE impact on my A1C (type 1 diabetic here). I jumped from 138 to 155. My doctor freaked out and said this could cause all kinds of complications for me and the baby on top of the possibility of birth defects. He ordered me to lose weight so I started doing the beachbody power half hour videos and (trying) to do the 21 day fix diet. I've lost a little weight, but it's been slow and I am perpetually hungry. What can I do to beat the insane pregnancy hunger? Please and thank you.


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    How many calories are you set at, and how many are you eating a day?
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    Between 1200-1400 a day. My doctor is happy with me, but I'm hungry. Before he put me on a diet, I found out I was eating 4000-5000 calories a day and I was still hungry. The hunger just never stops. That's why I gained 20 pounds overnight.
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    I should also say, my blood sugars have improved dramatically while doing this. I don't know what to do because I'm doing so good and I don't want ruin it, but I'm always hungry.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    That's good about your blood sugars (pre-diabetic myself, so trying to fix that also). The only thing I could think of is either trying to find some sort of meal options that would keep you filling fuller longer (I think protein is usually the aspect that helps with that) that also isn't high in calories. Or perhaps pushing the matter with your doctor and see if a.)there's a reason for it and b.)what can be done.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    Try foods that are really low on calories per mass. Such as raw carrots, watermelon, celery sticks, cauliflower and broccoli, green beans, strawberries (btw, strawberries are high on iron *and* folic acid which are very important during pregnancy. Unless you're allergic to them, you can eat pretty much endless amount of strawberries so long as you eat them plain, no whipped cream or anything on top), tomatoes, cucumber. My personal favourite, especially in the summer months are raw carrots - you can literally fill up on carrots without going even near your calorie limit, which in turn means that you can then afford to have a little treat.

    Ask your doctor if your prenatal vitamins are ok - I found that switching vitamins made a pretty big difference in how I felt overall and what my appetite was like back when I was pregnant.
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    I have a protein shake every day. Maybe I will try two. I love my starches so that's gonna be tough but I can try. Haha! I'm also taking prenatal 1 a day for women. Is there a better vitamin you would recommend?
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    I don't know what's available over there (I'm in the Netherlands) - so I'd say ask around. Your doctor may come with a good suggestion, especially taking into account your diabetes.

    Again, it's very personal so in the end you gotta do what works for you! But I'd say skip the shake. Drink water instead and eat the calories you would drink with the shake. Just, psychologically, it works a little better: your body goes: she's drinking, oh look, the belly is almost full! And now she's chewing, there's solids - ok, good!
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    I do the protein shake because I can't eat solid food when I first wake up. Even if it's like eggs, it will still raise my bloodsugars and keep them up all day. I find I need to wait at least two hours after waking up before I can eat. The protein shakes are helping me to get something in the morning that isn't just water. :/
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    oh man, that must suck!

    I'm not much of a breakfast person myself, kind of had to force myself to eat something because it helped with the morning sickness.

    you mentioned starches... how about rice crackers as a substitute for some of the starches? A rice cracker with Philadelphia cheese and cucumber/tomato, some salt and pepper... yum!
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    I definitely need to find some healthier starches. I'm trying to limit myself to no more 1 cup worth of starches a day, but everything I am eating is still white. I think I'll try the fruit and veggie thing first though. Haha
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    You might be thirsty more than hungry. I know when I was pregnant, I drank a gallon a day of water. I'd add a bit of cranberry juice to the water as I hate the taste of plain water. It is good for the baby too as every few hrs your body has to replace the amniotic fluid around the baby.
  • CorinnaShaw
    CorinnaShaw Posts: 136 Member
    I have noticed I've been drinking a crap-ton of crystal light since I got pregnant. It's just so much more refreshing than plain water. I crave flavored drinks right now.