No dp so no celeb
Love your hairstyle
My crush is on my fl :)
Ok thank you jrline & yes u r right
M just trying to find out right program which will benifit me max fat loss with the right investment of time & workout effort. Right now m doing HIVT with low carb diet
Jrline m doing HIVT
German Intense Training
I think it is HIVT or HIT or GIT according to my little knowledge.
Yes me too
Umm I think Gov Service? Or Teacher
I think home. It is safe, relaxing and coolest place for our 1st date. You can cook whatever u like, put music on & dance like u want.....
kindly join my new group Diet & Exercise-A Healthy Lifestyle
kindly join my new group Diet & Exercise-A Healthy Lifestyle
kindly join my new group Diet & Exercise-A Healthy Lifestyle
@JSurita2 cool friends means people whobare talkative, open minded, no politics in friendship, who are supportive
Yup I am from India
OK ty all for your help & will now mix cardio+strength training
Yes lifting heavy weights
Cross trainer @ slow speed :P
Ok ty @mrsfitzyv8
@mrsfitzyv8 reason to drink more water is it helps you to remove toxins from your body as u pee more when drink more water & water is 0 calorie drink so ur diet is also maintained & u, ur skin gets healthy.
TY sir @yogicarl and yup following ketogenic diet
Lost 2 inches at waist and belly, fat around throat too
@yogicarl sir aiming for fat loss