PasPlus Member


  • Did you also add or increase Peanuts or Dairy - or something else you have an intolerance to? Cleans out my plumbing every time :-)
  • I usually decide what the biggest temptation(s) might be - and offer the host to take it as my contribution to the feast. Then I use low carb magic to make sure that I can eat it and no one will know I am depriving them of their carbage. Genuis eh?
  • Some good ideas :) Has anyone used a stability ball or similar and noticed a difference in mid section tone? I always use the stairs though I only need two flights at most each time, but it's better than nothing. Loved the coffee = bathroom concept - so very true. Another great reason to drink coffee. I force myself to…
  • Started on Aug 1st but posting late sorry. So far so good though :-) What is your current exercise level/program? Busy life and sawing wood by hand for the fire each night. What are the specifics of your challenge for the week/month? 30 minutes exercise - treadmill and weights each night plus 10,000 steps per day minimum.…
  • Are you going to eat that butter or can I have it? Yes, I drank the cream! and your problem is? What do you mean you washed the fry pan because it had bacon grease in it? What were you thinking? How can you eat all that salad with no dressing and expect to stay thin? Fat is friend and food.
  • I usually take the option of an apartment or hotel room with a kitchenette and go to the local markets for great fresh meat and leafy greens when in Asia for any length of time. Also, remember the Chinese food in China is not the same as Chinese food in the US or other western countries. They generally add less sugar for…
  • Toadqueen - I don't want to hijack but... Should we have a new thread for each 'adventure' as we are trying to achieve/monitor two quite different things?
  • Active August adventures - try a workout routine/piece of apparatus/video/class etc. etc. that you haven't tried before. I am in for this.
  • ... you always have enough energy to run down the street but no longer need 'granny naps'. ... you know the fat and carb content of every product in the supermarket...but have to keep it to yourself ;-) ... just the smell of a bakery as you walk past makes you feel nausea.
  • Thanks for the Phinney publication link. The suggestion (in very base terms) is that the elevation could be due to the loss/mobilisation of my own fat out of adipose tissue!!! Didn't think I had enough fat at that time to raise by so much ;-P Very logical really. I will continue reading but I am so back to hard core in…
  • Thanks all - I am hearing, keep on keeping on :-) My GP actually supported the diet - it's his gatekeepers that gave me grief - and the standard, automated response to the numbers. I have never been obese although have lost a lot of weight and have the suggested minerals covered - I am definitely an eyes wide open person…
  • Let me start by wishing your mother a healthy future. The 'letter' sounds like a long list of 'things to do' and, to me, makes the change sound like something quite difficult. I am sure your mother knows you care but do emphasise this in the letter. I don't know the personalities involved but she needs to know that you are…
  • SazzySuze - just had a peek at your diary and noticed a pattern. You tend to frequently go high on protein and low on fat. For some this is a problem. Could you maybe try to reset the balance there - maybe add some meat with a little more fat on or just reduce the protein somehow and maintain fat. Just an idea - good luck.
  • Yes - there is such a thing as too much :s Not nice to start the day with a mouthful of bitter sludge. As a first step to pure cocoa for my children - I cut normal cadbury style powder with 50% pure cocoa and now we are cutting 75% cocoa into the tub before use. Cuts the sugar significantly and also reduces the price per…
  • All of the above plus - can I also suggest - add 1/4 cup ground flax meal (also adds fibre) or a couple of tbsp of your favorite nut butter or replace half the flour with LSA. Coconut flour can be tricky and is more likely to make a crumbly result than denser - in my experience.
  • I have been VLC (0-10g) for some time so do not get the side effects some of you mentioned - possibly a 'welcome to ketosis' moment - drink lots of water and don't avoid the good salt. I very reluctantly had to stop the meatavore challenge as my appetite dropped to nothing and I could not eat without forcing myself and…
  • I only use cast iron - better than the gym :D The chicken mince crust is an awesome pastry replacement in general - makes a great quiche.
  • Glad to see so many chocolate fans - and good chocolate too :) Hot chocolate made with water and pure cocoa and maybe a TBS of HWC - Yes! almost a daily treat. Why not BP Choc? Contrary to the urban myths, we do not have to miss out because we are LC. Please remember to post carb and fat levels for products if you can. My…
  • Thank you all for your support. I have given up on the May meatavore challenge and forced down 40g of almonds last night even though I really didn't feel like eating (mindless bowl to mouth eating in front of the TV worked). I did however make it just over 500 calories (& only 6 carbs!) :) nothing really to brag about but…
  • Thank you all so much for the amazing support you have shown to someone you don't even know. I am not an unintelligent person and am worried, although I have to keep saying - I feel great. Your comments put paid to the May challenge I think. Sometimes I guess the obvious needs to be shouted in your face. I have made an…
  • It has been under 500 calories on average for the past almost 5 weeks now, except for my blow out week last week. I do not choose to eat so little but don't really want to change too much either - too many health benefits. I am somehow not wasting away which is good but I am not sure I can stabilise. When I go 'home' I…
  • I get stomach cramps rather than bloating from most fruits (& high sugar foods) sadly - especially stone fruits, apples, pears & melons. You are correct in your suggestion - worst effects are from grains and starches and my small amounts of carb are from leafy vegies and sometimes eggs but I do worry about eating sugary…
  • I take magnesuim supplements and the cravings magically go away. I do love a bit of 85+% dark chocolate from time to time though.
  • The first couple of weeks may be really hard as you adapt but you will adapt - if you want it enough. Try not going cold turkey - give up anything with sugar in it first then cut the grains (substitute), then the starchy vegies (again substitute). Take a week to adapt to each and gradually bring your carbs down. Also learn…