Kelleygirl79 Member


  • Elliptical Kettlebells up to 24kg Handweights up to 15lbs A wide assortment of workout DVDs + step (girly stuff but they are fun sometimes!) I don't have alot of stuff but I really use what I have! Trail running is the core of my workout life.
  • I worked as a software trainer for many years, working from home when I wasn't on the road. I easily spent 10 hours a day in my chair and on the phone. When I finally invested in a standup (Varidesk48) after several years of neckpain, it CHANGED MY LIFE! I felt 100% better. I was clearer in my thinking, stronger in my…
  • Was thinking of this thread this past weekend. A friend broke her streak of "no falls while trail running" by hitting a root and taking 10 stitches in her knee. The risk is real. [/quote] I'll say the risk is real! It was misty and a bit soggy on my run yesterday. I was crossing a creek and the flat rocks are slippery as…
  • Yes to the trail running! I started out hiking the bike trails (in the Ozarks) with my dog but then I thought "hmm, maybe I can speed this up!" One year later I run extremely rough 5+ miles 3-4x per week. It takes about an hour+15 min. I'm 58. I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
  • I COMPLETELY agree OP! I am now beginning my 5th summer of maintenance. I'm up a few lbs. right now but we schedule all-inclusive vacays 3 times a year, next one is in 6 weeks and I get back to fighting weight every time, before we go. So I can wear my cute bikinis and dresses. haha And while we're there? (Mexico) the…
  • This is super-petty. My SIL has a sister (Linda) that she treats like a goddess, like she's the smartest lady in the land. It hurts my feelings that my SIL treats me like a second-class citizen. Linda is obese b*tchy, judgemental, lazy and all-round not a nice person. So we (Linda & I) coincidentally started a "counting…
  • I can relate! I had 50 lbs to lose when I turned 50. But I wasn't able to pull myself together until I was 52. It took 7 months to reach goal. I've kept it off for 4 years now. I've never been able to do that before in my life! I guess I finally grew up and accepted the fact that I really can't eat everything I want, as…
  • If you give up, you'll never succeed. NEVER GIVE UP!
  • Facial comparison after 50 lb. loss (5 years apart).
  • Seared salmon on a bed of rice/quinoa with a reduced soy sauce and steamed broccoli on the side. We have this at least once a week!
  • I'm 5'6" and keep my weight range 150-155 lbs. My body shape is an inverted triangle and I carry most of my weight in my shoulders/upper body. Like I'm a L-XL top and size 8/M bottoms. I'd like to be more like 145 but it's just too hard to maintain! I wouldn't have much food (or drink) fun!! I'm 57 years old so that…
  • One day. That's all. Don't think about tomorrow or beyond. Pick one day, count what goes in your mouth, stick to your calorie deficit and GO TO BED A WINNER. That is all! You'll be so proud to fall asleep thinking "I did it!" Do that again, the next day.
  • The biggest concern with kettlebells is learning the proper form right from the beginning, then building from there. I didn't have a certified trainer nearby so I did the research (and there are ALOT of very poor kettlebell trainers online & DVDs, many that you would THINK they know what they are doing but they don't). I…
  • Hi Sarah - I don't think I've met anyone on MFP that more closely aligns with my experience than you (except I'm much older. I'm 56) Here's why I say that: I am 5'6" with starting weight of 200. I lost 45-50 lbs in 8 months 3 years ago. I keep my maintenance range 150-155. I aim for <1800 calories to maintain and stayed at…
  • OP: Our stats are virtually identical (except I'm 56). I am 5'6" with a SW of 201. I lost weight to my goal range of 150-155 and have been in maintenance for 3 years. Due to excessive travel, excessive fabulous food and lowered motivation because of all the fun -- over the past 8 months I gained back up to 163. After I had…
  • I used to get occasional, painful bloat -- especially after a fatty meal or with red wine. Then it became much more frequent, like after after my quinoa salad at lunch that I eat every single day (alot of fiber). I've finally become desperate because the bloating had become an every day event -- very painful,…
  • I've avoided hunger pangs my WHOLE LIFE. Like I'm sure I'm dying if my stomach growls. No wonder I've battled my weight forever. So when I read "Become friends with hunger every now and then" on the maintenance boards (I wish I could credit whomever said that) it resonated with me and has really helped me!
  • Before: at my 50th birthday party After: I'm 56 (-50 lbs)
  • Take the emotion out of your eating. This is a MATH problem -- do the calculations. Figure out how much (cal) you can eat to lose weight (not how much you CAN'T EAT!) Choose whatever you want to eat (what you LOVE to eat!) Measure it. Log it. When you reach that limit every day, plan what you'll eat tomorrow. When the…
  • Wow! A sincere congratulations!! You look beautiful!
  • Kettlebells. ZERO impact, cardio + strength = full workout. You pretty much stand in one place. You can do them at home (there are some GREAT DVDs to work out to. Or free workouts on You Tube). If you focus, you can get a serious workout in 20 minutes. Takes up very little room in your house. They have as much variety as…
  • These are absolute truths about weight loss that I, too, have learned, applied and embraced over the past couple of years. Well said!!! I know now I will never un-learn these principles no matter how convincing a new study or news story sounds! I have copied the OP post to share with my extended family when (or rather…
  • Never stop trying to meet your calorie goals. You aren't perfect and you'll have days/holidays/events that you will overeat. You just WILL. It's LIFE -- Enjoy those events! The very next meal/day? Meet your goal. Again. Strive to make that goal every single day. Just do it and you will absolutely succeed! This doesn't…
  • I'd like to chime in and say fanncy, you look fantastic!! I, too, will second her ENTIRE WORKOUT and know that it works EXACTLY as she described! I am 55 and I also ditched cardio and work out exclusively with kettlebells. I don't do Stronglifts so I have to check that out! I have lost 52 lbs. I'm almost exactly at the…
  • You look gorgeous!! And I REALLY like your style, you know how to dress YOU! The last dress is adorable....
  • You are a true inspiration!! Congratulations [and thanks]!!
  • I found the most effective advice I got here at MFP was to separate the exercise from the diet. Losing weight starts in the kitchen. You have to eat... planning meals for yourself and your family already. Start measuring and logging your food to hit your daily calorie goals [at a deficit]. Start focusing on your intake and…
  • Nutella. I have eaten full jars (the big one from Sam's) more than once in my past. I can never keep this in my house. Frosting. Homemade, store bought, on cakes or cupcakes. Until I gag from the sugar. Plain ol C&H Dark Brown Sugar straight out of the bag. I have been abusing it of late so currently it's banned from my…