justvclark Member


  • For what it's worth, I haven't been walking outside lately either. I live in Minnesota, and it's been below 0 degrees F pretty consistently lately. Instead, I've been using my 9-year old's Just Dance video game for the past week or so. I'm hooked! Just do what you have to do to get moving. Do you have music that you like?…
  • I love walking, but usually only outside. I feel better when I do it, and there are fun things like walking marathons for National Trail Day that you can work up to doing if you need the motivation. I did one several years ago and lost 25 lbs working up to the stamina I needed for that day. Just make sure you have good,…
  • I'll send you a friend request. My main concern is staying active in winter more than cutting calories. It will be nice to get support from other Minnesotans trying to stay active in the same weather.
  • That would be good, but I'm holding out for teleportation.
  • I just want to be done with my master's degree. Since I'm only 2/3 of the way there, I would settle for a piece of Guinness chocolate cake and a nap.
  • I recently had a horrible fever and sore throat and couldn't do much for several days. Diet was pretty much whatever I could actually swallow. By the end of those few days indoors, I was so stir crazy and ready to get outside that getting back into the swing wasn't an issue. You might find that you're really excited about…
  • I had the same reaction, except that my kiddo is 9, and the memories of that age are becoming more and more distant. What I *do* remember is that I lost a lot of weight when my son was 3, and a lot of it was just from playing with my kid (and there was only one of him!). I can imagine that being responsible for 22 3-year…
  • I'm definitely interested in hearing recipe suggestions too. My son and I have just been watching label, but we don't have any favorite recipes yet. Good luck!
  • That's exactly the diet my mom is on for congestive heart failure. She has to do fewer than 600 mg of sodium person day, and she's been doing a diabetic diet to lose weight and put less pressure on her knees. She's been pretty successful with both, although she's had to make a lot of things from scratch to avoid huge…
  • Me! My son and I moved here from WI for me to finish my undergraduate at the U of M, and I stayed here for my M.Ed. My biggest challenge is exercising year-round. I used to work at a company that had an exercise studio and instructors who came in during lunch breaks. That's pretty much as convenient and inexpensive as it…
  • For me, it has to be something I like doing or else I feel like I'm wasting time even if I'm working toward a goal (I know...it's not a waste if the goal is important to you, it's just a personal mental block that's hard for me to get over). I'm about to enter a really challenging time of year because two of my favorite…
  • I do a lot of cold oats and coffee. You use equal parts milk and oats, add toppings, and keep in the fridge for 8 or more hours. I like them for busy weeks when I just have to grab something from the fridge and go. My favorite is cocoa, pb2, and banana. I add 1/2 tsp sugar, but I don't know if it would be necessary if I…
  • For me, it's going to mean not logging anything, eating what I want, and not feeling guilty about it. Some people might still log everything, but that's not really for me.
  • I don't necessarily want to focus on losing weight, but I wanted to eat better and exercise for a few reasons...my son told me that he needs me to stay in shape so that he can climb a mountain with me someday. I can't really say no to that, right? Also, heart disease runs in my family. As for losing weight, I like vintage…
  • Yup, I plan on staying logged out that day and starting over the next day without thinking about it too much. Have you done cheat days before? Do they throw you off a lot or are you able to pick up easily the next day? It probably depends on what you need for yourself. Are there certain things you really like? Things you…
  • I use that one too. I originally got it because it was the Boba Fett creamer in the Star Wars creamers (yes, I'm weak...don't judge me), but I ended up liking it and kept buying it. So much for sticking to black coffee.
  • I'm not cutting out sugar, but I am trying to reduce my family's sugar intake from the current level. Let me know if you find any recipes you really like. I found a copy of this book at my local library by searching their website. I'm sure other libraries have copies too. Just an idea for anyone looking to borrow rather…
  • Put it in a smoothie? That's the only time I don't notice the sour taste. Just some fruit, milk, yogurt, and ice. I don't mind it as much when I eat my son's Simply Gogurt tubes (not the regular kind, but the kind without artificial flavors or corn syrup) as much either.
  • Turkish lamb doner with super garlic-y yogurt sauce and fries. That's not 3000, but it's one of my favorite splurges.
  • I'm okay with salad, but it's never my number one choice. Here are a few of my "go to" recipes. Minestrone: I make minestrone using onions, carrots, garlic, tomatoes, zucchini, spinach, wax beans, navy beans, brown rice (just make sure you have enough liquid in the soup to cook it), and low-sodium chicken broth. The…
  • Yup, I use it in my cold oats with unsweetened cocoa powder and half a banana.
  • Chicken sauteed with Penzey's tandoori spices, garlic and olive oil roasted cauliflower, and rice.
  • Hard to go wrong with Daft Punk's "Technologic." I'm also going to try the "Zombies, run!" app to see if that helps and can report back after my first run with it tomorrow.
  • Hi, Liz and everyone! My name is Justine, and I'm a full time student, part time worker, and mom of an 8-year old boy. My current weight is 179, and my ideal weight is a muscle-y 145-150. I used to do several bootcamp classes a week through the exercise program at my old job. It was so convenient, and I miss having people…