jeepinshawn Member


  • The walking calories on my fitbit were way way off. Just walking around at a normal pace doesn't burn many calories.
  • I find that if I am doing an easy run in the evening I can do a decent bit of strength training. However, the other day I did a challenging kettle bell class, and that evening I went on 5 mile fast paced run, and it blew up in my face. The kettlebell class was definitely detrimental to my running performance, and in fact…
  • Half marathon for me. I ran a half on new years day and had planned to run a full in may, but I just couldn't make the time for the longer runs required int he marathon training. So Im doing 10ks and halfs this summer. Much easier to maintain those distances and not kill a complete day off with running and the tiredness…
  • When I had a fitbit this happened pretty frequently. I tried not to update either app ever if they were stable, thats the only way it seemed to stay working. Everytime I updated one app or the other they would stop syncing and it became a chore to get them working again. Don't have this problem with my garmin...
  • I have found treadmills to be really inaccurate as far as distance and speed go, so I wouldn't trust them. I think that for running heart rate is a fairly important indicator of how hard you are working and how many calories you are burning. I trust my garmin vivofit HR calorie burns, they are much more conservative then…
  • Depending on how you fueled during the race and post race snacks, you could have easily eaten everything you burned. I remember seeing that big burn after my first half, then watching the deficit go down after I logged some post race beer and the gummies from the refuel station. That said I tend to hold onto water after…
  • The closet you you get to a healthy bmi the slower and less predictable your weight loss will be. Last year when I was losing I got sick at 171 and fluctuated between 169 and 172 for like a month then all of a sudden one day whoosh I dropped to 168 a few days later it was 167 and a few weeks later I hit 165. I put on 15lbs…
  • It is very easy for inaccurate logging to eat up the deficit of the.5 lb option, so I usually recommend the 1lb at a minimum.
  • I have struggled with lifting and running for the better part of a year. I ran 6 miles a day 3 days a week, then on opposite days I lifted hard, and took one day off. I managed it OK for a few months then time away from my 4 kids and wife, plus school and work combined to make me feel to guilty. So I started running in the…
  • I think that health related discussions are done, and so are ones that revolve around drastic changes. I went from from being super over weight when we got married to reasonably fit. I lost 120lbs. My wife doesn't seem to care one way or the other, odd.
  • Habits are a mental process, at least mostly. We get in the habit of eating to much, mfp is a tool that we can use to break old habits and help us hopefully establish new habits. Our old habits are taken from the culture we are surrounded by as children. That's why people often revert back, they don't Change there…
  • The Op is probably thinking they had there Rmr tested and is slightly confused.
  • My experience with fitbit wasn't great. I had the charge and the charge hr. I went through 5 trackers in two years. I had lots of sync issues with MFP, all 5 missed a good deal of steps around the house, and it didn't non step based exercise well, such as the elliptical, and it wasn't water proof. It has a large user base…
  • Prison and Boot camp are more or less restricted settings where the people don't get a whole lot of choices.
  • How tall are you?
  • I don't think it is as simple as just eating 3500 calories over in a month because I think the body can spin off excess calories occasionally. I also don't know very many people who eat eat exactly at maintenance every single day, some days you likely go over and somedays you likely go under. The day after a heavy binge…
  • Total weight loss 120lbs How long did it take you to lose the weight? about 1 year What method did you use to lose the weight? Just stuck it out with MFP, ignored the exercise calories mostly, logged, often times weighed my food, walked for exercise mostly How long are you in maintenance? about a year How do you deal with…
  • Continue to work on losing weight, the lighter you are the easier running can be. Run slower if you need to, your pace will improve slowly over time.
  • So are you doing this for a specific athletic look or for health or??? If you want a a certain look like a V shaped torso try doing a superset, I found this routine online : set timer for 4 mins this is a 5set routine set your weights up in advance. Deadlift 5reps, incline bench press with dumbells 8 to 12 reps, pull ups 6…
  • My opinion is it is 90% mental and 10% physical. Only because there is a physical need to eat, and it takes a long time and a lot of getting used to for your body to get used to not needing the calories that it once did.
  • obviously is accurate, I'm just a bit jelly!
  • In my experience the fitbit calorie burns ended up wildly inaccurate, and I went through 5 of them in 2 years, bands kept breaking. I have had a Garmin vivofit hr for a week or so now and it's burns appear to be more realistic. Unless you have a heart condition though keep in mind that the hr function is just a toy, and…
  • Wow that's a big tdee for a person your size. I'm a male 5'9" 174 ish pounds and my tdee sedentary days is 2150. On days when I'm walking and active at work it bumps up to 2400 or so.
  • For some we have to really pay attention. Some people can be successful with a over today under tomorrow approach, others need to eat the same every day. Some people can stop logging others still need to. My experience is that as long as I have the accountability of logging I can do all right. Without that I tended to over…
  • I did a bulk over the winter, my first one, and gained 10lbs or so, and just this month started cutting. I lost interest in body building and want to ruin and just be overall athletic. So I'm on about a 500-750 calorie cut. Some days more some days less depending upon activities levels. Logging again had been harder then I…
  • I'm fairly happy with the way I look now until I put on some swim trunks. Then my empty saggy man boobs and loose tummy skin are visible. Nothing u can do but accept the loose skin, go back to being fat, or very the surgery. Sometimes when I am down I feel like with the loose skin I may as well be fat again. Then I look at…
  • I was very fat all through school, in fact by senior year I was 5'9" and around 250lbs. I never had a person tell me about portion control or size, and sugary snacks were always available. Both parents worked so I was on my own till dinner time. I really wish someone would have taught me the things you're doing for your…
  • I think I commented earlier in this post but I feel the same way. I also believe the calorie burn is much more accurate. My fitbit charge HR regularly had me burning 3000 calories a day+ the Garmin has me avg about 2200-2400. Which lines up more with my weightloss when I track. I can also say I went through 5 fitbits in 2…
  • I wore a fitbit charge for awhile, then I got one with the HR, both gave me a TDEE that ended up gaining weight when I went by it. I never could get a fitbit charge to last longer then 6 months so after the last one broke I bought a Garmin vivofit HR, the TDEE it gives is an avg of 500 calories or so less then the fitbit…
  • Idk I think it is all in how you are raised. If you are raised to put a lot of emotion and or are rewarded for doing well at something with special treats, as an adult you will continue to seek solace or emotional satisfaction out of those same treats. Now though as an adult you don't have mom and dad their giving them out…